The more I read through old and interesting posts, the more I realise -- despite the forums relatively mature audience -- a lot of the moderators are pricks. Can we like . . . petition for a recall?
Huh. I wonder how this post will fly with the moderators. "See ya. You will be banned."
I also agree that you're probably about to get banned.
That would suck, because, as you can see, I'm heavily invested in this tag with my aweseome avatar, no profile contribution, and my like 4 total posts.
Whoa. Down, boy, down.
But on topic, that Thinatos, amirite? I mean, bitter and angry. Did you see his "Christmas" avatar?
I think the man's point was precisely that some moderators behave like annoying pricks too.
I'm sorry, James; I'm not aware of this incident. Could you link it, please?
the mods are the only thing that keep this forum from degenerating into a cesspool of unreadable crap and ignorance. IMHO
However, have you seen the Ron Paul threads? Some of the mods can be pretty bitter about it, and sure, maybe sometimes it seems like they give infractions for smaller things than should be deserving, but really, things could be a lot worse, and most of the mods seems to refrain from too much abuse, even when you get the feeling they really want to toss out a ban for stupidity. Then again, there probably has been a ban for that.
Probably from that fuckin' Thanatos. Patrick War-CRAP-ton!
Because of people like you?
Well, that's harsh. You're just officious and boring. You should see some of the loonies we have to deal with. Also, I think perhaps you might be missing a little something about the tone of this forum.
he won't, but damn is it ever tempting to infract you. Dyna's right, you're a raging twat anywhere outside H/A. Which is odd, because with most people its the other way around.
And for being annoying.
And for being passive aggressive.
And for being libertarians.
But he's Tube, our Mighty Morphin' Rock n' Roll Hedgehog Overlord, so it's okay.
I don't know what you know of our American culture, but have you ever heard of "Donald Trump"? He has this thing, where he says "You're fired." But since you're a mod, and ban instead of firing, I could totally see it, y'know...
What was the word you used, Cat, a while back... It meant something like incensed, or caustic or bitter, but started with a 'C'
looking through your admittedly short posting history, JoeSomebody, it looks like you didn't bother reading the rules thread. infractions around here are given pretty fairly, so man up.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Sometimes I read through the Banned thread for the sake of hilarity. It never fails.
Attica! Attica! Attica!
Just remember:
We must unite!
Yes. Also, I think we are done. Go read the rules thread, and complain to the admin if you think you haven't been given enough sweet, sweet attention for one day.