Episodes on TurboNickBook 1: Water
****Chapter 1: (The Boy in the Iceberg)
Chapter 2: (The Avatar Returns)
Chapter 3: (The Southern Air Temple)
Chapter 4: (The Warriors of Kyoshi)
Chapter 5: (The King of Omashu)
Chapter 6: (Imprisoned)
Chapter 7: (The Spirit World: Winter Solstice Part 1)
Chapter 8: (Avatar Roku: Winter Solstice Part 2)
Chapter 9: (The Waterbending Scroll)
Chapter 10: (Jet)
Chapter 11: (The Great Divide)
Chapter 12: (The Storm)
Chapter 13: (The Blue Spirit)
Chapter 14: (The Fortune Teller)
<Curse you, TurboNick!>
Chapter 15: (Bato of the Water Tribe)
<Curse you, TurboNick!>
Chapter 16: (The Deserter)
Chapter 17: (The Northern Air Temple)
Chapter 18: (The Waterbending Master)
Chapter 19: (Siege of the North, Part 1)
Chapter 20: (Siege of the North, Part 2)
Book 2: Earth
****Chapter 1: (The Avatar State)
Chapter 2: (The Cave of Two Lovers)
Chapter 3: (Return to Omashu) -- Click Full-Length!
Chapter 4: (The Swamp)
<Curse you, TurboNick!>
Chapter 5: (Avatar Day)
Chapter 6: (The Blind Bandit)
Chapter 7: (Zuko Alone)
<Curse you, TurboNick!>
Chapter 8: (The Chase)
Chapter 9: (Bitter Work)
Chapter 10: (The Library)
Chapter 11: (The Desert)
Chapter 12: (The Serpent's Pass)
<Curse you, TurboNick!>
Chapter 13: (The Drill) - <Mislabeled as "City of Walls and Secrets" but really Ch. 13>
Chapter 14: (City of Walls and Secrets)
<Curse you, TurboNick!>
Chapter 15: (Tales of Ba Sing Se)
Chapter 16: (Appa's Lost Days)
Chapter 17: (Lake Laogai)
Chapter 18: (The Earth King)
Chapter 19: (The Guru)
Chapter 20: (The Crossroads of Destiny)
Book 3: Fire
****Chapter 1: (The Awakening)
Chapter 2: (The Headband)
Chapter 3: (The Painted Lady)
Chapter 4: (Sokka's Master) -- Sound gets de-sync'd
Chapter 5: (The Beach)
Chapter 6: (The Avatar and the Fire Lord)
Chapter 7: (The Runaway)
Chapter 8: (The Puppetmaster)
Chapter 9: (Nightmares and Daydreams)
Day of the Black Sun, Part 1 - <SCREWED UP>
Day of the Black Sun, Part 2 - <Listed as Part 1>
halfway through i picked up the laptop and smashed it on the goround
That's because you're dumb.
Jimothy, mind tossing some of the stuff from the old OP into this one? :P
I watched an episode once. It was bad.
Where is the disconnect? Was it just the episode I watched?
There are approximately two episodes that aren't fantastic.
i wonder
since it's an american show, right
american writers, american production
it just looks like a japanimation
so you would think that the strike would fuck this up for next season (presumably like most cartoons its done all its writing for this season) at least a little
of course maybe cartoon writers aren't guild members
i don't know how that all works
maybe he just does not like it
(absolutely crazy)
Although it would definitely need an edit by now.
has all the episodes on his hd
i ever get the compulsion to get into it
it is nice to know i can start from the get-go
Not really. Regardless of where the show is made, it's all done months and months in advance. The animation takes quite a bit of work, so the writing for the episodes has to be all finished long before it's airtime. I'm pretty sure the entire script for Book 3 was already done before the strike.
figured as much but wasn't sure
hence asking
question answered!
good show
The show has indeed finished production for this season.
It has also finished production forever. Even though it is one of Nick's most popular shows, the creators did not want to drag the story out and instead opted to finish it as per their original vision, several years ago. That is, the basic plot has been mapped out for a very long time, and it has a planned ending that the creators will not compromise.
They have said that they "are not done with this universe" and "would like to tell more stories" within it, but whether that is a new show, or direct-to-DVD movies or comics or whathaveyou is unknown. Several crew members have commented on how the offices are being cleared out and such, and the creators are to be heavily involved with the movie adaptation, so who knows what will happen.
No writers' strike worries though.
Also, this series is very awesome and actually does not take shortcuts with animation, storytelling, or character development unlike almost every anime ever. Hugely inspired by Miyazaki, too. Also, terrible people control its schedule.
NNID: Hakkekage
New Zealand is already airing season 4.
anybody who doesn't know about Avatar should watch this
But...but it looks so dumb. Why can't I judge this show based on very limited information?
yeah, there is no season 4
this is the last season
Why don't you just link the previous thread in the OP?
NNID: Hakkekage
Also M. Night Shyamalan.
NNID: Hakkekage
boo m night
I'll say just this; There is nothing generic about this show, beyond the artstyle. It's obvious at a glance that the show emulates anime to a big extent. However, everything about it; The music, character interactions/conversations/development, inspiration for just about everything to be found, are all head and shoulders above anything else I've seen.
and man the gang was being rather judgemental of zuko, huh
List of prior offenses
2. Never stopped chasing them
3. Sent pirates after them
4. kidnapped Katara once to use her as bait
5. Sent a slutty assassin woman with a furry poison thing after them
6. Kidnapped Aang from the north
7. Insufferable jackass
8. insufferable self-pitying jackass
9. Betrayed Katara's trust and pretty much made them lose Ba Sing Sei
10. Sent a cyborg bomber man after them
11. Total wuss (before, anyway)
12. He had to be their damn Team Rocket during season 1
13. His weird hair
14. Seriously, what's up with his hair
Oh, and they didn't know anything about the inner conflict he went through in Season 2, i think they ever only clashed twice in that season.
So yeah, I think they were pretty reasonable
NNID: Hakkekage
Do we know how many episodes it's going to have when it ends?
60. ish. Something around there.
yes, this should also be in the OP
Other than the fact that they're both animation, Avatar and Naruto are practically polar opposites.
Naruto uses standard anime shortcuts in their animation so the fighting and martial arts is all pretty generic. Avatar has some of, if not the best animation on TV right now. They have an actual martial arts master on staff to show them how to do real moves. The animation on Avatar is so fluid and beautiful.
Naruto uses the DBZ approach of dragging things out forever and ever and ever. There's lots of standing around and people looking at each other. Avatar is dynamic and keeps the story moving. What might happen in one or two episodes of Avatar would be stretched out over about half a season of Naruto.
Naruto has lazy, but passable voice acting. It's all pretty generic animu. Lots of grunts and over the top dramatics for no good reason. Avatar has the same voice director as fucking Justice League, so you know it's gotta be top quality. Plus, one of the main antagonists is Rufio from Hook. RU. FI. O.
The writing in Naruto is also generic animu. Lots of "grrr, gotta struggle and try hard to overcome the odds and whoa, what's this incredible power?" Avatar's writing has lots of attention to detail and continuity, is witty and clever, and almost never relies on typical kids' cartoon clichés.
Naruto's characters are flat. You don't care about them and they never change other than "whoa, suddenly, I have this incredible power!" Avatar's characters are rich and full. You care about them and see real changes in their personalities in response to events experiences.