So those of you that were big into BF1942 you may remember a mod for it called Forgotten Hope. If you were too busy with Desert Combat and such to try it you really missed out on the best mod for BF. In a sense, it was everything BF1942 should have been: better weapon/vehicle variety, more realistic, balanced classes (no 6 weapon super-classes), and an overall greater attention to detail that made for a much prettier, more enjoyable game.
They had more guns, tanks, planes, and other vehicles and even remade the models and skins for what was already in the game. The vast increase in weapons and armaments allowed for much more diverse gameplay than that offered by "vanilla" BF. They also cut out a lot of the things WWII buffs hated like the Sturmgewehr 44 (Stg 44) being standard issue for assault troops in 1939 or every player having a parachute on.
When FH was at its peak, you could get on a server that took 40+ players on a complete multiplayer journey from Poland, to North Africa, the Western and Eastern European fronts, as well as all over the Pacific. Each map tailored with its own set of classes and vehicles that were well balanced and better reflected what was actually used at the time. In the end, FH had over 250 new pieces of authentic equipment and over 50 maps each designed to showcase said equipment differently.
Well those of us that did get a chance to play Forgotten Hope have been eagerly awaiting the team's release on the BF2 engine which was announced over two years ago. The team was surprisingly good at providing weekly updates to keep us informed of slow but sure progress. They announced the first release this week and posted a link to download the client via bittorrent. The password protected zip file is very well seeded. I had it coming in at like 200kiB/s and had it in only a couple of hours.
So drop whatever gay-ass shit you are playing on your computer right now, dust off that copy of BF2 sitting on your shelf, visit the link below, and spend the next day and a half getting your rig ready for what is sure to grow into the best WWII gaming experience ever!
PSN: idontworkhere582 | CFN: idontworkhere | Steam: lordbutters |
Amazon Wishlist
Switching to the "FH" from "FH2" on the mod's site will allow you to browse the weapons list from the BF1942 mod and find out what to expect from future releases.
WOLFGaming has information on a server they'll be hosting and a teamspeak server.
Must have this, relive the glory days of BF1942
Hopefully there's plenty of people around to play with
I think it is called Halo.
You're thinking of "Turning Point: Fall of Liberty"
Anyways how much is BF2 these days, I miss BF1942 vehemently and would like to get in on this
BF2142 is to BF2 what BF:Vietnam was to BF1942.
None of the good mods will be on it. Go get BF2. $9.99 on Amazon
No. Just Battlefield 2 with the 1.41 patch installed.
They have a really awesome manual available here with more details.
I just hope BF2 doesn't suffer from random disconnects anymore
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
As true as it is, 2142 is still a great game.
I think some of my favorite things to do in BF2 is to fly the copter from a spawn point to different cap points trying to dodge the assholes in jets and jokers in copters.
2142, love being the support gunner with a good mech pilot.
Shit wish my copy of bf2 wasnt upstate.
And what is the deal with EA Link? My copy of 2142 was tied to as well as all my BF2 boosters. I heard that shit went belly up.
This was like 6 months ago.
It was pretty awesome, then. So yeah I'll be in on this, if I'm not playing Mass Effect or AC or Rock Band or TF2... hmm.
If there's one thing FH needed, it was sprinting
EDIT: So shit like sprinting, alternate ammo, and working bayonets will be totally new to me and totally awesome!
Also squad's will be awesome, too
awesome airplane actio-OH HOLY SHIT
Here's a dogfighting video
And none of those bullshit expansions?
awesome looking maps
extreme nazi'ing
"I hope zem Herzog boys know vat zey are doink!"
The skin texture for the hands in the game?
They're my hands.
Have fun killing people with my hands.