For the OP. If your brave/crazy enough, you could try seeing if someone out there will do a straight up swap of a 360 for ps3 on craigslist or something.
Realy my biggest complaint right now with the ps3 online capabilities is the max size of the friends list. Between all the ps3 owners on the forums and random invites from some of the cooler people I've played in warhawk and EOJ I've maxed it out around 50.
Is Mass Effect coming to PS3, because I'm tempted to pay to have my 360 fixed so that I can go buy Mass Effect and play through it, but i'm weary that my 360 will break again, so if there's a chance Mass Effect will be coming to the PS3 i'd rather stay in that camp.
Mass effect is a 360 exclusive
Whta's wrong with your 360 that you'll have to pay to get it fixed?
Is Mass Effect coming to PS3, because I'm tempted to pay to have my 360 fixed so that I can go buy Mass Effect and play through it, but i'm weary that my 360 will break again, so if there's a chance Mass Effect will be coming to the PS3 i'd rather stay in that camp.
Mass Effect will never be on the PS3. It might get a pc port at some point.
Mass Effect on the PC is pretty much a certainty. Mass Effect on PS3? Less likely, but not impossible. Bioware owns the IP and EA owns Bioware (and we know EA loves multi-platform). I know Microsoft published the first one, but I'm sure there's an expiration date on its exclusiveness.
Well, there really are only a few good exclusives on the PS3.
Warhawk, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and R&C.
The rest worth a damn is all multiplatform. In another year or two, sure... the PS3 will be overflowing with great exclusives... but as a PS3 owner myself, it only seems to come on occasionally for the random nugget like the games mentioned above, or Blu rays. I still use it a hell of a lot more than my Wii, though.
Throw Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Folklore and Motorstorm onto that list, as well as PixelJunk Monsters, flow, Super Stardust HD and Everyday Shooter. I'd say the PS3 has plenty of good games for this point in its life, probably a better lineup than the 360 had at this point last year.
I'd say Gaming Module just has no clue about the PS3, especially if he thinks its best titles are years off.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a remake. Folklore is a quirky title that only a small minority will enjoy. Motorstorm is a average racer that only racing fans will enjoy. Heavenly Sword is trash (for all the hype it gets) and should never be mentioned when you are trying to convert some people to the console you're a fanboy of. R&C is an average platformer and shouldn't be used to covnert people as it is no where near a system seller (but isn't shit either). Resistance's only defining qualities were that it was the only good (good, not OMG amzing buy this console) game you could play on the PS3 for a year. Otherwise is it was a generic WWII shooter that "mixed it up" by adding aliens to the story.
Also, listing 2 PSN downloadable games should not be even fucking allowed in PS3 listathons. Fucking Rez just came out on the 360 and destroys every game released on the PS3 so far, but no one is saying buy the 360 because of an XBLA game.
Of that list, Uncharted and Warhawk are probably the only ones I'd list as reasons to own a PS3. Resistance and R&C are nice filler titles that people might enjoy, but no where near system sellers. Telling someone to buy a PS3 for a shooting game is also retarded as you can get a half a dozen on the 360 that are better than it. It's like telling people to put down Mario Galaxy and a Wii and buy a PS3 for Ratchet.
I could care less what system you buy or play, but I can't stand every PS3 fanboy coming into threads and dropping a huge list of games, of which over half barely score an 80% at gamerankings and are panned by fans and critics alike, and another list of games rumoured or planned to come out by 2010 and claiming the PS3 as the must buy system and that these lists are proof of concept. If you like the system, list why you like it or give the poster some games related to what he likes. Don't copy and paste release lists and claim every game is amazing must own system sellers.
Well, there really are only a few good exclusives on the PS3.
Warhawk, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and R&C.
The rest worth a damn is all multiplatform. In another year or two, sure... the PS3 will be overflowing with great exclusives... but as a PS3 owner myself, it only seems to come on occasionally for the random nugget like the games mentioned above, or Blu rays. I still use it a hell of a lot more than my Wii, though.
Throw Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Folklore and Motorstorm onto that list, as well as PixelJunk Monsters, flow, Super Stardust HD and Everyday Shooter. I'd say the PS3 has plenty of good games for this point in its life, probably a better lineup than the 360 had at this point last year.
I'd say Gaming Module just has no clue about the PS3, especially if he thinks its best titles are years off.
Heavenly Sword is trash (for all the hype it gets) and should never be mentioned when you are trying to convert some people to the console you're a fanboy of.
Also, listing 2 PSN downloadable games should not be even fucking allowed in PS3 listathons. Fucking Rez just came out on the 360 and destroys every game released on the PS3 so far, but no one is saying buy the 360 because of an XBLA game.
For the record I still feel the 360 is a far better machine but your post kind of sucks. I have over 40 games for my 360 and like 5 for my PS3 but just saying everything on the PS3 blows is not going to win anybody over. I do want to touch on two specific parts of your post.
Heavenly Sword is pretty much the furthest thing possible from trash. I played pretty much every single AAA title on the PC, DS, PSP, 360 and PS3 last year and it was my 2nd favorite game behind The Darkness. It may not be your cup of tea. That doesn't make it trash. It is short but I will take 6-8 hours of pure quality over 100 hours of blah.
Yes Rez is awesome. Certainly one of the best games ever made. AT $10 it is hard to argue their has ever been a better gaming value. It doesn't mean that Everday Shooter and Super Stardust suck.
