The AI's idiosyncrasy was that it was actually more like real people than most video game enemies in that if it sees you shoot a guy from far away it fucking sees you. It's the antithesis of Metal Gear Solid's guards
Even if this was unintended or a bug or whatever, it was for the better
The game has other problems with it's AI, tending to run out of cover and not noticing you if you're in a building until you shoot, but the sniping shit wasn't really a problem at all
Maybe you live in the land of the Hawk People, but where i come from people don't have the ability to instantly detect where a shot they just heard came from and then locate a stationary target in camo paint lying down in long grass.
No, see, they don't know exactly where you are, they just know a general area and direction, as long as you're in some sort of long grassy cover
And so if you just sit there, like a dumbass, they will walk into you and find you and shoot you and then you die like a bitch
This is how the game works, it is really not that hard to go undetected for significant amounts of time
Why are you still defending this when most people seem to have this same gripe and the developers themselves have admitted it was deeply flawed? Mercs with no line of sight to me and who are nowhere near me when I fire off a shot crouched in the long grass should not know my exact position to within an inch of accuracy and converge on that spot guns blazing in a freaking jeep.
Grats you worked out how to game the AI by moving after every shot, that's not typically what a sniper has to do in reality because humans cannot detect where a gunshot comes from when it's afar, just a general direction with no real accuracy if there is no one in sight to attribute the shot to.
I know the AI has a bit too easy of a time finding the player, but the sniper thing where they know where you are after a few shots was done on purpose because otherwise it made sniping way too easy.
Have they at least improved it from the first game where enemies had hawk-vision from the other side of the map and wielded rocket launchers with the accuracy of sniper rifles?
I know the AI has a bit too easy of a time finding the player, but the sniper thing where they know where you are after a few shots was done on purpose because otherwise it made sniping way too easy.
Yeah, I don't bitch about enemies fighting back in a shooting game. It makes the game more actiony. I'm fine with FC2 the way it is... Except the insta-respawn checkpoints, but you can just bypass most of them
Grats you worked out how to game the AI by moving after every shot, that's not typically what a sniper has to do in reality because humans cannot detect where a gunshot comes from when it's afar, just a general direction with no real accuracy if there is no one in sight to attribute the shot to.
Grats, you just worked out one of the primary rules of sniping. Shoot and scoot. Because lots of soldiers are more than capable of figuring out where a shot came from.
So I'm rescuing Michelle from the APR, most everyone is dead. But suddenly I hear someone speaking, "Oh God, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die in this shitty country? Why did I even come? Why did I even get on the plane? Why did I even step outside my house? Oh God oh God oh God."
So I turned around the corner, and I introduced him to a .45 pistol round to the head.
That was fun.
manwiththemachinegun on
Der Waffle MousBlame this on the misfortune of your birth.New Yark, New Yark.Registered Userregular
edited July 2009
I've never actually heard it because, honestly, those South Africans are nearly unintelligible, but I remember something about the enemy chatter adapting to reflect your particular playstyle.
Like, if your main style was to give everyone crippling leg injuries with the dart rifle and then finishing them silently with a machete kill, their panicked mutterings would reflect that.
The AI's idiosyncrasy was that it was actually more like real people than most video game enemies in that if it sees you shoot a guy from far away it fucking sees you. It's the antithesis of Metal Gear Solid's guards
Even if this was unintended or a bug or whatever, it was for the better
The game has other problems with it's AI, tending to run out of cover and not noticing you if you're in a building until you shoot, but the sniping shit wasn't really a problem at all
Maybe you live in the land of the Hawk People, but where i come from people don't have the ability to instantly detect where a shot they just heard came from and then locate a stationary target in camo paint lying down in long grass.
More so when you're using the silenced dart gun! Are the enemies that fucking smart they can hear the *pfft* *pfft* of a dart gun half a mile away?
I never once had someone chase me while using the dart gun. Not once. And I beat the whole damn game. Also, I'm n-thing the "I used the regular sniper and was able to often escape detection".
What difficulty level did everyone who had problems play on? I think I was on easy? So maybe, on easy, the AI detection falls to a level of normalcy. I agree that sometimes, especially with the sniper, the AI gets x-ray thermal vision, but I've never had these problems with silent weapons.
Anyone notice how some things (mattresses and the copy machines in Highrise) are totally impenetrable? A steel wall, yeah that makes sense, but bullets should obliterate copy machines.
I don't know about you, but I always buy a bullet proof printer. Its a lot more expensive, but I think the advantages are apparent.
I saw something called "Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition" on Steam...
Is the game worth picking up today, or has it aged poorly?
Will the AI get on my nerve within the first couple of hours of playing?
EDIT: Hmm... ah, I googled to find this thread... perhaps I should have picked a newer one on second thought?
Well, I picked up the game now and became quite disappointed.
I wasn't aware that the "open environment" was just a glorified walled maze... with pretty narrow corridors at that. Doesn't compare at all to Just Cause 2 or Red Dead Redemption (ie. it's age is showing quite clearly... even moreso than Crysis and the original Far Cry, I think). Sad panda. :-(
Ok, first "real" mission, destroy the gear of a Special Forces team. Cool. But a side mission before that makes me "divert" them to a shanty town. Ok, sure. Arrive at the town, which is very, very tightly walled in by mountains. Yeah, you don't fool me, visible invisible walls. Scout it out and first guy is a rocket launcher guy... aiming into the town... back towards the road at all times. Ok, not much of a guard. I sneak up and take him out with my knife... it goes smooth and silent... after which, the entire fucking Special Forces team come running and gunning from all angles, pinning me up against the visible invisible walls.
