I was just passing by when I smelled the smoldering ruin of the mysql database.
I splashed some water on it, kinda stirred up the bits a bit, and then shoved it back into production. The tempermental slave that it is, always thinking it can fake its way out of doing its work. But I know better than to listen to its complaints. BACK TO WORK I says to it, and back to work it goes. You gotta treat your slaves like slaves if you want em to respect you.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
Ayliana Moonwhisper Ecksus Cerazal
Let's keep discussions about the working conditions on the slave labor to the Orbital Death Ray thread in SE++
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
Know what else sucks about being a slave? The pay.
Ayliana Moonwhisper Ecksus Cerazal
You know the worst thing about being a slave? They make you work, but they don't pay you or let you go.
at least you have job security
The new and more tolerant society is not a herbal tea party