I moved my files from one PC to another, and now my images are all warped.
I orignially put them on the widescreen in a Normal resolution, then swapped to a widescreen resolution, the images didn't return to normal, they may have adjusted to the widescreen at their new reso.
Any quick fixes?
Vista 64bit
I have absolutely no idea what this means.
You moved images from a computer with a 4:3 screen to one with a widescreen. Did you then edit the images or something?
If you just transfered the files, you should probably make sure the resolution on your widescreen monitor is set correctly. Running a 4:3 res on a 16:10 monitor will cause everything to look distorted and stretched.
If you turned 4:3 images into 16:9 or 16:10 images in photoshop or something and saved over the originals, you're fucked.
I changed it to a widescreen resolution but they still look wonky.
What program are you using to view the images? Photoshop? Or are you just viewing them as wallpapers on the new computer? Does anything else look distorted on the monitor?
Does the following image look like a circle or an ellipse on your widescreen monitor?
I'll fiddle a bit more
My own stupidity
Porn is now viewable again.