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this is a lot like sam&max..

gamerorcgamerorc Registered User new member
edited January 2008 in Penny Arcade Games
except for the RPG element...
are u trying to compete with them?
next thing i know you'll be calling them freelance police i just know it...

oh and is the main villian that dude who made the zombies attack the mall?

gamerorc on


  • MadbanMadban Registered User regular
    edited January 2008
    As a long time fan of Sam and Max, and having seen the demo at PAX, I have to say this game is nothing like Sam & Max. It was a straightforward point and click adventure game.

    Comparing it to S&M is like saying Quake is the same as Starcraft just without the strategy part because there are aliens that shoot at you.


    Madban on
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