I started this year attempting to play through my backlog. It hasn't been easy, because I've been playing a lot of current games too, and I find my free time to be under more and more constraint. In an effort to speed things up, I turned to FAQs. I used them for a few games, and then when I got to Metroid Prime something told me not to use any guides.
It was the most fun I've had since RE 4 back in January(another game I did FAQ-free).
After finishing Prime, I moved on to the next game in my queue, GTA: San Andreas. I grabbed one of those 100% completion guides and started playing, and the next thing I knew, it really felt like a chore.
I realized that by using a guide, I wasn't really playing the game anymore. It was more of a step-by-step task, and it really drained all enjoyment for me. However, in a game the size of San Andreas, I know that without a guide I'll never get 100%. How do people find 50 oysters, 100 tags, etc., without the use of some external help? Is it OK to cheat for something like this? Personally I need to put the guide down because I want to enjoy the game, and just have to live with the fact that with the amount of other games demanding attention, I'll never be able to put the time in to get 100% on my own. It worked for Prime, and I just watched the good ending on Youtube
Or on the last boss of Rad gravity. Seriously fuck him.
Usually this happens when I've been left without any indication of what to do or where to go next, or I'm confronted with a puzzle/boss fight/task that I can't figure out how to beat.
A good example is in Killer7:
Regarding 100% completion, I tend not to bother, because the tasks required are usually pretty tedious.
Of course, using a cheat against another player is never alright... except maybe once against a friend to blow their mind. ;P
Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
Amazing. I didn't think anyone else played that game. I had a friend in college with an N64, and I used to go up to his room all the time and play Mario 64 and Turok. Those were the only two games he had for the longest time, and once I found all the stars in Mario I had nothing else to do but play Turok.
Totally off-topic, but why are they bringing this series back? Also, I think I still have Valiant comic's Turok #1 somewhere. Is it worth anything?
I like the definition I came across in a magazine, I can't remember which one, but it was a while ago. It was basically "The point at which a game designer has failed is when instead of thinking 'What should I do here?' you start thinking 'What do the designers want me to do here?'"
That's about the point when I reach for the FAQs.
But cheating on the first playthrough? Nevar!
Online cheaters on the other hand! Fuck you twats!
I've resorted to slow-motioning(pausing/unpausing in this case) my way through the final level of Castle Shikigami 2.
Beyond that, I don't even like using strategy guides to get through games any more.
But fuck people cheating online, that's never cool.
So very true. I'm at the point now where I turn to a faq if I'm stumped on a game for more than ten minutes. I simply don't have the time to spend hours wandering around a game looking for what the developers want me to do next. At that point, it's a choice between looking at a guide and not playing the game anymore.
I've looked at guides for the last two games I've played for which a guide would be any help - Super Metroid and Super Paper Mario.
This is a fine time to cheat. if I get backed up on games and have something that has been sitting for a while, I'll sometimes pull out that game I haven't looked at in two or three years (sometimes longer) and enable some cheats just to get through it and see the sights.
I'll sometimes do that on a second playthrough, too, just to goof around with the game and have fun with it.
I also totally agree with what pvx22 said.
People get so mad. How is that not fun?
Better answer: whenever you're playing by yourself. Never in multi.
Most of us have made it to our 6th, 7th, etc birthday. That's how its not fun.
The only thing that threw me off in that game was the candles. I remember reading about how they would have numbers on them before I played the game, so I kept looking around for a way to activate the numbers. On hard mode (mode I started on) there are no numbers and you are supposed to figure out that the rings around the candles represent the order you are to light them.
1: Your playing any sort of cardgame.
2: Your playing with friends.
3: Money is on the line.
You should NOT cheat when:
1: Your playing a singleplayer game of any sort. (Its like cheating at masturbation,pointless)
2: When your playing a multiplayer game online competivley,or with people you dont know well.
3: There's a good chance of getting caught.
Infinite ammo on
They left that in there? How about the item duplication trick?
As for cheating or using guides, like said many a time before. Only when the game becomes tedious, or whenever I've already beat it, and I want to get everything.
:. .:. atomicbirdhouse.com .:. .:
They established different modes of game experience with their cheats, like "Ink Mode" etc...
That made it a bit fun, however "God Mode" and such is whore-ish.
I had to look at a FAQ to find out how to get the good ending.
there's also a code you can put in to get the money shot without a partner.
Unless it adversely affects other human beings. See: Online Games.
Then never.
Variable: Jesus christ man it's too early in the morning for me to be laughing this hard.
All single player campaign is ok to cheat.
Any multiplayer game is NOT ok to cheat in. They ruin it for everyone. Single player? You are just ruining it for yourself.
For example, on a... special CS:S server back in the day, I decided to try a speed hack, just to see how it was. It was horrible. You shoot regular speed(or this one did at least), but you run super fast, so fast that you can't even tell where you're going. I ended up with like a 3-20 kill/death, but the people on the server were having fun killing the super fast target :P
Also, servers in games where everyone hacks(Only mainly seen CS 1.6 servers like that, though), gotta make sure it explicitly says it though.
And sometimes in Co-op games it can be alright, if you're screwing around with your buddy(Open B-net, play with a friend... randomly start dropping godly loot after killing enemies)
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Not if it gets you the actual fun part faster 8-)
Seriously though, ever play any of the X games, like X2: The Threat? I remember getting into arguments on Egosoft's boards with people who demanded that Egosoft take out the SETA drive from the game as it speeds up the game up to 10 times *basically, an ingame speed hack* because the game was 'better' played in real time and should only be allowed that way. They couldn't grasp the concept that if they didn't like it, to just not use it themselves.
I don't know if you've played it, but I don't have that kind of time playing that game in realtime. Hell, travel time alone WITH the time boost can take next to forever. To take it a step further, a money cheat *which I personally don't use* for the beginning of the game isn't a bad idea either as the beginning of the game is SO TEDIOUS and lets you get to the actual fun part.
So single player game cheats definitely have a place, though I agree multiplayer *unless everyone is in on it* should never have cheaters in them.
It is NEVER ok to cheat when you are playing multiplayer.
Thunder Plains, I am looking at you.