Just so we are clear I would never recommend anyone getting PS3 over a 360 nor would I say jumping ship from a 360 to a PS3 at this time is wise, but come on just saying everything on the PS3 is crap is just plain bullshit.
Well, there really are only a few good exclusives on the PS3.
Warhawk, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and R&C.
The rest worth a damn is all multiplatform. In another year or two, sure... the PS3 will be overflowing with great exclusives... but as a PS3 owner myself, it only seems to come on occasionally for the random nugget like the games mentioned above, or Blu rays. I still use it a hell of a lot more than my Wii, though.
Throw Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Folklore and Motorstorm onto that list, as well as PixelJunk Monsters, flow, Super Stardust HD and Everyday Shooter. I'd say the PS3 has plenty of good games for this point in its life, probably a better lineup than the 360 had at this point last year.
I'd say Gaming Module just has no clue about the PS3, especially if he thinks its best titles are years off.
Lots of talk.
So you're saying you're an asshole then?
Seriously, noone respects anyone who uses the word 'fanboy', its a pretty lame insult to fling about at people who like a console other than your own. Its also kind of self-defeating when you seem like one yourself.
How is Folklore's quirkiness any different to Viva Pinata's? Its a good game and Ratcet and Clank is a filler? Where the hell do you come up with that shit? Mario Galaxy will sell Wii's, who the hell are you to mouth off about R&C like that when its a fucking awesome game and made me actually like platformers, which I hated.
Pretty much everything you said was wrong, and not because I'm a fanboy, but because it just is wrong. Not even own opinion wrong, just stupid and wrong and you should feel bad about that.
Why do people keep comparing the PS3 now as the 360 was? It has no bearing what so ever on the discussion at hand. I just don't get it. If I were to buy a console today, I'd look at the games that are out *today* and make my decision based on that. I might look forward to see what's in store but looking back? What?
In any case, I'll probably be picking up the PS3 once gets more of the JRPG segment. Though I could see them moving to the Wii, so I'm not too sure which I'll go for if that happens.
Because it's relevant to the discussion? Gaming-Module asked why people are jumping on the PS3 ship, to which the answer is the same reason why people jumped on the 360 ship at this point last year.
That doesn't make sense. A year ago there was not much of a PS3 ship to jump from. The 360 was already entrenched, and had at least one system-seller game even without Halo 3.
Maybe there were folks who decided the PS3 was going to be a permanent dud and got 360s because of that, but there is no one now who is thinking "oh, the 360 is going to die, I should get a PS3 now."
But anyway, I'm with Cynic Jester on this. Buying a console because of games that will eventually come out, and which may or may not be good games, isn't really rational. Talking about future exclusives is nice if you're looking for hype, but not if you're looking for a good reason to spend hundreds of dollars. For that, you have to evaluate what you like about the system's current library.
I bought a 64 specifically for Earthbound 2.
We all know what happened.
Motorstorm is a crappy racer that only racing fans will enjoy.
Also, listing 2 PSN downloadable games should not be even fucking allowed in PS3 listathons. Fucking Rez just came out on the 360 and destroys every game released on the PS3 so far, but no one is saying buy the 360 because of an XBLA game.
That, and Geometry Wars can take the place of Stardust, Monsters is a complete rip off (olo let's put one of those flash games on the network and charge for it!), Flow is incredibly boring. Opinionated as all hell, yeah. But I've played them and they are unremarkable. At least Monsters and Flow. Everyday Shooter, on the other hand, is grade A. When I get a PS3 I'll get it as well.
Also, for the record, Folklore looks really good and as one of the few JRPGs on a system, is a viable system seller.
It's like telling people to put down Mario Galaxy and a Wii and buy a PS3 for Ratchet.
David Jaffe would definitely tell you that in between sips of his koolaid.
Heavenly Sword is pretty much the furthest thing possible from trash.
Maybe not trash, but close to it. It's three hours long. A little hyperbolic, but honestly. It's short. And it's even shorter when you realize that the game is artificially extended with those constant bullet time sequences.
R&C like that when its a fucking awesome game and made me actually like platformers, which I hated.
Well... I'm just splitting hairs here... but hasn't R&C pretty much become more "pew pew" than "jump jump"?
I own all three consoles so I feel I can comment here really.
I recently completed R&C and thought it was equally as good, if not better than Mario Galaxy. I know that may get me forcibly ejected from this forum by some of the Nintendo fans but it was a superb game.
I've also completed Heavenly Sword and, albeit short, it was superb. Clearly you either haven't played it, or haven't completed the first stage and got the heavenly sword.
Motorstorm may not be a must have title, but it is a superb and fun game.
Rez may be great and all, but why not just pop the PS2 copy in to the PS3?
Seriously, noone respects anyone who uses the word 'fanboy', its a pretty lame insult to fling about at people who like a console other than your own. Its also kind of self-defeating when you seem like one yourself.
How is Folklore's quirkiness any different to Viva Pinata's? Its a good game and Ratcet and Clank is a filler? Where the hell do you come up with that shit? Mario Galaxy will sell Wii's, who the hell are you to mouth off about R&C like that when its a fucking awesome game and made me actually like platformers, which I hated.
Pretty much everything you said was wrong, and not because I'm a fanboy, but because it just is wrong. Not even own opinion wrong, just stupid and wrong and you should feel bad about that.
