Hungry Hungry hippos?

ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
edited March 2007 in PAX Archive
Someone mentioned in one of the panels that they want to do that. I snagged one just for pax. Is there anyone who wants to have the hippos in tabletop?

What do you guys think?

Viscountalpha on


  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2005


    Those white marbles are mine.

    Raiden333 on
  • DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited September 2005
    I always got the one with the broken hand piece with electrical tape wrapped around it so it didn't gash hands. I think every set had a broken hippo.


    Doc on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    Congrats on your 1337 postcount.

    I still have my set buried in a closet somewhere in pristine condition, aside from missing a few stickers and 3 marbles.

    Raiden333 on
  • BamboozaBambooza Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    lol, missing a few marbles eh? :P

    Bambooza on
    The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    Yes, I lost my marbles several years ago.

    Raiden333 on
  • EmirooEmiroo Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    The Green hippo is the best!

    Emiroo on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited September 2005
    I will ride my Orange into the victory circle!!

    Sounds like theres a ton of interest. I currently have all my marbles +1

    16 is what came with mine, 15 was standard i believe.

    We will have to wait until the venue is selected and floor space allocated for us to have a chance at setting this up in the table top room.

    Good to hear im not in the minority here.

    Viscountalpha on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    If I cannot sieze the green, I will rock the pink with great vengence and furious anger.

    Raiden333 on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited June 2006
    Bump for Great justice!

    Im not sure if we need more then a few and my hippo set is disposable if need be.

    Viscountalpha on
  • NephirijNephirij Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I'll be all over that like rednecks on velveeta. and the pink hippo shall be mine.

    Nephirij on
  • TrillianTrillian Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I call Green hippo!

    Trillian on

    They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
  • flatrabbitflatrabbit King of Toast That place, over there.Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Trillian wrote:
    I call Green hippo!

    flatrabbit on
    --"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited June 2006
    How about Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots? Any one wanna bring that?

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
  • slacktronslacktron Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Perhaps every genre of video games should be represented in board game form.

    Hungry, Hungry Hippos is a fine representation of a MMORG level-grinder.
    Rock 'em Sock 'em is an admirable fighter.
    How about an FPS (click for game review)?

    slacktron on
  • EmperorMingEmperorMing Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    CROSSFIRE You'll get caught up in the... CROSSFIRE!!!

    God that game was great.

    EmperorMing on
  • RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2006

    If anyone has this, please please please bring it.

    Rankenphile on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited June 2006
    slacktron wrote:
    Perhaps every genre of video games should be represented in board game form.

    Hungry, Hungry Hippos is a fine representation of a MMORG level-grinder.
    Rock 'em Sock 'em is an admirable fighter.
    How about an FPS (click for game review)?

    Yes. Most definitly yes. I always wish that game had more add-ons to it. Pinball/crossfire. Hell it would make a neat online game if they get the physics down enough. I digress..

    A+ idea there slactron. You win an INTERNET! I remeber playing this with my younger brother, There wouldn't be enough steel marbles for the both of us so we would try and run the other out of marbles to win it.

    Viscountalpha on
  • apotheosapotheos Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited June 2006

    If anyone has this, please please please bring it.

    I have that. It is tattered, but complete with the first two expansions.

    You really want me to bring it?

    apotheos on

  • GeeCeeGeeCee Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I used to have that dumb game like Crossfire except you got squirted with water. And it just had one ball.

    GeeCee on
  • EmperorMingEmperorMing Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I remeber playing this with my younger brother, There wouldn't be enough steel marbles for the both of us so we would try and run the other out of marbles to win it.

    You've just described a part of my childhood.

    EmperorMing on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited August 2006
    Im bumping this to find out how many are bringing their hippos. Im not sure we need more then 2 or three. Mine is dispoable. If it dies in a blaze of glory then so shall it be.

    Slacktronix, Are you bringing crossfire?

    Viscountalpha on
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    Mouse Trap. Someone bring Mouse Trap.

    Or Fireball Island.

    I used to have this superrad old Ghostbusters 3D board game that a skull you would drop into a slot and depending if your piece was standing in the wrong place, an axe would drop on you, or you'd get knocked down the stairs or something.

    It was a bitch and a half to get set up, but damned if it wasn't worth it.

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
  • slacktronslacktron Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Slacktronix, Are you bringing crossfire?

    Sorry, I cannot. My Crossfire game lives now only in my memories.

    slacktron on
  • RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2006
    I'm bringing Stratego, but unfortunately my hippos have all long since broken.

