Okay, so back when I had 512 megabytes of RAM and an x800 on XP I could run Oblivion better then my 2 gigabyte RAM, x1650 Vista rig that I have now. I can't figure it out, but I'm not good with technical stuff in any case so maybe I'm missing something. So, heres my specs:
-Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit
-2046MB RAM
-Radeon x1650 (
Specs here)
-AMD Athlon Dual Core Processor 4200+ 2.20GHz
The problem is, on my old PC I could run Oblivion at 1280x1024 on medium settings and in the wilderness be getting a reasonable frame rate.
Now if I run at the same setting with 1280x1024, on my new supposedly better PC I get about 5 fps. I'm guessing its something with Oblivion as only no other game gives me a problem. Except S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but, thats expected. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This sig was too tall - Elki.
Edit - Oh, and are you using the same lighting method in game? (as in HDR or... that other one they offer)
What type of info do you need?
Well...the first thing I can think of is look at your taskbar. Where the time is on the taskbar if you see a lot of icons there then THAT is bloatware, it's stuff that runs in the background and eats up your CPU time. It usually loads at startup and depending on what it is can be useful or useless. Generally you can remove it by going to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel and uninstalling the software but don't do this if it's something like an anti-virus program or firewall.
Some people even choose to reformat their computers to start from a clean install which is great if you're having trouble running games as they should on your PC.
Of course, looking at your first post you said something about Oblivion itself being the only game to have problems, so this probably won't be bloatware related.
The thing is, whatever options he had on an old computer aren't working out so well on a new computer.
Which is confusing the hell out of me.
Go in your Video control panel and just for kicks manually set everything at the minimum. Anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, everything. Just to see if it's something in there that's fucking with your performance so that you know where to dig deeper.
Might be worth your time to go into Win+R->msconfig->Startup and uncheck everything that you know you don't need/want. That will prevent any retarded crap from starting up with windows that are possibly sucking precious CPU cycles from their divine gaming purpose.