I don't care about the stupid failed console plaform or the screwed investors or the controversy or even how they treated Kyle from [H]ardOCP. I just want my HTPC to be an awesome gaming platform and the Phantom Lapboard will/would complete this nicely.
To recap, the Phantom Lapboard has missed at least three release dates and not once have they updated the release date
before missing it. I tried to preorder last year but ran into an issue. When I attempted again, I think it was January (a year ago), I attempted to preorder to save $30. Their site would still not confirm my details on any browser, OS, PC, or Internet service I had access to and I used up all my email addresses trying to get an account made (had to use a new one for each attempt). I emailed them about it and they activated one of my accounts and denied the problem, despite me confirming it to be a long-running issue blocking preorders for months from every PC, so I never returned to the site until a few weeks ago. That's when I found that they were supposedly "on sale!" I got some expired security certificate warning from my browse, which is familiar enough for me to be sure I saw it last time I visit their "store" (how professional!). Rather than risk it, I alerted the gaming blogs and saw the news spread. Now, GayGamer has tried to place an order and gotten nowhere.
They still claim that Alienware ordered a ton, and Dell can certainly make this product a success, so they had better at least fufill those orders and get this thing on the market. Their site could not accept preorders even though they offered them, so they themselves did not allow it to prove interesting/marketable. I wonder how they explain not having a single preorder when they deny the preorder fiasco?
HTPC users NEED this product or, at the very least, a similar competing product. Personally, I'd like a USB port for a gaming mouse on the keyboard unit and either Bluetooth or Wireless USB for that price, but it's seemingly a perfect product otherwise.
If it worked as a BT KBM that could accept any USB mouse as it's BT mouse component, I'd be foaming at the mouth.
I am still intent on having one if they are ever available and I'd certainly appreciate any help, even though I should not have to
work at giving them money. Have they ever been seen on eBay, even in prototype form?
EDIT: One similar thing: wireless usb + trackball ... I'm inclined to keep looking. Not much going on at work here today.
You'd be fine picking up something like this: http://www.stacksandstacks.com/html/8964.htm. At least since it's shaped to your legs it won't move so much.
So far, they all appear to be wireless media keyboards with the only acceptable compromise being a normal wirless set on a lift-top cocktail table (already tried that). A trackball is the last thing an HTPC needs to become a gaming platform. Of course, it already has the XBOX 360 Wireless controller adapter, so I'd use that in the absense of a KBM solution. Actually, for single-player, I'm OK with turning the screen toward the desk next to it and playing from there, but I have had company trying to watch CoD4 and Crysis from the couch and only the guy on the far side can see the turned screen. The lapboard would let me actually USE the DTS Connect feature and integrate into the home theater complete with surround sound, as most HTPC gamers have dreamed of since SoundStorm first arrived with the nForce.
Edit: oh might be sarcasm at the whole "analog sticks for FPS zomg awful"
Huh? That's far too wide. If anything, even the Phantom product is too big because it is trying to fit a full keyboard (I'd be OK with a cut-down Nostromo-style lapboard). It folds flat when you just need the keyboard. Conforming to your legs just makes it difficult to use on another surface and is not needed: I've been using my Logitech G15 from my lap just fine (recently played through Portal, HL2:EP2, CoD4, etc), but I have to turn my TV sideways to use from the desk (mouse goes where the keyboard was). It also reverses for lefties, though I won't be needing that feature for myself and none of my left-handed friends use a mouse on the left.
Edit: Also, there are plenty of keyboards like you describe. How would that help? PCs do not lack wireless gamepads and keyboards, and combination wireless gamepad keyboards are terrible ideas (despite already existing).
But seriously, we're talking about a keyboard (or at least some keys) with a fold-out tray on which you can use a mouse. Why in the world are you waiting for the phantom lapboard?
(a) Get a wireless keyboard. That solves the need for a keyboard.
(b) Get this combo http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0228077 and mount the numberpad to a piece of plywood, then put a mousepad on the plywood. Re-map the buttons on your games to the numberpad. It's small, lightweight, and doesn't use more keys than you need. And it's cheap to boot.
What?! No. Look on the angle on that thing. I can't type on that.
You my friend are brave.
Final Fantasy XI -> Carbuncle - Samash