Ok, so if this is in the wrong area I know I'll be drawn and quartered but please bear with me I'm a lowly "n00b." (I actually cringed as I typed that.) Also, I could not use the search function, but I did not see a similar thread in which to post this as I made a visual scan of the games forum.
Back in November Microsoft had a promotion that if you had an Xbox and Live sub and upgraded to a 360 and a new gold account they'd send you a FREE copy of Halo 3. It can be found here:
So, my Dad was in this situation and I finally enticed him to pony up the money and upgrade since the Halo games are the only things he plays. I made sure all of his info was correct, he qualified under all of the promotion's restrictions, and I sent his request for the game in for him with all "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed. Well, it's now well past the deadline for the game to arrive (Jan. 18, 2008) and no game. I was somewhat miffed so I called MS CS last night and was told "shipping is delayed, but you will receive the game in two weeks. But you have to call back tomorrow because your 360 is not registered." Firstly, BS. It was registered the same day it was bought and the Live account was migrated immediately thereafter. I called back tonight and got a TOTALLY different response. I was told that I had to register the console online and that they "don't know how to handle the free game request. You'll have to call back in a week or so." So, after I argued with him, he put me on hold for about 20 mins and then came back saying the game will be sent out. No confirmation, no ref number, nothing as proof. Um, WTF. Has ANYONE received this offer, or gotten any different answers than the crap they are spewing at me? I've only seen two other people say anything about this on the 'net, both being similar to my situation. :x
Thanks in advance,
So yeah, I hope I get my free Halo 3 because that's pretty shitty if they don't pony up.