    Rankenphile on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Theres a toys r us a couple blocks away from the mbc....

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • QuickSnapQuickSnap Professional Beard Grower Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I say We should play Nintendo Monopoly!! Dibs on the Koopa Shell.

    QuickSnap on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2006
    BigRed wrote:
    Theres a toys r us a couple blocks away from the mbc....

    Way to unleash the locusts.

    "Sir, I think we need to restock like 500 Hungry, Hungry Hippos. We've had over a thousand requests for that game today."

    Unknown User on
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    I'm bringing Stratego, but unfortunately my hippos have all long since broken.

    I like to tape my bombs to my scouts and have mobile explosives for mass chaos.

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
  • RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2006
    The Geek wrote:
    I'm bringing Stratego, but unfortunately my hippos have all long since broken.

    I like to tape my bombs to my scouts and have mobile explosives for mass chaos.

    Durka durka.

    Rankenphile on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    So I was Toys R Us today and decided to scout the board games.

    Here's games that I'd like to play at PAX:

    -I mean, Just look at it:

    -Not only is it super geeky by using angles and whatnot, but you can give each other cancer, too:

    -It's motherfucking spiderman in a motherfucking game:

    -Pokemans! And it looks interesting, it's the opposite of hungry hungry hippos; you use pinball flippers to keep the balls AWAY from your area. The person with the least at the end wins.

    -Had fun with this game before.

    -Don't really want to pay for them, but took pics because you guys mentioned it:


    PikaPuff on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited August 2006
    oh man.. crossfire. And its at a semi-reasonable price. If only fireball mountain was still in production. I never got to play that one but it sounded good. Shit.. I may have to make a stop for crossfire.

    Viscountalpha on
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style He/Him | Warning: Mothership Reporting Kennewick, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Heroscape is fun. It's miniatures for cheap people. Worst Case Scenario is also fun. I'm kinda bad at it cause I don't get out much, but sitting down with a group of people trying to guess whether to swim away from a shark or punch it in the nose is always fun. I played a different version of the laser game and it was fun. Not as fun as the others, but kinda fun.

    Stabbity Style on
  • superjoesuperjoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Bringing both




    superjoe on
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    sup3rj0e wrote:

    Card Sharks?

    You're bringing Chuck Woolery?

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
  • superjoesuperjoe Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    The Geek wrote:
    sup3rj0e wrote:

    Card Sharks?

    You're bringing Chuck Woolery?

    Well, I was going to, but with all the new restrictions on carry-on luggage I'll have to leave him at home.

    superjoe on
  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    oh man.. crossfire. And its at a semi-reasonable price. If only fireball mountain was still in production. I never got to play that one but it sounded good. Shit.. I may have to make a stop for crossfire.

    Oh shit yes fireball island. I had that!

    I think the board got broken a few years ago, though. Man, that would be fucking awesome.

    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    If no one makes any suggestions (other than suggesting all of them :D ) I'll just pick up pokemans.

    1-I'm Pikapuff.
    2-It's the cheapest.
    3-It's the smallest.

    PikaPuff on
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    I have a Pokemon version of Monopoly.

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
  • RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2006
    PikaPuff wrote:
    If no one makes any suggestions (other than suggesting all of them :D ) I'll just pick up pokemans.

    1-I'm Pikapuff.
    2-It's the cheapest.
    3-It's the smallest.

    Pika, I've got Carcassone with a buttload of expansions, so don't bother with that. You're welcome to play with me all you want.

    LaserBattle is a good gimick game, but not great for repeated play.

    Worst Case Scenario is fucking hilarious, and is great for situations where you are just playing with friends, so it would be my recommendation. The game itself is pretty much crap, but the jokes and fun come from the cards and answers rather than the game itself.

    The Spider-Man game I have no experience with, but it doesn't look too promising.

    Crossfire is fucking rad, but is only a two-person game, and those little metal balls will get lost with a quickness.

    Heroscape is okay, but I'll be bringing mine, too, so again don't bother if you don't really want to.

    Pokemon game looks a little interesting, but again it looks to be one of those gimicky games that aren't super fun and were just sold as a licensing deal to move a game that didn't have it's own merit in the first place.

    So yes. Worst Case Scenario is my vote.

    Rankenphile on
  • The GeekThe Geek Oh-Two Crew, Omeganaut Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    Oh man, anyone remember Omega Virus?

    "'Help me! Help me!' Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!"

    The Geek on
    BLM - ACAB
This discussion has been closed.