Since search is disabled atm, I can't find out if there's already a thread discussing this.
I'm considering picking up a 360 sometime soon, but here's the thing. I have an older TV. It's a big screen but it came out right before digital TV's started being the norm. It doesn't even do progressive scan.
Though the thought occurred to me to maybe save up a little more money and buy a new TV instead and scrap the 360 idea for now, well, meh.
What I want to know, really, is how "bad" is the quality for the 360 on a standard display television, if any of you out there play on a normal TV without progressive scan or anything? I do have one component input on the TV, even though it's not in any way digital, so I can get at least decent cables for what I have. But I don't want to go spend the money on a 360 if it's just honestly going to look like trash on my TV, when the chances of me getting money for a TV too are pretty slim.
Another option, I suppose, I have a 19in LCD I use for my secondary PC in my "office" (read: room where I can keep all my geek crap to not annoy my wife); is there a way to hook up a 360 to a LCD PC screen? It just has the generic DVI and VGA inputs.
So help me out, if you can.
That oughta do it with the LCD.
The 360 certainly doesn't look bad on a SDTV (I used mine on an SDTV for a while) and will still look quite a bit better than last gen, but on an HDTV it looks much, much improved.
You're in luck, though. They sell 360 VGA cables, specifically for computer monitors. Just pick one up and you're good to go on your LCD monitor.
I played Gears of War, Armored Core, GRAW and a variety of XBLA arcade games on my shitty 20" tube tv before I invested in a relatively small 26" HDTV. The games were still fun and very playable. If you've never played games in HD, you probably won't hate it too much. I could never go back though.
World of Warcraft - Calbert, Azjol-Nerub (PvE)
So then, with the LCD what "resolution" should I expect? I'm not really terribly well versed on the console/HDTV use of terms. I know "i" is interlaced and "p" is progressive scan. I know the numbers correspond to some aspect of the resolution, but not exactly how they equate.
So, for example, this LCDs default resolution is 1440x900; what would that correlate to for a 360 resolution?
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
A 360 with a VGA Cable or HDMI to DVI converter cable will put out a wide variety of resolutions, all the way up to 1920 by 1080. Sadly, it doesn't properly output at a 16:10 ratio so on a 1440 by 900 monitor you'll get a little image stretching. Still, it'll look pretty good and you can run it at 1280 by 768, for instance.
I've been running a 360 on monitors since launch almost, and it's great. My current setup is a 24 inch Gateway monitor with an HDMI to DVI cable, but I've used the VGA cable extensively in the past. You'll also need an RCA or Digital Optical capable sound device of some kind to receive the audio.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Sounds good. I need to put some crap up on ebay then to get the rest of the money I need.
Is there any reason to get the Elite instead of the Pro since I don't have HDMI and probably won't for the life of the 360? And probably a stupid question, but is the Pro worth the $80 more it is over the Arcade? I know the Arcade doesn't come with a hard drive, but how hard is it to upgrade the hard drive on your own? If it's easy it really doesn't seem like the Pro is worth the money, because a 20gig hard drive costs considerably less than $80.
EDIT: Plus, the Compusa going out of business in town is selling the Arcades for $230 making it $120 less than the Pro. So how easy/difficult upgrading the hard drive is will be rather important.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
You can pick up a used hard drive from gamestop for $60, or a new one if you can find them at Toys R Us for $50. Go with the arcade.
Also, all 3 models come with HDMI now. 20gb enough? I'm sure I'd download the demo here and there but probably just remove them when I'm done. I also understand that very few games require the hard drive, though apparently you need it for the old Xbox BC?
Kind of silly the only options are 20gb and 120gb. I don't even need 120gb on my main PC, I can't imagine ever needing it on a console. A nice 40gb or 60gb seems more sensible.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
A game would probably be ideal too.
I can probably scrounge up $400 before the compusa closes. Maybe I should just pick up the 360 now just in case.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
This is accurate; you need to buy one from MS (that're overly expensive)
As for non-hd tv's - I use an SDTV, and there haven't been any really horrible text games in a while... Dead Rising is the example everyone uses, and some games haven't been great about it (Vegas and GRAW were a bit tiny), but most of the recent AAA games haven't had any issues
The size question basically comes down to whether you plan on downloading movies (especially HD movies), and how much of a demo-packrat you are... my 20gb is always almost full, but I have at least 7gb of demos that I haven't played yet (or haven't touched in 6 months) that could certainly be deleted. The xbox originals thing might also start eating up large amounts of space if you're going to buy a bunch of those games, but XBLA games/patches/downloadable content, for the most part, is all pretty small
You can buy a specific type of HDD and pop it in the enclosure, but you'll need to get the enclosure first. So either way, you're gonna have to go with a hard drive.
