[Music On]

italianranmaitalianranma Registered User regular
edited January 2008 in Help / Advice Forum
I bought an iPod, and was buying music off of iTunes for awhile, but now I've got more than one computer, a brand new laptop, and my younger siblings are getting into music as well. iTunes just isn't cutting it for me: I don't mind paying $1 for each song, but I only want to buy it once.

I'm not into the habit of buying CDs, I like getting my music a la carte if you will. What services are out there that are legal, have a fantastic selection, and will interface with both my iPod, and my sister's generic MP3 player?

italianranma on


  • embrikembrik Registered User regular
    edited January 2008
    You could give Rhapsody to Go a try. It'll work with iPods and WM Plays for sure devices.

    embrik on
    "Damn you and your Daily Doubles, you brigand!"

    I don't believe it - I'm on my THIRD PS3, and my FIRST XBOX360. What the heck?
  • TurretTurret Registered User regular
    edited January 2008
    How about the Amazon MP3 store?

    All their music is DRM free and they have just about everything, as long as you live in the US.

    Turret on
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