So with the new Xbox Fall update that you should all be receiving the next time you turn on your console, it's possible to view a friends profile, move over to the right tab, and then view the friends of your friend that are online.
Which allows group networking to be muuuuuch easier, via creating a dummy account for this board! Which I have done!
Everyone on D&D who wants access to an online Live userlist of buddies, add "PA DnD" (sorry, no symbols, or at least not that I could find for the "&"). I will accept the friend request, and then by scrolling down to that account and viewing
its friends online, you will be able to see who is online and what they're playing without having to go through the trouble of adding a huge list of accounts in the OP.
Add one account -- PA DnD -- get access to all of D&D.
Beyond that, we can use this to organize online gaming sessions. I've been on TF2 a
ton lately and not much else. I
have been curious about Halo 3, but I haven't really been interested in wading through the unwashed masses to find out what interest lay in it for me. If we want to organize a time to play that, I'd be pretty into that.
I will be adding as soon as I get home tonight. Kudos to mister celery.
You guys know that you can add friends on, right?
edit: also, Orange Box was like the only online title that was left me after the robbery, so I should be playing some of that in between Mass Effect.
Also: the WMP11 media sharing thing works for shit.
I know, but I can't today cause my boss is wandering around.
(Cpt McHuggs)
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
Beyond that -- anyone here interested in making a Halo 3 play date? I'm assuming that would be the game that the most of us have.
I also have Bomberman and Puzzle Fighter in Xbox Live Arcade, and would love to have some people to play those against.
Picked up GoW last night, finally.
I would be totally down for a Halo 3 play date. How about... um. Thursday night? That work out for anyone?
Thursday's pretty bad for me. I've got two finals the day after.
I wouldn't mind some more Gears of War, either. I played that with strangers once and it was harrowing.
I still have Orange Box though!
If anyone's a huge "I live out my sports wishes through gaming" type person: I tend to play a lot of NCAA '08 Football & Tiger '08.
So for those who can play Thursday, what time works best for everyone?
At the moment I'm only down for CoD4 and GoW, but hopefully I'll have a job soon, and monies for TF2 and Halo3
My name's pretty recognizable
They have an extended warranty for that, I'm pretty sure they'll fix it for free.
Yeah, but no Xbox for a month.
What time tonight/ who's in?
I should be studying, but I'm in anyway. :P
But it was fun nonetheless.
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
My gamertag is: s41nt2e
saint2e was already taken.