@OP: I'm not sure I would sell a 360 to get a PS3. Are you sure you can't just save up for another month or so and buy one? That way you'll have both, best of both worlds, etc etc
Maybe not trash, but close to it. It's three hours long. A little hyperbolic, but honestly. It's short. And it's even shorter when you realize that the game is artificially extended with those constant bullet time sequences.
Well it took me a little over 7 to beat but then I wasn't rushing through it. The bullet time sequences were my favorite part of the game. Kai fucking owns, thus the avatar. It is also the only time I have truly enjoyed using the sixaxis. I am still going back and just playing the Kai parts over because I enjoy them so much.
Heavenly Sword is pretty much the furthest thing possible from trash.
Maybe not trash, but close to it. It's three hours long. A little hyperbolic, but honestly. It's short. And it's even shorter when you realize that the game is artificially extended with those constant bullet time sequences.
Oh come on. Now you're just being silly. Three hours? A little hyperbolic? It took me 7-ish hours to beat the first time, and I had so much fun that I immediately went back to play it a 2nd time. Sure, I'll be the first to admit that there should have been more difficulties in the game, but it wasn't a horrible length. I think it worked just fine. It ended where it needed to.
And the thing about artificially extending time with bullet time sequences? Yeah, that's just a dumb statement, all in all.
And the thing about artificially extending time with bullet time sequences? Yeah, that's just a dumb statement, all in all.
The game would have been cut down by at least an hour and a half if it didn't slow down to a crawl every few minutes.
Just like how it was aggravating in Gears when the action would stop so everyone could walk around chit chatting on their walkie talkies. Just like how No More Heroes completely sucks when you aren't decapitating people, and instead wandering around a crappy city. Those are two examples. Heavenly Sword is a third.
Perfectly viable statement. The game is artificially lengthened.
Well it took me a little over 7 to beat but then I wasn't rushing through it. The bullet time sequences were my favorite part of the game. Kai fucking owns, thus the avatar. It is also the only time I have truly enjoyed using the sixaxis. I am still going back and just playing the Kai parts over because I enjoy them so much.
If you liked them, that's fine. Groovy. Hip, even.
And the thing about artificially extending time with bullet time sequences? Yeah, that's just a dumb statement, all in all.
The game would have been cut down by at least an hour and a half if it didn't slow down to a crawl every few minutes.
Just like how it was aggravating in Gears when the action would stop so everyone could walk around chit chatting on their walkie talkies. Just like how No More Heroes completely sucks when you aren't decapitating people, and instead wandering around a crappy city. Those are two examples. Heavenly Sword is a third.
Perfectly viable statement. The game is artificially lengthened.
No, that's just a dumb statement. The bullet time sequences were a part of the gameplay. That's like saying Mario artificially lengthened its games by forcing you to jump.
Just so we are clear I would never recommend anyone getting PS3 over a 360 nor would I say jumping ship from a 360 to a PS3 at this time is wise, but come on just saying everything on the PS3 is crap is just plain bullshit.
So you wouldn't recommend it to the OP? Remember he doesn't really care for the current 360 library. Doesn't use live and like online. He also said that, in his opinion, 2008's ps3 exclusives > 360 exclusives. As far as multiplatform titles I think they will be mostly identical from now on. It seems most developers have gotten over the "PS3 programming is hard" hurdle. (CoD4, Devil May Cry, Burnout etc,etc)
Its seems to me a ps3 would make more sense since he doesn't care about the two biggest things the 360 currently has going for it. (Live and large library of good games) He stands to gain a more reliable, quieter system and a bluray player.
I’ll tell you what happens in Demon’s Souls when you die. You come back as a ghost with your health capped at half. And when you keep on dying, the alignment of the world turns black and the enemies get harder. That’s right, when you fail in this game, it gets harder. Why? Because fuck you is why.
Just so we are clear I would never recommend anyone getting PS3 over a 360 nor would I say jumping ship from a 360 to a PS3 at this time is wise, but come on just saying everything on the PS3 is crap is just plain bullshit.
So you wouldn't recommend it to the OP? Remember he doesn't really care for the current 360 library. Doesn't use live and like online. He also said that, in his opinion, 2008's ps3 exclusives > 360 exclusives. As far as multiplatform titles I think they will be mostly identical from now on. It seems most developers have gotten over the "PS3 programming is hard" hurdle. (CoD4, Devil May Cry, Burnout etc,etc)
Its seems to me a ps3 would make more sense since he doesn't care about the two biggest things the 360 currently has going for it. (Live and large library of good games) He stands to gain a more reliable, quieter system and a bluray player.
Greeble wins. You actually paid attention to what the OP wants and doesn't want.
If the OP doesn't care about Live or the 360 library, I don't see much on the horizon that will change that. And if there are PS3 titles he DOES want (now and future) go for it man.
I own all three consoles so I feel I can comment here really.
I recently completed R&C and thought it was equally as good, if not better than Mario Galaxy. I know that may get me forcibly ejected from this forum by some of the Nintendo fans but it was a superb game.
I've also completed Heavenly Sword and, albeit short, it was superb. Clearly you either haven't played it, or haven't completed the first stage and got the heavenly sword.
Motorstorm may not be a must have title, but it is a superb and fun game.
Rez may be great and all, but why not just pop the PS2 copy in to the PS3?
