The Tournament is Back!
And it looks better than ever. Now with the uber new Unreal 3 engine, the fucked up shooting action can continue and flourish. I don't think it would be too hard to get us Penny Arcadians organized for some shooty and twitchy action and fun. Since many of the players are split between the console and the PC, we can just have some casual fights, either duels or work co-op against others on their servers. I will be hopping on vent sometime so send me a PM to have your name added to our mighty fine tag list below so we can organize something.
If you are not sure of UT3, go ahead and try out the demo. It's a good way to get a handle of how the game will play as well as how it will run on your PC, which is pretty damn well. It's surprisingly well optimized and with an E6400, 7600GT(now in my sig), and 2 gigs of ram, I could get a cool 60fps no problem. Albeit at 800x600 resolution, but it looked and ran great.
If we get enough players, we could maybe organize a tournament or war map setup somehow.
PM me to add you to the list.
PC Taglist
AcidPenguiN (acidlacedpenguin)
Drool (Drool)
Elegba (Legba)
Gadeus (Gadeus)
Blizzard224 (Blizzard224)
GhstDog97 (Srinivassa)
Lucky-Cynic[PA] (Lucky Cynic)
MistaCreepy (MistaCreepy)
urahonky (urahonky)
Span_Wolf (The_Spaniard)
subedii (subedii)
Vacorsis (Dashui)
ThatGuy3141 (That_Guy)
Bursar (Bursar)
Cpt.Cox (Thecrmblycracker)
Darmak (Darmak)
Pandercolour (Adhesive to plastic)
smashshism (Smashism)
RexRuthor (Veegeezee)
PS3 Taglist
Bamelin (Bamelin)
BombBoyGT (bombboy)
Here are some
Screenshots I took on the fly. PM me to add more if you has them.
Other resources:The Official WebsiteGame Trailers LinkIGN's Review- 9.0Demo Download PageThe Official UT ForumsAlso! Big news for PC Players, Be sure to grab the
latest patch. It tweaks a lot of things and really makes things smooth out. Find the patch info and mirrors
here. This is just for the PC, mind you. PS3 still has to wait for their fixes.
My online profile's named Bursar, so if you add me, you may see me if I ever manage to get online at a playable rate. I'd love to try some actual tactics with people instead of these bots.
I just wish there was more variety to the player models, though I guess the mod community's going to have to step up to that.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Add my name regardless, smashism.
Final Fantasy XI -> Carbuncle - Samash
Still, I would love to play online with you guys, some of the warfare maps are impossible in single player because your teammates are so damn retarded, and that gametype is not meant for one person playing on their own.
PSN is Bamelin
If epic thinks a good solution is "opening up your firewall" then they not only need to fuck off, but maybe die too. What the hell happened to Epic's PC support? It is total shit now. Their support forums are a sorry mess of broken links and no mods. (forum modertators not conversions)
Thanks for remembering us PC gamers. Oh wait....
Oh I read the friends system in game doesnt actually show the IP of the server the player is in.
Final Fantasy XI -> Carbuncle - Samash
I'm having trouble deciding if it has more worth as a game disc or a sharp cutting tool.
Seriously, 2 weeks of shit support from Epic, this is what I get. They get 50 bucks, I get a broken game. Good times. Thanks for the steaming pile of shit that you like to call a PC game. Stick to console games next time and just save us PC users a headache.
Final Fantasy XI -> Carbuncle - Samash
If you are referring to the screenshots the person posted earlier.. well then.. First of all they might not have been a very high resolution, second, isn't there a size limit to pictures you can post? (unless the NF56K makes that fine).. if that is the case, I can post some screenshots later, the game works fine on 1280x800 (er.. something like that) with all sorts of fancy textures and everything for me. So I could get some good screen caps up.
These are all my own screenshots of a game in action. My graphics are set at about halfway to ensure that I get the playable framerate of 60+. And my screen resolution is 1680x1050 or whatever it is. I had to cut down the image size though to host on photobucket because the max. would resize them anyways.
