I'm sure you're all tired of me starting new threads everywhere, and I apologize, but I am on vacation and sadly have more free time kicking around that I should to think and ask questions....
So, I've been living in the same apartment complex for a year now and ever since we moved in there's one thing that's been driving me stark raving mad.... There's this white powder EVERYWHERE.... It looks like it could be drywall dust, and personally I would've dismissed it after a couple of minths, but for over a year now this crap has been getting every where...
It's not dust either, this stuff is clearly white, and is grainy like some kind of material, not fluffy and grey like dust... And its everywhere.... You can see where I've half ass wipped stuff to check the substance, about a week or a month ago, and sure enough there's no buildup in addition to the further buildup ontop of what I didn't wipe off.... I don't know what this crap is....
Thoughts? It's even getting in area I didn't think it would be possible... It acts like dust, but it isn't dust, and I don't know where its coming from.... Should I scrape some up and perform some kind of burning test? Heavens knows there's enough around to make a crime lab think a cocaine explosion occured....
EDIT: Incorrect content that I originally posted has been removed. I thought asbestos could only be in the insulation above the ceiling. Damn, I was wrong... http://realestate.msn.com/improve/article.aspx?cp-documentid=273335
You could very well have a situation on your hands. Contact your landlord immediately. That freaks me out a bit now knowing this... I've lived in places with shoddy popcorn ceilings. Ack.
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Does the textured ceiling come off? Like if you rub it, hit it, scratch it does any material/dust come off easily?
Movie Collection
Foody Things
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serious note though, have you asked any of your neighbors whether they have the same problems?
I live a private life, we tend not to socialize.... Well, not beyond listening through the walls and changing SSID names on networks....
The woman upstairs was crying in tears last night... And this other night a woman screaming NO to every advance the other person in the room was trying to make. Then one day a great THUD hit the ground, and nothing......
Yeah, I'd prefer to figure this one out myself...
Movie Collection
Foody Things
Holy shit! Sony's new techno toy!
Wii Friend code: 1445 3205 3057 5295
If this has been happening for a year though, I probably wouldn't tell your landlord that.