I didnt' have a problem with your post, actually thought it was really good at making your point, without trying to play up the PS3, until here.
You forget that the best selling PS3 model right now has no BC at all. So ya, there will be lots of people who can do that, but also just as many that cant.
Just so we are clear I would never recommend anyone getting PS3 over a 360 nor would I say jumping ship from a 360 to a PS3 at this time is wise, but come on just saying everything on the PS3 is crap is just plain bullshit.
So you wouldn't recommend it to the OP? Remember he doesn't really care for the current 360 library. Doesn't use live and like online. He also said that, in his opinion, 2008's ps3 exclusives > 360 exclusives. As far as multiplatform titles I think they will be mostly identical from now on. It seems most developers have gotten over the "PS3 programming is hard" hurdle. (CoD4, Devil May Cry, Burnout etc,etc)
Its seems to me a ps3 would make more sense since he doesn't care about the two biggest things the 360 currently has going for it. (Live and large library of good games) He stands to gain a more reliable, quieter system and a bluray player.
Greeble wins. You actually paid attention to what the OP wants and doesn't want.
If the OP doesn't care about Live or the 360 library, I don't see much on the horizon that will change that. And if there are PS3 titles he DOES want (now and future) go for it man.
Fair enough I agree that you should pick the system with the actual games you are interested in. Of course I am also of the opionion if you can't find anything to like on the 360 you aren't really trying. There is pretty much mutlilple AAA titles in every genre now.
Resident0: Bioware (and by ownership, EA) may own the Mass Effect IP but I'm pretty sure there's a deal in place that ensures 360 exclusivity. There will undoubtably be a PC port though, but after the Assassin's Creed debacle I'm dreading what the required specs will be (or how ridiculously buggy it'll be, having played KOTOR on PC).
Ubi are doing Assassin's Creed and are pretty much known for their rubbishly optimised PC ports (and even then, they're still playable, just don't look that much better than the X360/PS3 versions). Most other UT3 engine games (Bioshock, Gears of War, UT3 etc) seem to run exceptionally well on mid and low end hardware and really shine on the highend. So bugginess aside, I wouldn't be overly concerned about a potential Mass Effect port turning out bad.
Rez may be great and all, but why not just pop the PS2 copy in to the PS3?
I didnt' have a problem with your post, actually thought it was really good at making your point, without trying to play up the PS3, until here.
You forget that the best selling PS3 model right now has no BC at all. So ya, there will be lots of people who can do that, but also just as many that cant.
Rez being playable on the PS3 is still a valid point until there in no BC on the market. There are currently stacks of PS2-compatible 80GB units at most local Best Buys.
I'm really fucking tired of the following exchange:
"The PS3 has no exclusive games!"
"Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, R&C Future, Warhawk, Folklore, etc."
"Uh,... those games don't count."
Seriously, I'm not interested in Halo 3 or Gears, but that doesn't mean I get to pretend that they suck and say that the 360 has no good exclusives. Not every person creams their pants over Mass Effect.
Believe it or not, for some people, the PS3 has every game they want to play, and the 360 doesn't (GASP!).
Fair enough I agree that you should pick the system with the actual games you are interested in. Of course I am also of the opinion if you can't find anything to like on the 360 you aren't really trying. There is pretty much multiple AAA titles in every genre now.
Its not that we can't find anything we want, we can't find everything we want. Yes, there are many AAA titles on the 360, but the majority of them are available on the PS3 as well. For myself, personally, pretty much all of the games I want to play on the 360 are also available on the PS3 (Rock Band, Skate, DMC4, GTA4), and the few that aren't are games I don't mind missing (Dead Rising, Crackdown).
I own all three consoles so I feel I can comment here really.
I recently completed R&C and thought it was equally as good, if not better than Mario Galaxy. I know that may get me forcibly ejected from this forum by some of the Nintendo fans but it was a superb game.
I've also completed Heavenly Sword and, albeit short, it was superb. Clearly you either haven't played it, or haven't completed the first stage and got the heavenly sword.
Motorstorm may not be a must have title, but it is a superb and fun game.
Rez may be great and all, but why not just pop the PS2 copy in to the PS3?
Because the 360 Rez has been reworked to have high definition graphics & surround sound, costs $10 (as opposed to the $30-$50 that a used PS2 copy will cost you), and some PS3s don't have backwards compatibility? Then again, this may all be moot a few months down the road as the designer mentioned that he'd liked to create a PSN port of the game if he gets the chance.
And people complaining that you shouldn't be able to use XBLA or PSN games to sell a system, don't know what they're talking about. I've spent more time on my 360 playing XBLA games than I have full retail games and from what I've heard, the PS3 has some pretty sweet games on the PSN (Everyday Shooter being the one I want to play the most).
And people complaining that you shouldn't be able to use XBLA or PSN games to sell a system, don't know what they're talking about. I've spent more time on my 360 playing XBLA games than I have full retail games and from what I've heard, the PS3 has some pretty sweet games on the PSN (Everyday Shooter being the one I want to play the most).
Although in my case on the PS3 it would be Super Stardust HD.
After checking out Rez HD, I have come to the conclusion that Sega & Capcom need to port more Dreamcast games over to XBLA and PSN and make 'em HD. I would kill a dozen adorable kittens for Power Stone 2, Cannon Spike, Chu Chu Rocket, and Jet Set Radio, all running at 1080p.
