Ok, so I haven't touched a Virtual Boy since they were on display at Blockbuster over a decade ago, and I hear they've become sought-after as collector's items of a sort. I might be able to get one at a decent enough price, but I'm still a little unsure.
I'm most curious about Wario Land for it, which I've heard different things about, but it seems to command the most money of anything on the system. Has anyone here played through that? And if so, what are your thoughts? Is it worth getting the system just for that one game? (Be nice if Nintendo remade it as Wii Ware with 3D graphics or something)
Or are there any other games that weren't so bad after all? Needless to say, I'm wondering if this is worth pursuing now, or just waiting until I have tons of money to pitter away just for the sake of "collecting."
Clearly, no one thought it was worth the... what, $180? it was asking when it came out, with the N64 right around the corner, but what about secondhand today? Is $20 a good price for the unit? What's good for the Wario Land game? I've seen that command more than the system in some cases.
And are counterfeit games even a problem for this? Is there anything else worth considering?
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Just always have it on display.
However out of the games I do have none of them are complete garbage -- except Red Alarm. Imagine playing Star Fox, but instead of polygons you have nothing but vectors. Throw in horrible collision detection, bad music, and a framerate somewhere in the single digits and you have Red Alarm.
The rest of the collection is fairly average. VB WarioLand and Panic Bomber standing above the rest. 3D Tetris and Vertical Force (a 3D shmup) are pretty solid as well. VB WarioLand is good fun for a few hours, but there's nothing overly "3D" about it. Why it hasn't been ported to the GBA is beyond me.
Wii Friend Code: 8534 4083 2881 0480
BRAWL: 4425 1130 1718
I may be picking up a virtual boy of my own from a friend of mine who just bought 3 from someone. They're all in perfect working order.
I wouldn't pay more than 20$ for one, that's what Toys R Us was selling them for after it crashed.
And since you wanted to know, it was 300$ when it came out, although it might have had a last second cut to 250$.
It seems to depend on the person. This was not true in my case.
Games I have: Mario Tennis (good), Red Alarm (I liked this one...apparently someone above did not), Wario Land (great platformer, but it will make your eyes hurt to play it as long as you need to play a platformer for), and Vertical Force (a Shmup).
I play mine every now and then when I'm feeling nostalgic. It's obvious to see why it failed, but the games themselves aren't too bad.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
On that note, what the hell is a Virtual Boy, I believe it was before my time. Seems to me it was a retarded child of Nintendo's.
Edit: That's right. Two D-pads.
"You'll be able to walk in on Wii launch day and get one".
I was SO banking on that idea, didn't get one till like 6 months later.
Edit: By camping out for like 20min at 9am
Thank you and what the fuck was that.
The geatest piece of video game hardware you will never play.
When it died, it took the Mario Land series with it.
I'm still mad at my friend for throwing it away when he moved.
Word to the wise: The VB stands crack even with non-use. Nintendo no longer carries them so it is now the most important part for a collector. If yours is not cracked, DO NOT USE IT. Do not even display your VB with it. If you must, take a plastic brace from the elbow of the stand and fit it at the mechanical hinge instead. My replacement stand was never used and I did this but it cracked anyway (albeit, at a slightly different place). Nintendo's parts store will never restock. Someone needs to make some after-market VB stands.
The link cable was never released and there was never a confirmed 2p mode in Mario Tennis AFAIK. Nintendo suggested that a girl's little brother would "swing a mean racket" when he turned 7 and could play his own VB, but that's hardly confirmation.
What country do you live in? In the US, it was $30 and TRU in the end and it launched for $180. I still have the 3D issue of Nintendo Power (glasses FTW).
Oh man. That's a screenshot of the cancelled "Zero Racers", a spinoff of F-Zero. It was originally designed by someone who played the first 5 seconds of Star Fox, where you're zipping down that tunnel with the loudspeaker blaring "EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!" and they thought "Man, I'd like to play a whole game of JUST this."
My favorite games were Mario Tennis, Teleroboxer, and weirdly, Waterworld.
If they made another VB, I'd buy it.
EDIT: Tetris was also pretty fantastic.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
I don't think I ever used that stand. I would always play while laying down and just resting the visor on my face.
But yes, for $20 you should buy it. I think that's what I paid when I got mine, plus the $5 per game or so. Even it was crap I knew it'd be fun long enough to justify the cost. Some of those games were a pleasant surprise.
Red Alarm
and Galactic Pinball
are all tops
Then my house burned down and the thing melted into a pile of black and red plastic goo.
R.I.P. Virtual Boy (just mine).
Edit: This was back in '04
XBL - Follow Freeman
At least, I attempted to try it, but my eyes did not even hold out long enough for me to grab a controller.
I'm still obsessed with the idea of VR. Never had a Virtual Boy, but I would snatch one up for $20 in a heartbeat just for the novelty factor!
Didn't you post pics of the rubble? If so, I remember that. Was horrible. My soul ached for you and your virtual boy.
Panic Bomber.
And yeah. That edutainment system was the Pico.
Galactic Pinball
Mario Clash
Mario Tennis
Panic Bomber
Red Alarm
Vertical Force
Wario Land
Games that I remember reading about being good, but never bought:
Nester's Funky Bowling - d'no, GamePro loved it
Virtual League Baseball - Some people love this game, others hate it
Waterworld - This is a weird yet really fun arcade-style game. It's kinda repetitive but really fun in short bursts
I also remember good things about these, reading about them, but I don't know anything about them:
Jack Bros
3D tetris
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Which reminds me; anyone know of the games were actually made in red, or if it was just the lenses you look through that made it appear that way?
That one saddened me, in a way. Some relief, as since it never came out, I didn't miss it, but still... that, and the Zelda-like top-down stuff looked pretty cool:
Thanks, and you're welcome.
Believe it or not? eBay. That's why I wanted to be a little more educated in the matter before proceeding.
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