Welcome to the Robot Chicken 2008 thread! Let deh postings begin! More information will be provided next week! This year we have a talented committee that is dedicated to making it run a little smoother than last year! We will have more space, more systems (which will come with more than one TV) and more music! The quantity of booze is entirely up to you. See you all in August!
Note to all former attendee's: If you want to be part of the committee just holla at me in the IRC channel)
After three hard days of gaming, partying and drinking you deserve a break! Time to sleep, pack your bags and prepare for the long (or short) journey home. However, if you find that you still have some party left in you then come over and wreck yourself! WARNING: This is not for the faint of heart! Commemorate all the parties by having another party in honor of the parties previously celebrated before this party!
Sunday night (after the expo) is the plan. The party starts promptly at 9:00pm!
Because you are a hardcore party person and lack the common sense to listen to your body and get some rest. Despite the sleep deprivation, dehydration, hangover and obscure rash you decided to push your limits and go for broke! Or you just feel like chilling, playing some games and saying goodbye to new or old friends.
.....To find us? The Pre-PAX dinner on Thursday! No Luck? Try the Pre-PAX movie raid! Don't think we exist? Then try to catch us at the Sealab Party. When you find us we will provide you with more detailed information about the party and answer any questions you may have. As always, bringing alcohol and food is encouraged...but not required. We will be passing out pimpy flyers all day Sunday as it will be your only method of entry. The flyer will act as a map and invitation. Flash it to our door man and you're gold! No flyer, no party.
Committee Members:
Samir Duran
Yes this party was lots of fun and way better than just passing out after PAX.
Same idea, just with my stupid ass drowning out the others.
We need some brawlin' going on up in hurr's.
I'm gonna do research and prank somebody so hard this year.
Or am I?
I believe we had some good times the first night even.
I will, once again, provide super cheap ass booze to any party I attend/am invited to.
LOL. Oh Duran...my dear Duran...you will forever live in Robot Chicken History...
I'm pretty sure Matt and I will be there again, for sure. Wouldn't miss it for the world!
Also, SHHHH!!!!
RE: Mr. roboto
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Haha yes. that did rock. the booze provided came in can form with gold logo. Oh gawd what was it called ?!
We visited every city and we ROCKED them all.
I remember high life, and budweiser, and maybe corona?
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
I brought a bottle of Old Grandad 80 proof (which I drank most of), and a 12 pack of icy-cold Rainier, the favorite beer of the greater Seattle area.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: GPUReview.com My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
/me Slaps Forehead
....No. You're killing me Duran. (But I still love you)
btw, i'm definitely down for a return performance this year!
If you'll have me, I'm there ^_^
I'm in!
I can sleep when I'm dead (or when I go back to work on Thursday)
We could certainly have karaoke there...the naked part I'm not too sure about...
....well...It wouldn't be the WORST thing in the world. I mean, how bad could it get? Really?
If I could be there you know I so would be.
Why not make a strip game out of it.
In the end we're all hotter, or colder, or something.
But.... I don't waaaaaaaanna be naked!
Hey, no one asked your opinion. Play along and get naked now ok.
If we are playing a stripping game we should make some rules up fir strip-munchkins. You didn't just backstab your friend so he get's eaten by the Plutonium Dragon... you also stole his boxer shorts. :winky: