So: I recently decided I wanted to set up WordPress on my MacBook and start playing around with it. After following the steps
here, I got Apache/PHP/MySQL coöperating nicely, with WordPress working great—except that images specified in a stylesheet won’t load, but rather give a 403 error. As it happens, this exact issue is covered in the previous link, but the solution does not work for me.
In /etc/apache2/httpd.conf have the following:
<Directory "/Users/stilist/Sites/">
Options Indexes Includes
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
The following shows up in Apache’s error.log for each specified image:
[Mon Feb 04 17:12:56 2008] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: file permissions deny server access: /Users/stilist/Sites/wordpress/wp-content/themes/black/[i]image_name[/i].gif, referer:
chmod those bitches (or whatever the mac version thereof is).
Too simple? Sorry, if so.
Running chmod 777 *.* on the images fixed it right up, thanks!