So, hanging out with the kids tonight, and we're watching the live-action Grinch Who Stole Christmas, masterfully done by Jim Carrey. I'm not entirely sure anyone else in the world could have pulled it off as well as he did, frankly.
Certain movies really get me into the seasons. I watch
The Sandlot and
Dazed and Confused when the weather starts to warm up, spring training is wrapping, and I'm ticking down the calendar to 4th of July weekend.
Christmas, though. That's a special one. We always watch Frosty and Rudolph and the original Charlie Brown Christmas...those are a given.
But it is with great love and tradition though, that I must watch my all-time favorite holiday movie of all time,
A Christmas Story.
It just does something inexplicable to my mood, and I'll probably watch it three or four times between Thanksgiving and Christmas morning.
What are your favorite holiday movies?
Oh man
I just picked up the Die Hard set today, too
So watching this when the boogerfactories go to bed.
Die hard with a vengeance is the best one.
You... You're kidding, right?
Followed by It's Christmastime, Charlie Brown
Maybe. It's a live-action Dr. Seuss book...seriously. You hated Transformers too, didn't you.
and hi5 Teefs
I hated watching Jim Carrey rape Dr. Seuss's corpse
A Christmas Story is a c-hair behind it
And never feed him after midnight.
Muppet Carol is awesome as is the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol.
Oh, c'mon. I'm watching it right now...he's the fucking Grinch! An Ace Ventura Grinch, yes, but still....the Grinch!
My daughter looks just like Cindy Loo Who, minus the mouse-like Who facial features.
This guy right here.
Reindeers are too goddamned full of themselves.
Who tahld you you cauhld eat mah cookies?
It's underrated? I love that movie.
Well, this and Die Hard.
Gonzo understood