And the thing about artificially extending time with bullet time sequences? Yeah, that's just a dumb statement, all in all.
The game would have been cut down by at least an hour and a half if it didn't slow down to a crawl every few minutes.
Just like how it was aggravating in Gears when the action would stop so everyone could walk around chit chatting on their walkie talkies. Just like how No More Heroes completely sucks when you aren't decapitating people, and instead wandering around a crappy city. Those are two examples. Heavenly Sword is a third.
Perfectly viable statement. The game is artificially lengthened.
No, that's just a dumb statement. The bullet time sequences were a part of the gameplay. That's like saying Mario artificially lengthened its games by forcing you to jump.
No, it's not like that in the slightest.
I'm saying that Heavenly Sword may be 7 hours, but a good chunk of those hours are spent in slow motion. That's artificially lengthening the game, like needless fetch quests in a modern Castlevania. Whether it affected your overall enjoyment or not is beside the point, which is that the game is made longer because you spend significant amounts of time in slow motion.
I think that sucks. But that's just me. I also dislike other games that do the same thing.
Hence, I don't think Heavenly Sword is a great game, but I also don't think it's trash, as was previously described.
In essence, it's a really short game made longer by having to play parts of the game in slow motion.
After checking out Rez HD, I have come to the conclusion that Sega & Capcom need to port more Dreamcast games over to XBLA and PSN and make 'em HD. I would kill a dozen adorable kittens for Power Stone 2, Cannon Spike, Chu Chu Rocket, and Jet Set Radio, all running at 1080p.
After checking out Rez HD, I have come to the conclusion that Sega & Capcom need to port more Dreamcast games over to XBLA and PSN and make 'em HD. I would kill a dozen adorable kittens for Power Stone 2, Cannon Spike, Chu Chu Rocket, and Jet Set Radio, all running at 1080p.
I will sign your petition.
Yeah same. Especially Chu Chu Rocket and Power Stone (I prefer the first one, but man, the 4 player of 2 is so crazy).
Sleep, seriously now, you are talking so much bullshit. You're saying that the game is lengthened, significantly here, by the 5 seconds it takes for the hat to hit the gong in relatively slow motion and thus the game is in fact only 3 hours long, bolstered by apparently HUGE quantities of time spent in slow motion.
I mean that is what you're saying right?
God Sleep. There's reaching for an excuse to dislike a game and then there's just being an obvious jerk.
Yeah I'd love me some remakes of old Dreamcast games. While we are add it, lets put Cannon Spike on there too since dual stick shooters seem to be popular.
Rumour: I'm pretty sure Rez HD is coming to PSN too once the rumble controlers are out. I saw a recent interview with one of the developers saying something to that affect.
I’ll tell you what happens in Demon’s Souls when you die. You come back as a ghost with your health capped at half. And when you keep on dying, the alignment of the world turns black and the enemies get harder. That’s right, when you fail in this game, it gets harder. Why? Because fuck you is why.
I think I'm having a change of plans tonight, ... people are coming over for Rock Band, but all they're gonna get to play is Power Stone 2 and Cannon Spike.
Sleep, seriously now, you are talking so much bullshit. You're saying that the game is lengthened, significantly here, by the 5 seconds it takes for the hat to hit the gong in relatively slow motion and thus the game is in fact only 3 hours long, bolstered by apparently HUGE quantities of time spent in slow motion.
I mean that is what you're saying right?
God Sleep. There's reaching for an excuse to dislike a game and then there's just being an obvious jerk.
I put in the warning that I was being hyperbolic.
That doesn't change the fact that long parts of the game require you to play it in slow motion. I played the game, and while it wasn't a factor in the beginning, the further along I got the more often the action was broken up so I could ricochet a hat off a lamp off a dog off a hot dog stand and then off of some guys frontal lobe. That's not much of a reach. I don't think I'm being a jerk by saying, "I don't like games with bullet time."
If you think that's a bad attitude, then just wait till you read about my feelings on NASCAR games.
And the thing about artificially extending time with bullet time sequences? Yeah, that's just a dumb statement, all in all.
The game would have been cut down by at least an hour and a half if it didn't slow down to a crawl every few minutes.
Just like how it was aggravating in Gears when the action would stop so everyone could walk around chit chatting on their walkie talkies. Just like how No More Heroes completely sucks when you aren't decapitating people, and instead wandering around a crappy city. Those are two examples. Heavenly Sword is a third.
Perfectly viable statement. The game is artificially lengthened.
No, that's just a dumb statement. The bullet time sequences were a part of the gameplay. That's like saying Mario artificially lengthened its games by forcing you to jump.
No, it's not like that in the slightest.
I'm saying that Heavenly Sword may be 7 hours, but a good chunk of those hours are spent in slow motion. That's artificially lengthening the game, like needless fetch quests in a modern Castlevania. Whether it affected your overall enjoyment or not is beside the point, which is that the game is made longer because you spend significant amounts of time in slow motion.
I think that sucks. But that's just me. I also dislike other games that do the same thing.
Hence, I don't think Heavenly Sword is a great game, but I also don't think it's trash, as was previously described.
In essence, it's a really short game made longer by having to play parts of the game in slow motion.
You can not deny that.
