So, The Sarach Connor Chronicles premiered tonight. It's got Summer Glau (from Firefly) as a petite badass killing machine from the future.
What did you guys think of it? I think it's got some good potential and I'm glad that it's completely ignoring the third movie.
From the previews, I wasn't sure if Summer was gonna be a good or bad.
But I'm glad she's good because then we'll get to see her more often. Also, what's up with her not being all roboty? Seems like she's got an actual personality
Also, regarding the setting:
WELCOME TO THE WOOOOORLD OF TOMORRROOWWWWW! Yeah, so they jumped from 1999 right into 2007 because the events in T2 did stop Skynet, but only temporarily so the robot apocalypse happens later. I liked how they said they sent a guy back to 1963 to build a time machine into the vault of a bank. Very creative and believable enough to work for the show
I am looking forward to tomorrow's episode.
I don't know because I don't watch things that look stupid and boring
So I'm guessing there are no mirrors in your home?
I have not heard of this show
the lasers are just mirrors reflecting the sun
Fairly minimal, so far. And there really isn't much need to take it beyond that, I would think. They had a couple good 'splodeys and some decent make-up work where it was "hey, that person has robot parts inside".
it works in the cartoons!
Well I say this because in the previews when they showed the robots without the skin they didn't look that good. I wasn't expecting anything amazing from a TV show but I thought it could have been better.
They didn't do that in the premier...
No wait..they showed one for a quick second when Sarah was having a nightmare about the robot apocalypse where the skin was burned off one of the terminators. I thought it was pretty good, but it was only a quick shot.
I did not regret it and I will continue to watch it
:^:, the Geek.
A nude dismembered woman on a poster. Sweet, guys.
yeah it completely ignores T3 in every way shape and form
which is fine because T3 sucks.
ends up in 2007
show takes place in 2007, but John and Sarah aren't really any older due to time travel
man they went to great lengths it seems in the 1999 scenes to make sure all the cars and computers and cellphones were accurate
this part is not absurd or gratuitous at all
april of 1999 is when columbine happened
schools later that year started busting out metal detectors like crazy
terminator skin fools metal detectors
sneaky sneaky
No, that's just fucking sloppy on the part of the show. Besides, John Connor being killed in the future, the realization that Skynet cannot be defeated because it does not have a core not to mention that Judgement Day was in fact inevitable. Oh and Sarah Connor died. Yeah these things aren't important lets just ignore them.
no, it's not sloppy on the part of the show
it's an active decision on the part of the writers and producers to be selective about what is the "canon" of their show.
it's like writing a new star trek series in which voyager is totally ignored as if it didn't happen.
it's not "sloppy writing", it's just selective.
I guess, it just kinda rubs me the wrong way. Especially when apparently this show is supposed to tie in with Terminator 4 which comes out in 2009/2010. So in effect they are just cutting out T3 altogether.
would i be okay with an aliens television series that pretty much ignored Aliens 3 and Aliens: Resurrection?
yes, yes i would
erego i am okay with this
One of the most recognizable rhythm patterns in cinema.
Man, this music give me goosebumps.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
at the very end
there's no opening credits as it is a pilot, so maybe it'll be the opening music for the show
but i didn't like it
so the fact that this show ignores it
okay by me
it is still a good show
if you can overlook the fact that it ignores T3 and enjoy it as a good show, then you'll like it
I'll just say that I didn't watch the show.
However, I'll be back when I find that comic.
Then I'll post it and it will be so appropos.
Taramoor on Youtube
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
His Wang-fu is stronger than mine this day.
Taramoor on Youtube
Therefore I must watch it. I don't even care about quality. I was all like "Man the show's going to OH MY GOD SUMMER GLAU I NEED TO WATCH THIS SHOW"
If Highlander can pretend that movies don't exist, then so can Terminator.
Listen, would you really want to watch a show that was tied in with Mortal Kombat: 2? Everyone dies in that movie. A show tied in with that would be really lame. This show works the same way. They're skipping T3 because it was a shitty movie that should have never been made and they're retconning the story to fix it.
I read somewhere that the guys making this show said they aren't exactly skipping T3. T3 happened, so the dudes in the future sent this new Terminator to before it happened to try to stop Skynet again, since they had failed in T3. With time travel stories, retcons can be totally explained.