To the first image though, there is a depth of field that does make things somewhat blurry from a distance. It doesn't look too great in some shots but in the game it looks awesome with the lighting they have in place.
I just want to add, even at the resolution of 800x600 stretched on a wide screen monitor with a 7600GT, the game looked great. There is noticeably more polish in these shots, but eh, it really doesn't kill the game to have it set to lower graphics.
Also, I know that UT fans have always been like this, but I found a server where everyone almost always voted for the remake of Deck, and the one time some other map got voted on and made it into the rotation they bitched and whined about how it wasn't as awesome as Deck is. I mean, Deck's nice and all but if that's all I really wanted to play, I'd play UT99 and not this new $50 game.
One more thing, I can't shock combo for shit, yet it seems to be extremely effective. Good lord I get raped by it.
And to Absolutezero... I run this on a pretty nice rig and the graphics are breathtaking. Just so you all know I never use words like that but when I first ran it I was literally blown away. Ran smooth as silk too.
PSN: Mutton_Chops
I could use some co-op, It's pretty impossible to do anything co-ordinated with bots.
The game is fuckawome, the game looks fuckawsome, and the 1.1 patch fixes a couple (but not all) of the issues in the menu and out-of-match UI. Been playing this every night for a week and am slowly getting better, the community is still pretty green so it's actually an okay playing field for newbies.
Add Pandercolour to the PC list.
Sigh, I have way too many game to play right now. I'm juggling between at least 12 different games. LUCKILY I have to send my Wii to the repair center tomorrow. Huh... I never thought I'd say that... But that reduced the "games to play" list to about 8.
This right here is a dirty, dirty lie. I get destroyed when I go online, and I am not that bad.
Every time I try and play multiplayer, my router stops all traffic. I have zero connectivity, even after closing the game, un til I reset the router. Maybe I'm an idiot and not seeing something, but does anyone have any idea what's wrong?
EDIT: Yeah, it's a problem with my router. I have no idea what that problem is, though.
I'll be in Vent around 6:30 PM Central tonight so if anyone wants to play with me feel free to hit me up. I'm going to start adding people in this thread to my friends list later tonight.
edit: also, I do not have a mic at the moment so I can only listen in vent, heh.
I do mainly play on servers that are located in Australia (at least I assume they are, with a <50 ping) so maybe that helps.
Heh, so THAT'S what you were talking about. I thought you were just talking about my robot taunts.
This is my first PC UT game and so far I am kicking a modest amount of ass online. Usually being the 2nd or 3rd best player.
It really helps to beat the campaign as it will get you to know the maps better and to be resourceful.
Oh no. Literally, anything typed into text gets spoken out by the computer like a Speak-n-spell. It's awesome.
That's why I had so much fun saying "Stephen Hawking gonna make you into a black hole!". It's just something I had to say at least once. :P
I have a PS3, undecided on whether to purchase now or wait.
It is, but the 360 release date still hasn't been verified yet. IIRC it's some time mid 2008.
In any case, the PS3 version is probably the better choice anyway, since it has Keyboard / Mouse support, and should soon have mod support as well (unlike the 360 version).
Also the 360-version doesn't have mod-support (yet at least, they are talking about it with MS or something).
And very, very pretty.
Only problems so far is a frequent system freeze when joining a game and some lag spikes, but other than that I am really impressed with how well this game handles with the PS3 controller.
I hear there's extreme lag issues for some people, though. No idea if that's a bug or just bad hosting or what yet.
It feels a lot more like the original UT than 2k3/2k4, which is a great thing.
My name hasn't been updated to the OP yet either.
Here it is again
PSN ID : Mutton_Chops
Saw you on UTIII last night Bam, but it was already 2AM and I had to work at 8:30AM. Our timezones don't jive for gaming, unless I'm around on the weekends.