Yesterday one of my classmates went missing at noon, and today she was found dead by the beach. She was 16 years old.
I was sleeping this morning, and my brother saw the news on a local website and my friends told him on MSN about the bad event, so he woke me up telling me that one of my friends/classmates was found dead on the beach today. I opened my eyes, thought that I was dreaming until I saw him looking at me. :x
"Are you serious?", I asked him. He said the same thing again.
I was this close to jumping out of my bed and kicking his ass until I saw the 15 or so messages on my MSN from horrified friends and schoolmates. Seconds later, my friend calls me and tells me what happened. My throat tightened and dried up. This was the first time somebody this close to me dies since years.
I went with a few friends to the mosque where we found some teachers, students, and even our principal. We sat with the family to mourn their loss. I knew her brother who's older than me, and I hope I never have to be in his situation. Losing a younger sister is the hardest thing that could ever happen to anyone. (At least to me)
Her death came to us as a shock, and almost no one managed to understand it yet. I can't believe she's gone
that's one less person who'll say Good Morning to me every day. One less chair in our class. One less friend to talk to, joke with, invite to parties and cheat in exams from. One less person.
I'll never look the same way at someone losing a loved one or anyone for the matter again, or at anyone thinking even slightly about suicide and death. In fact I'll kick their arse. Life is too short, goddamn it. People should appreciate it more.
I thought sharing this horrible day with this forum might help fend off the sad emotions and thoughts going around my head. I'm sorry if this post is inappropriate for this forum.
Anyone wants to share similar stories about loss of friends/loved ones? share methods of getting over someone's death? go on.
What happened to her?
Also, posting pictures might not be a good idea. I know we have a no pics without permission rule, but this is kind of a gray area. Not sure.
I know its not healthy, but drinking myself stupid always helps me cope when bad stuff like this happens.
too late.
Excellent :^:
Except...you know...maybe a parent, or a child.
Also, they found a homeless guy here frozen to death yesterday. That's how cold it is here, if you can't find shelter you will die!
Misery and death enjoy my company so much, they bring friends
Was she killed/suicide/accident, help us out here
might not want pictures posted.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Does the rule count if the persons dead?
What a fucking asshole.
just tell her to spirit rez and take the durability damage.
It's hung, and fuck thats sick.
There was an ice storm once in New York that was basically freezing people as they walked down the street. Like Pompei, only with sleighbells.
That is messed up. You would think, or at least hope, that the teachers would be there before any students and get it taken care of before some poor 3 year old had to see something like that.
No its actually hanged dude, something may be hung out on the line, but if its the execution/suicide method it is hanged.
Apathy is has spead over the land. A fog of nothing
Sorry for your loss man.
There was a bunch of people over at his house the night before, partyingish/hanging out.
His ex/still a good friend had crashed on the couch, fell asleep.
She woke up the next morning, found him outside, laying on the picnic table, mp3 player on, seeming to be stargazing, and frozen to death.
Autopsy found around 3x the lethal dose of (I think) cyanide in his system. He had amateur photography developing stuff, and had ingested a lot.
One of the kindest people I've still ever met, dead at like 19. Shit.
SE++ Map Steam
Oh man, just like in Scrooged.
I've, fortunately I suppose, never haa a relative/friend/person I knew die on me. Never seen a dead body, only ever been to one funeral which was closed casket.
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God i love you
let's run away together
A toaster
Learn something new every day, education++
Selfish bastards. Just fucking run off into the wild or some shit. don't be fucking leaving mental scars on the people who have to clean up the mess you leave. You don't want to be a burden anymore? guess what, by committing suicide you just became the greatest burden possible.
In conclusion, fuck them,
I'll fight you for him
to the death
https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/registry/wishlist/1A4GKH199FBMU/ - My wishlist
Not if your dead you don't.
Post-mortem you only learn something new every second day.
The flights are booked.