Fuck this game, I wasted 20 euro that I can't ever get back (since digital copies can't be sold or traded).
I have an online key I haven't used yet, I wonder if I can get a refund from Steam? (Hardly, right?)
eobet on
Heard the proposition that RIAA and MPAA should join forces and form "Music And Film Industry Association"?
Just had to bump and say that I uninstalled it after deciding to try to get through that Shanty Town again. Did the same thing, quietly knifed the first guard, then ran back to my Jeep. Entire city comes running, even guys driving another jeep up the steep hillside instead of using the road.
However, the straw that broke the camel's back was when I was using the machine gun on my Jeep to kill incoming guys, but there was one running around behind a very, very thin tree... and I think I spent 30+ seconds just emptying the gun on him, but all shots seemed to strike it's tiny, bullet soaking branches. Guy is completely unharmed and runs around left and right, apparently fully sheltered by this ninja tree that clearly has the Force on its side.
PS. I've been playing Borderlands and even though the maps are smaller, the world feels much more open and wider than Far Cry 2. I guess that's the difference between good and bad design. I think I need to reinstall Far Cry 1 or Crysis and see how they have aged (hopefully they will serve as eyebleach for this horrible experience).
Heard the proposition that RIAA and MPAA should join forces and form "Music And Film Industry Association"?
Why are you still defending this when most people seem to have this same gripe and the developers themselves have admitted it was deeply flawed? Mercs with no line of sight to me and who are nowhere near me when I fire off a shot crouched in the long grass should not know my exact position to within an inch of accuracy and converge on that spot guns blazing in a freaking jeep.
Grats you worked out how to game the AI by moving after every shot, that's not typically what a sniper has to do in reality because humans cannot detect where a gunshot comes from when it's afar, just a general direction with no real accuracy if there is no one in sight to attribute the shot to. Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Yeah, I don't bitch about enemies fighting back in a shooting game. It makes the game more actiony. I'm fine with FC2 the way it is... Except the insta-respawn checkpoints, but you can just bypass most of them
So I turned around the corner, and I introduced him to a .45 pistol round to the head.
That was fun.
Like, if your main style was to give everyone crippling leg injuries with the dart rifle and then finishing them silently with a machete kill, their panicked mutterings would reflect that.
I heard it was because South Africans naturally talk really fast
But that may not be true
I never once had someone chase me while using the dart gun. Not once. And I beat the whole damn game. Also, I'm n-thing the "I used the regular sniper and was able to often escape detection".
What difficulty level did everyone who had problems play on? I think I was on easy? So maybe, on easy, the AI detection falls to a level of normalcy. I agree that sometimes, especially with the sniper, the AI gets x-ray thermal vision, but I've never had these problems with silent weapons.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
In the beginning of the game, I could hit guards with the Dart Rifle, then sneak into the compound and wipe people out with the MP5.
By the end of the game, the enemies would see me before I fired a shot, standing in a bush, when I couldn't even see them through the foliage.
Is the game worth picking up today, or has it aged poorly?
Will the AI get on my nerve within the first couple of hours of playing?
EDIT: Hmm... ah, I googled to find this thread... perhaps I should have picked a newer one on second thought?
Well, I picked up the game now and became quite disappointed.
I wasn't aware that the "open environment" was just a glorified walled maze... with pretty narrow corridors at that. Doesn't compare at all to Just Cause 2 or Red Dead Redemption (ie. it's age is showing quite clearly... even moreso than Crysis and the original Far Cry, I think). Sad panda. :-(
Ok, first "real" mission, destroy the gear of a Special Forces team. Cool. But a side mission before that makes me "divert" them to a shanty town. Ok, sure. Arrive at the town, which is very, very tightly walled in by mountains. Yeah, you don't fool me, visible invisible walls. Scout it out and first guy is a rocket launcher guy... aiming into the town... back towards the road at all times. Ok, not much of a guard. I sneak up and take him out with my knife... it goes smooth and silent... after which, the entire fucking Special Forces team come running and gunning from all angles, pinning me up against the visible invisible walls.
Fuck this game, I wasted 20 euro that I can't ever get back (since digital copies can't be sold or traded).
I have an online key I haven't used yet, I wonder if I can get a refund from Steam? (Hardly, right?)
However, the straw that broke the camel's back was when I was using the machine gun on my Jeep to kill incoming guys, but there was one running around behind a very, very thin tree... and I think I spent 30+ seconds just emptying the gun on him, but all shots seemed to strike it's tiny, bullet soaking branches. Guy is completely unharmed and runs around left and right, apparently fully sheltered by this ninja tree that clearly has the Force on its side.
Oh, and...
PS. I've been playing Borderlands and even though the maps are smaller, the world feels much more open and wider than Far Cry 2. I guess that's the difference between good and bad design. I think I need to reinstall Far Cry 1 or Crysis and see how they have aged (hopefully they will serve as eyebleach for this horrible experience).