I am pretty sure you make absolutely no sense. You wouldn't be able to control the arrows and cannon balls in regular speed. It wouldn't be possible. It's not like the game stops itself for you to watch a scene of the arrow go slowly after you fired it. No, the game slows down so you can control the directions of the arrows. It's a gameplay necessity. It's part of the gameplay. Sure the game-time slows down, but gameplay keeps going, so it's not artificially lengthening anything. I don't care if you don't like it. That's cool. I'm sure it's perfectly possible to not like it. That's not what I'm arguing. I'm saying you can't say that they're artificially fucking lengthening the game through a gameplay element of slowing time so you can control the arrows.
I mean, let's just say we're in bizarro world and it does somehow artificially lengthen the game. Well even so, Heavenly Sword cuts out so much other bullshit that artificially lengthens the game, and so it balances out, I guess... in bizarro world.
Yeah, saying you don't like "bullet time" is one thing, but to say it artificially pads the game time is kinda stupid, since, like Radikal said, it allows you to do things you wouldn't really be able to do well (if at all) at normal speed.
That's like saying that Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time artificially pads its game time because it forces you to replay certain moments within the time stream twice.
Game A is 10 hours long with superfluous bullet time.
Game A is 8 hours long with the superfluous bullet time replaced with a different design.
The game is lengthened because of their design choice. I think (hope) that maybe you guys are getting hung up on the "artificial" part. That's the same adjective I use when describing those above examples. Fetch quests in Castlevania, useless FMV and dialog in RPGs, etc etc.
"Aiming is impossible if you don't do it in slow motion!"
Come on guys.
We can all think of better ways that Heavenly Sword could have done it.
That's like saying that Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time artificially pads its game time because it forces you to replay certain moments within the time stream twice.
Maybe. Dunno. Never played it, but if they didn't do it well, then yeah. I'd probably think it was unnecessary as well.
God what a retarded complaint that makes no sense.
the bullet time is the gameplay. It would be like complaining that Half Life artificially lengthens the game because you have to shoot enemies instead of rushing right past them.
God what a retarded complaint that makes no sense.
"OLO you no like bulit time that is retarded!"
the bullet time is the gameplay. It would be like complaining that Half Life artificially lengthens the game because you have to shoot enemies instead of rushing right past them.
After checking out Rez HD, I have come to the conclusion that Sega & Capcom need to port more Dreamcast games over to XBLA and PSN and make 'em HD. I would kill a dozen adorable kittens for Power Stone 2, Cannon Spike, Chu Chu Rocket, and Jet Set Radio, all running at 1080p.
I will sign your petition.
Yeah same. Especially Chu Chu Rocket and Power Stone (I prefer the first one, but man, the 4 player of 2 is so crazy).
God Powerstone HD gives me such a boner. I recently picked up the collection on PSP and while it is fun it just isn't the same playing it on such a tiny screen. On a 32" widescreen oh god, oh god.
Realy my biggest complaint right now with the ps3 online capabilities is the max size of the friends list. Between all the ps3 owners on the forums and random invites from some of the cooler people I've played in warhawk and EOJ I've maxed it out around 50.
Mass effect is a 360 exclusive
Whta's wrong with your 360 that you'll have to pay to get it fixed?
Mass Effect will never be on the PS3. It might get a pc port at some point.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a remake. Folklore is a quirky title that only a small minority will enjoy. Motorstorm is a average racer that only racing fans will enjoy. Heavenly Sword is trash (for all the hype it gets) and should never be mentioned when you are trying to convert some people to the console you're a fanboy of. R&C is an average platformer and shouldn't be used to covnert people as it is no where near a system seller (but isn't shit either). Resistance's only defining qualities were that it was the only good (good, not OMG amzing buy this console) game you could play on the PS3 for a year. Otherwise is it was a generic WWII shooter that "mixed it up" by adding aliens to the story.
Also, listing 2 PSN downloadable games should not be even fucking allowed in PS3 listathons. Fucking Rez just came out on the 360 and destroys every game released on the PS3 so far, but no one is saying buy the 360 because of an XBLA game.
Of that list, Uncharted and Warhawk are probably the only ones I'd list as reasons to own a PS3. Resistance and R&C are nice filler titles that people might enjoy, but no where near system sellers. Telling someone to buy a PS3 for a shooting game is also retarded as you can get a half a dozen on the 360 that are better than it. It's like telling people to put down Mario Galaxy and a Wii and buy a PS3 for Ratchet.
I could care less what system you buy or play, but I can't stand every PS3 fanboy coming into threads and dropping a huge list of games, of which over half barely score an 80% at gamerankings and are panned by fans and critics alike, and another list of games rumoured or planned to come out by 2010 and claiming the PS3 as the must buy system and that these lists are proof of concept. If you like the system, list why you like it or give the poster some games related to what he likes. Don't copy and paste release lists and claim every game is amazing must own system sellers.
For the record I still feel the 360 is a far better machine but your post kind of sucks. I have over 40 games for my 360 and like 5 for my PS3 but just saying everything on the PS3 blows is not going to win anybody over. I do want to touch on two specific parts of your post.
Heavenly Sword is pretty much the furthest thing possible from trash. I played pretty much every single AAA title on the PC, DS, PSP, 360 and PS3 last year and it was my 2nd favorite game behind The Darkness. It may not be your cup of tea. That doesn't make it trash. It is short but I will take 6-8 hours of pure quality over 100 hours of blah.
Yes Rez is awesome. Certainly one of the best games ever made. AT $10 it is hard to argue their has ever been a better gaming value. It doesn't mean that Everday Shooter and Super Stardust suck.
