This is a thread for sharing stories about your total fuck-ups, the more damage caused the better.
Earlier this week, I decided to resize my home filesystem (containing all code, pictures, music, movies,
passwords and encryption keys etc). Total of about 350GB. It freezes about halfway through, so I leave it on over night. In the morning, my filesystem is read-only and measures 11TB of 3TB used.
It is now three days later, and most of that has been spent trying not to let my compute rape itself. The filesystem checker took days to run, and in the end couldn't seem to fix everything (as I type this, I/O errors stream by in another window). All of my wallpapers, tv shows, movies are gone. About half of my music has nothing but 0-byte files remaining. I still don't know how much, if any, of the projects I was working on at the time survived.
I type this on my portable, next to the shell of a once-mighty computer, and hope some of you guys can share horror stories that make this not seem too bad (in before Stale: "I once destroyed three planets with sheer manliness").
that's all I got
I had faulty RAM and a shitty Windows install, so I was getting all sorts of problems and was really confused and didn't even want to fix it
it had been unable to start up for a month, but that went away when my friend touched it
then we fixed the other stuff and it's all good now
It is fucking icy in Vermont right now.
But that train keeps a-rollin'
On down to San Antoine
i hope 50 because i have no idea what the other 10 could be
and ive recovered pretty much all of it then
that thing went off on my birthday
completely broke that computer
what a great birthday surprise
Nothing happened.
It's too slow because it's full of shit.
no back-ups
yeah that whole unified thing i've been working on for almost a year now?
one good hard-drive crash, all of that is gone.
so is two and a half years worth of campaign notes for my greyhawk campaign
three years of writing for various comic book things i will do some day
the entire script for a pilot for a tv series the scifi network rejected
no back-ups
i really should back that shit up.
but instead i'll just go to sleep
defragging tonight
plugging in a new hdd?
For safekeeping, of course.
you know i might take the pbwiki offline and remove my shit from it
because a reading of their eula seems to suggest that by putting up my stuff on their site they got some kinda legal claim on my creations
and f that
not entirely sure though
i'm only a simple country pony, not some big city lawyer
because i was going to say "and i'd lose <this much> porn in a hd failure"
and then i realized i have 18 gb of porn on this hd
what the fuck
that makes me seem like some kind of deviant
the reality is i just don't bother to delete shit
the internet is just so much more exciting though
SE++ do you think a good response to
Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.
would be to narrate a normal day in my life, I Am Legend/intro to shaun of the dead style.
Fun fact: My question was "What sets you apart from the other applicants?"
My response was "I'm Batman."
Too bad they rejected me because I never sent it in and they got sick of waiting for part 2.
We don't anymore
Mainly because I can't find the notebook that I wrote the first version down in.
I had a 20GB filesystem containing system files, and a 500GB one dedicated to personal files ("home"). They're made by merging all the physical disks in my computer into one logical volume, then splitting it up as needed. I decided to resize my home down to 100GB or so to fit one just one of the disks along with the system files, and convert the now free physical disk to FAT32 so Windows can read/write to it. This way, I won't have to keep a copy of my large folders on the small Windows disk.
Now, my plans involve what I should have done in the first place - move all the data to another computer over the network, straight-up reformat, move everything back. Except now half the stuff yields only errors when copied.
Editing the size of the partition that your C: drive resides on. Paritioning involved one of the bigger computer-related fuckups I was on the wrong end of. I was running DBAN or something and for some reason I picked the wrong partition. I have two NTFS partitions - one for XP and one huge one for installing all my games and stuff so it'll still be there if I ever need to reinstall. ext3 and swap partitions are there too. For some reason I ended up selecting my important NTFS and killing all my stuff.
well it's not more exciting actually since I'm not doing anything, but
it's still better than working, somehow
just wait for the future to happen and that distinction won't even be relevant
yeah its not too exciting really
man i dunno i got a bunch of good ideas for an essay
i just dont feel like actually writing it right now
my alternate plan is to apply early decision and not get in, then go to community college
but i am applying to university of Seattle
because if they want to give me some money i will totally go out there
I did not until this moment consider that the drive itself might be dying. If it happens that I must buy new drives the week before Christmas, I blame you.
everything is fine and then suddenly it all goes sluggish
i think it has something to so with firefox