I figure Jesus would look something like this:
he was a carpenter after all...
Str 16
he was a carpenter
and no mention of lost digits
Dex 14
Can't forge a world of followers without being sharp!
Int 16
He said a lot of wise things even if I don't agree with the bible all that much.
Wis 20
I'm not sure if people loved him more or what his wisdom taught. I'm gonna wing it with:
Cha 14
Starting Equipment:
Chisel x1
Hammer x1
White Robes +1 vs. evil
Is it me or is every depiction of a human bodied anti-Christ pretty frail?
Str 8
In general my experience with goth kids is they aren't very athletic
but they have an aptitude for music. I bet Damian rocks the electric guitar.
Dex 20
Since Satan's his father you figure he went to Harvard or some other top law school.
Int 18
Seeing as how his dad never really wins the universe you'd think he'd take the hint and try not being the anti-Christ by siding with the big G.
Wis 10
Up close and personal he can probably trick you into thinking he cares. This requires some form of empathy but could be enhanced by the occasional intelligence roll. I'm not sure he could pull off a Braveheart speech like Mel Gibson could.
Cha 9
Starting Equipment:
Pen x1
Parchment x1
Black silk trousers x1
Black silk shirt x1
Red silk handkerchief x1
Not to mention a number of other things, but let's start there.
Strength- got out of a tomb after three days.
Dexterity- walked on water.
Intelligence- is God going to make his kid stupid?
Wisdom- Well, at least you got that one.
Charisma- people build churches, so they may go worship him. That's like a 30 or something.
Places like locksville!