Just so we are clear I would never recommend anyone getting PS3 over a 360 nor would I say jumping ship from a 360 to a PS3 at this time is wise, but come on just saying everything on the PS3 is crap is just plain bullshit.
So you're saying you're an asshole then?
Seriously, noone respects anyone who uses the word 'fanboy', its a pretty lame insult to fling about at people who like a console other than your own. Its also kind of self-defeating when you seem like one yourself.
How is Folklore's quirkiness any different to Viva Pinata's? Its a good game and Ratcet and Clank is a filler? Where the hell do you come up with that shit? Mario Galaxy will sell Wii's, who the hell are you to mouth off about R&C like that when its a fucking awesome game and made me actually like platformers, which I hated.
Pretty much everything you said was wrong, and not because I'm a fanboy, but because it just is wrong. Not even own opinion wrong, just stupid and wrong and you should feel bad about that.
I bought a 64 specifically for Earthbound 2.
We all know what happened.
That, and Geometry Wars can take the place of Stardust, Monsters is a complete rip off (olo let's put one of those flash games on the network and charge for it!), Flow is incredibly boring. Opinionated as all hell, yeah. But I've played them and they are unremarkable. At least Monsters and Flow. Everyday Shooter, on the other hand, is grade A. When I get a PS3 I'll get it as well.
Also, for the record, Folklore looks really good and as one of the few JRPGs on a system, is a viable system seller.
David Jaffe would definitely tell you that in between sips of his koolaid.
Maybe not trash, but close to it. It's three hours long. A little hyperbolic, but honestly. It's short. And it's even shorter when you realize that the game is artificially extended with those constant bullet time sequences.
Well... I'm just splitting hairs here... but hasn't R&C pretty much become more "pew pew" than "jump jump"?
I recently completed R&C and thought it was equally as good, if not better than Mario Galaxy. I know that may get me forcibly ejected from this forum by some of the Nintendo fans but it was a superb game.
I've also completed Heavenly Sword and, albeit short, it was superb. Clearly you either haven't played it, or haven't completed the first stage and got the heavenly sword.
Motorstorm may not be a must have title, but it is a superb and fun game.
Rez may be great and all, but why not just pop the PS2 copy in to the PS3?
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
@OP: I'm not sure I would sell a 360 to get a PS3. Are you sure you can't just save up for another month or so and buy one? That way you'll have both, best of both worlds, etc etc
Well it took me a little over 7 to beat but then I wasn't rushing through it. The bullet time sequences were my favorite part of the game. Kai fucking owns, thus the avatar. It is also the only time I have truly enjoyed using the sixaxis. I am still going back and just playing the Kai parts over because I enjoy them so much.
Oh come on. Now you're just being silly. Three hours? A little hyperbolic? It took me 7-ish hours to beat the first time, and I had so much fun that I immediately went back to play it a 2nd time. Sure, I'll be the first to admit that there should have been more difficulties in the game, but it wasn't a horrible length. I think it worked just fine. It ended where it needed to.
And the thing about artificially extending time with bullet time sequences? Yeah, that's just a dumb statement, all in all.
The game would have been cut down by at least an hour and a half if it didn't slow down to a crawl every few minutes.
Just like how it was aggravating in Gears when the action would stop so everyone could walk around chit chatting on their walkie talkies. Just like how No More Heroes completely sucks when you aren't decapitating people, and instead wandering around a crappy city. Those are two examples. Heavenly Sword is a third.
Perfectly viable statement. The game is artificially lengthened.
If you liked them, that's fine. Groovy. Hip, even.
But I don't like Max Payne, either.
No, that's just a dumb statement. The bullet time sequences were a part of the gameplay. That's like saying Mario artificially lengthened its games by forcing you to jump.
So you wouldn't recommend it to the OP? Remember he doesn't really care for the current 360 library. Doesn't use live and like online. He also said that, in his opinion, 2008's ps3 exclusives > 360 exclusives. As far as multiplatform titles I think they will be mostly identical from now on. It seems most developers have gotten over the "PS3 programming is hard" hurdle. (CoD4, Devil May Cry, Burnout etc,etc)
Its seems to me a ps3 would make more sense since he doesn't care about the two biggest things the 360 currently has going for it. (Live and large library of good games) He stands to gain a more reliable, quieter system and a bluray player.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
Greeble wins. You actually paid attention to what the OP wants and doesn't want.
If the OP doesn't care about Live or the 360 library, I don't see much on the horizon that will change that. And if there are PS3 titles he DOES want (now and future) go for it man.
I didnt' have a problem with your post, actually thought it was really good at making your point, without trying to play up the PS3, until here.
You forget that the best selling PS3 model right now has no BC at all. So ya, there will be lots of people who can do that, but also just as many that cant.
Fair enough I agree that you should pick the system with the actual games you are interested in. Of course I am also of the opionion if you can't find anything to like on the 360 you aren't really trying. There is pretty much mutlilple AAA titles in every genre now.
Ubi are doing Assassin's Creed and are pretty much known for their rubbishly optimised PC ports (and even then, they're still playable, just don't look that much better than the X360/PS3 versions). Most other UT3 engine games (Bioshock, Gears of War, UT3 etc) seem to run exceptionally well on mid and low end hardware and really shine on the highend. So bugginess aside, I wouldn't be overly concerned about a potential Mass Effect port turning out bad.
