Sooo, cruising on comcast on demand-> cutting edge -> g4 -> game invasion -> PS3
I found this which reminds me of System shock 2 for some very odd reason, I just can't place my finger on it. The wiki calls the enemies NECROMORPHS (oooooh EEEEEEEEEEE ooooooooooooooh) and your character is named Issac Clark.
Ign has 3 more screen shots than the game's flash site.
You are alone on a mining station, the only survivor of the 1500 people originally on the station. You are fighting against things that look like they were sewn together from parts of the still living crew and the light behind their eyes seems to be the flicker of their soul. You have no ability to send a communication for help and you have some weapons.
Good looking graphics and a decent art style (I think). David Fincher's art style was mentioned as a source of inspiration.
Zero G environments. The video mentions areas with the gravity cut out in certain areas and you see stuff floating around and one of the pictures from IGN shows you sideways on a wall so this could mean that you have magnetic boots so then all of you who got a rise out of the hull fight scene in Star Trek: First Contact or any zero G fighting in general, you may applaud.
Unanswered questions
How are you the only survivor?
Will there be other people to communicate with other than the computer?
Where did the Necromorphs come from? Did someone cast
animate Flesh Golem?
Will this be on the PC anytime soon?
coming soon in 2008
edit: I skimmed the first 10 pages of the forum and found nothing about the game so I apologize if this is a repeat thread.
If I remember right, you're nothing more than a repairman and when communications went down on the station, you were sent to go fix their communications array only to find a little more than a broken antenna.
"It may just be a down transmitter. Okay? But if it's not..."
(dunno why that came to mind when I read that...
More like Doom.
But at this point, I guess its petty to speculate or judge since we don't know how combat is going to go or even if we will have active control. I mean, that thing he is carrying around in the video could be some fancy wrench or crowbar.
Now how the fuck am I supposed to such the forums?
That should have anything we've seen so far.
But Im willing to get on board. The setting is still not old for me, I enjoy it.
I'd guess the lab is cliche because its the easiest way to get your story off the ground. You don't need to create a special culture or biological procedure for aliens, backstory, etc. Just whip up mutants gone wrong and you're done.
I am so glad I am not the only one who thought this
Man, if this game captures the incredible creepiness of 7 Days a Skeptic, consider it bought