20 gbs fills up fast, but honestly, I went a year with only 64 mb on a memory card and never filled it up. The 20 gb HDD fills up because of demos or downloadable content, all of which can be redownloaded from the xbox live server.
Again, I recommend an arcade and a used 20 gb HDD or the new $50 20 gb HDD at toys r us if you can find it.
So I just noticed the wireless adapter costs a freaking fortune. Are there any other options there? Affordable ones? My router is in the living room and my whole house is wireless. Can you hook up the 360 to a PC as a gateway? Or are there affordable options (3rd party) for the wireless?
Thanks for all the answers so far. I'll stop by toysrus on my way home from campus tomorrow and check out what they've got for hard drives. $60 for a factory refurbished one is perfectly fine too (EBGames).
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
For the connectivity, I have my router in the basement, my 360 is connected to my PC which has ICS enabled and is connected wirelessly to the router, so you don't have to spend $100 on the Wireless Adapter. Just enable ICS on your PC and you're good to go.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
The official xbox page lists the Arcade as not having backward compatibility. Is this only because of the lack of hard drive? If I pop that hard drive on will it for sure be able to play old xbox games? I'd rather not pick up an arcade only to find out that it had any necessary hardware needed for BC stripped out and the hard drive doesn't make a difference.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Also, what's the connection most monitors use called again?
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Yep, it's only because of the hard drive... in truth, other than some randomness with the HDMI ports, and the color of some of the front parts (is that still true?), there's really zero difference between the physical Pro and Arcade consoles, it's just that the Pro comes with the hard drive/other accessories. If you pop a hard drive on you basically have a Pro console, and all the backwards compatibility is software based
VGA is the one that's been around for a while, and that most people use; I don't think there's a DVI cable for the 360 (though I could be wrong about this), and I guess there are now some monitors that have HDMI input, but VGA is most likely what you're looking for (the one with the trapezoid-shaped blue plug)
Just be wary of Dead Rising and it's too-small-for-SD text.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Thanks; yeah I found somewhere that stated explicitly that it would work with a HD.
The difference between the Core and the Arcade is that the Arcade comes with a memory card and a wireless controller instead of the Core wired one. The Pro comes with the hard drive and no memory card; BUT it comes with a headset which the arcade inexplicably lacks.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
I used my 360 on both a large and small-screen SDTV for a while, and thought the quality was fine. Perfectly playable. Didn't have any trouble reading text at all, but I never played Dead Rising or Gears on those TVs.
Oh, and if you're looking for 20gb drive, PM me. I have one that's new/unused from my Pro that I was going to put up on eBay since I upgraded to a 120gb. Would prefer to give a good deal to PAer.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
I want to connect my 360 directly to a PC to use the PC's wireless connection. I've turned on the network sharing and all that jazz but I can't make it past the DNS test on the 360.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Now, can someone tell me why it says I only have 13.8gb free on the hard drive when there's only about 30megs of stuff showing up on the hard drive menu?
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Several Gigabytes of the 360 Hard Drive are reserved for the Operating System, a system cache for 360 games, and emulating the 8 Gig Hard Drive of the original Xbox for backwards compatibility. So, 13 Gigs is all you get access to I'm afraid.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Cool. Such as?
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
*To my shame, answered without reading the whole thread.
And it works well not having the 360 on the main TV because 1) it looks better on the LCD in HD. 2) My wife can still watch TV or a movie and I can play, without disturbing each other.
Sadly the Compusa I was going to buy the Arcade at had sold out so I ended up just picking up a pro. It came with Ultimate Alliance and Forza 2 (the latter of which I'll never touch) and a headset (no memory card though); it worked out to only be about 15 bucks more than a base Arcade and a Hard Drive would have been. I got Blue Dragon while I was there for the hell of it, it was on sale too. I'm enjoying it so far. Reviews just say it's pretty generic, but oddly that's the kind of JRPG I like so good times.
I'm really looking forward to picking up some more recent games that push the system somewhat to see what this thing can do. I've downloaded about a dozen demos already and am going to check them out now.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Anyways, it was asked in this thread already, but then solved before an answer was given: Is there a cheaper alternative to the offical 360 Wireless adapter? That's a ridiculous ammount to pay for a wireless card.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!