Rez being playable on the PS3 is still a valid point until there in no BC on the market. There are currently stacks of PS2-compatible 80GB units at most local Best Buys.
I'm really fucking tired of the following exchange:
"The PS3 has no exclusive games!"
"Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, R&C Future, Warhawk, Folklore, etc."
"Uh,... those games don't count."
Seriously, I'm not interested in Halo 3 or Gears, but that doesn't mean I get to pretend that they suck and say that the 360 has no good exclusives. Not every person creams their pants over Mass Effect.
Believe it or not, for some people, the PS3 has every game they want to play, and the 360 doesn't (GASP!).
Its not that we can't find anything we want, we can't find everything we want. Yes, there are many AAA titles on the 360, but the majority of them are available on the PS3 as well. For myself, personally, pretty much all of the games I want to play on the 360 are also available on the PS3 (Rock Band, Skate, DMC4, GTA4), and the few that aren't are games I don't mind missing (Dead Rising, Crackdown).
Then they're probably mentally deficient.
Because the 360 Rez has been reworked to have high definition graphics & surround sound, costs $10 (as opposed to the $30-$50 that a used PS2 copy will cost you), and some PS3s don't have backwards compatibility? Then again, this may all be moot a few months down the road as the designer mentioned that he'd liked to create a PSN port of the game if he gets the chance.
And people complaining that you shouldn't be able to use XBLA or PSN games to sell a system, don't know what they're talking about. I've spent more time on my 360 playing XBLA games than I have full retail games and from what I've heard, the PS3 has some pretty sweet games on the PSN (Everyday Shooter being the one I want to play the most).
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Although in my case on the PS3 it would be Super Stardust HD.
I Live Arcade so much.
No, it's not like that in the slightest.
I'm saying that Heavenly Sword may be 7 hours, but a good chunk of those hours are spent in slow motion. That's artificially lengthening the game, like needless fetch quests in a modern Castlevania. Whether it affected your overall enjoyment or not is beside the point, which is that the game is made longer because you spend significant amounts of time in slow motion.
I think that sucks. But that's just me. I also dislike other games that do the same thing.
Hence, I don't think Heavenly Sword is a great game, but I also don't think it's trash, as was previously described.
In essence, it's a really short game made longer by having to play parts of the game in slow motion.
You can not deny that.
I will sign your petition.
Yeah same. Especially Chu Chu Rocket and Power Stone (I prefer the first one, but man, the 4 player of 2 is so crazy).
I mean that is what you're saying right?
God Sleep. There's reaching for an excuse to dislike a game and then there's just being an obvious jerk.
Rumour: I'm pretty sure Rez HD is coming to PSN too once the rumble controlers are out. I saw a recent interview with one of the developers saying something to that affect.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
I put in the warning that I was being hyperbolic.
That doesn't change the fact that long parts of the game require you to play it in slow motion. I played the game, and while it wasn't a factor in the beginning, the further along I got the more often the action was broken up so I could ricochet a hat off a lamp off a dog off a hot dog stand and then off of some guys frontal lobe. That's not much of a reach. I don't think I'm being a jerk by saying, "I don't like games with bullet time."
If you think that's a bad attitude, then just wait till you read about my feelings on NASCAR games.
I am pretty sure you make absolutely no sense. You wouldn't be able to control the arrows and cannon balls in regular speed. It wouldn't be possible. It's not like the game stops itself for you to watch a scene of the arrow go slowly after you fired it. No, the game slows down so you can control the directions of the arrows. It's a gameplay necessity. It's part of the gameplay. Sure the game-time slows down, but gameplay keeps going, so it's not artificially lengthening anything. I don't care if you don't like it. That's cool. I'm sure it's perfectly possible to not like it. That's not what I'm arguing. I'm saying you can't say that they're artificially fucking lengthening the game through a gameplay element of slowing time so you can control the arrows.
I mean, let's just say we're in bizarro world and it does somehow artificially lengthen the game. Well even so, Heavenly Sword cuts out so much other bullshit that artificially lengthens the game, and so it balances out, I guess... in bizarro world.
That's like saying that Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time artificially pads its game time because it forces you to replay certain moments within the time stream twice.
Lemme spell it out for you then, Junior.
Game A is 10 hours long with superfluous bullet time.
Game A is 8 hours long with the superfluous bullet time replaced with a different design.
The game is lengthened because of their design choice. I think (hope) that maybe you guys are getting hung up on the "artificial" part. That's the same adjective I use when describing those above examples. Fetch quests in Castlevania, useless FMV and dialog in RPGs, etc etc.
"Aiming is impossible if you don't do it in slow motion!"
Come on guys.
We can all think of better ways that Heavenly Sword could have done it.
Maybe. Dunno. Never played it, but if they didn't do it well, then yeah. I'd probably think it was unnecessary as well.
EDIT: Also worth noting - you don't have to use bullet time. Bullet time only kicks in when you hold the button down. You can completely avoid it.
the bullet time is the gameplay. It would be like complaining that Half Life artificially lengthens the game because you have to shoot enemies instead of rushing right past them.
"OLO you no like bulit time that is retarded!"
Resist the urge to be stupid.
God Powerstone HD gives me such a boner. I recently picked up the collection on PSP and while it is fun it just isn't the same playing it on such a tiny screen. On a 32" widescreen oh god, oh god.