
Non-denominational winter celebration and/or festivus gifting

MisanthropicMisanthropic Registered User regular
edited December 2007 in Games and Technology
First off, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my thread title.

Second, in this thread we discuss presents we are planning on giving and getting.

I, personally, asked for world peace. If none of my loved ones can make that happen, I asked for Obama to be president. If none of my loved ones can make that happen, I'd settle for a new laptop.

I need some help, though, getting Wii games. My parents bought my niece and nephew each a Wii. I have no idea what (good) games to get for them as they are young. My niece is 7 and my nephew is 5. They're both relatively intelligent for their age, especially good readers. I've seen my nephew playing and enjoying the GTA-like Simpsons game that came out a while ago as well as Sly Cooper.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Misanthropic on


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    XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    First off, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my thread title.

    Second, in this thread we discuss presents we are planning on giving and getting.

    I, personally, asked for world peace. If none of my loved ones can make that happen, I asked for Obama to be president. If none of my loved ones can make that happen, I'd settle for a new laptop.

    I need some help, though, getting Wii games. My parents bought my niece and nephew each a Wii. I have no idea what (good) games to get for them as they are young. My niece is 7 and my nephew is 5. They're both relatively intelligent for their age, especially good readers. I've seen my nephew playing and enjoying the GTA-like Simpsons game that came out a while ago as well as Sly Cooper.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Mario Galaxy.
    If they can handle Sly Cooper, they can certainly handle it.

    Xagarath on
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    Sharp10rSharp10r Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I'm offended by your thread title. ;) I asked for an Elite 360 (are those out in the wild?) or a 20 gig one. Also Wii GH3 (before the mono debacle), the Wii zapper, some comic books (ultimate spider-man and powerless), some old philosophy books by Thomas Aquinas and other Thomists, and several libronix format e-books (libronix is powerful bible/theological library software- the best tech out there for that stuff.)

    Monkey Ball and Rayman were good and would be fine for kids.

    Sharp10r on
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    MisanthropicMisanthropic Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Xagarath wrote: »
    Mario Galaxy.
    If they can handle Sly Cooper, they can certainly handle it.

    Are you sure? I know that seasoned gamers enjoyed it, so I was uncertain whether it would be easy enough for a new gamer to enjoy.

    Misanthropic on
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    Speed RacerSpeed Racer Scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratchRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I'm pretty sure that there's no gift-giving involved in Festivus.

    Speed Racer on
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    RonenRonen Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I'm giving my girlfriend a picture frame.

    I suspect I'm getting an iPod Touch in return, but I really don't know. She knows I'd like one. I've been laboring over the decision to buy one ever since they were announced.
    Admittedly, it's a really expensive picture frame. She bought a vintage poster from the 1920s while we were on vacation, but to frame it with museum quality glass (to protect it from fading) would cost more than the print itself. So for the holidays/our anniversary, I'm having it framed in the frame of her choice. The only stipulation is that it cannot exceed $500.

    Ronen on
    Go play MOTHER3

    or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
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    ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    WarioWare for the Wii-ing

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
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    PataPata Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    An an anti-nondenominalwinterist I am offended by this title.

    Pata on
    SRWWSig.pngEpisode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
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    HevachHevach Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Pata wrote: »
    An an anti-nondenominalwinterist I am offended by this title.

    You can expect a strongly worded letter from the Association of Nonantinondenominationalwintersts' Organization for that post.

    Hevach on
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    DHS OdiumDHS Odium Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Oh please, everyone can celebrate Christmas because it was around before the Christians got to it and is only related to religion in name with tacked on ideas and figures.

    DHS Odium on
    Wii U: DHS-Odium // Live: DHS Odium // PSN: DHSOdium // Steam: dhsykes // 3DS: 0318-6615-5294
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    TrusTrus Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I am pretty certain I'm getting a Flames jersey with #20 Huselius on the back, as well as GH3 for the Wii. Other than that I think I'm getting some good headphones and a book or two. I also got myself the entire Golden Compass series as a present for myself :P

    As for giving. My sister and brother both get books, my Mom is getting a DS with Brain Age, and my Dad is getting a green laser pointer for star gazing plus something more expensive.

    Trus on
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    PataPata Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Hevach wrote: »
    Pata wrote: »
    An an anti-nondenominalwinterist I am offended by this title.

    You can expect a strongly worded letter from the Association of Nonantinondenominationalwintersts' Organization for that post.

    Bring it you hippies.

    Pata on
    SRWWSig.pngEpisode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
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    mntorankusumntorankusu I'm not sure how to use this thing.... Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Xagarath wrote: »
    Mario Galaxy.
    If they can handle Sly Cooper, they can certainly handle it.

    Are you sure? I know that seasoned gamers enjoyed it, so I was uncertain whether it would be easy enough for a new gamer to enjoy.

    From what I can remember, Sly Cooper is much more difficult to play than Mario Galaxy. Doubt they'd be able to beat the harder levels, but most of the real hard stuff is optional.

    mntorankusu on
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    Speed RacerSpeed Racer Scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratchRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Me 'n my mom are getting my dad either an HDTV or a laptop for Christmas.

    The man spends all of his time either glued to his computer or his SDTV, which is starting to crap out on us. The dilemma here is, do we allow him to enjoy a much better picture on his TV, or do we let him do both of these things at the same time?

    I still don't know what I'm getting my mom, she needs to start dropping some hints.

    Me, I'm probably gonna get an extra 360 controller and a game or two. I have also been informed that I have a fairly expensive surprise in store for me. I suspect a laptop since I'll be going off to college next year, but I'm not positive.

    Speed Racer on
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    UncleChetUncleChet N00b Lancaster, PARegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    We have gotten 3 of my nieces DS Lites and we got them each a new game
    For my other neice/nephew we've gotten them a wii and wiiplay

    I"m uncle nintendo this year

    UncleChet on
    I'm sometimes grumpy and random, feel free to overlook the strange man in the corner.
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    ZombiemamboZombiemambo Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I'll probably just get some money. Depending on how much it is, I'll either invest it in:

    1) Games


    2) PC parts

    Zombiemambo on
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