Okay, this is probably going to be very, very difficult, since I haven't seen this cartoon since I was maybe six or seven, and therefore only have just a few details to go off of, but here goes:
The plot revolves around a toy bear and his son, who are sewn together. I believe it starts in the toy department of a department store, and that they become separated (by choice, I believe), but end up in a dark, unhappy version of the "Finding Nemo"-style quest to find each other again. I also remember a lot of toys that had been altered or broken in some way, much like the part involving the mismatched and malformed toys in the first Toy Story; this part was pretty horrifying and sad to me. There was a bad guy of some sort, of course, and although I don't remember him/her/it at all, I have the feeling that it was an evil toy, not a person. This cartoon would've been made no later than the mid-80's at the very latest, and possibly much, much earlier. I think there are a couple songs in it, but again, I could be TOTALLY mistaken.
To make matters worse, I'm not entirely sure it was Christmas-related. I do associate it with Christmas in my mind though, and it is about toys, so there's a good chance it is. Feel free to ask me further questions about it, since even if I don't think I can answer them now, the questions themselves might jog my memory.
Thanks in advance, H/A.
http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0140605/ ?
http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0108920/ ?
I love how it specifically says "Many Generation X Americans recall watching the animated film on television in the late 1970s or the early 1980s and being amazed. However, critics panned the film for watering down the philosophical themes in the novel."
Also, thanks Ramius. Those weren't the movie, but I appreciate you tracking them down.
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