OK, this topic has been festering in my brain so I thought I'd throw this out there to see if I'm the only one.
I'm getting tired of games that force me to use a controller in a layout that is ass-backwards for me. Even though I'm right-handed, there are many times when the left/right of the thing just feels wrong. So many times I wish I could have the option to reverse the functions of the left & right analog sticks on my xbox controller. Sometimes I want to flip the controller completely and move the buttons to the left. Like I said, I'm not a lefty, and so I guess I have to justify my peculiar rant.
Case in point: Driving games. It's already hard enough to drive a car with a tiny thumbstick with no feedback, but you want me to steer with my left thumb? It's probably the most uncoordinated appendage on my body, and I have to use it for the most critical part of the game? I fell in love with the demo for Forza 2, but I can't bring myself to buy even a used copy because I know that driving with lefty is going to cause me endless grief. The steering wheel has come down in price, but $99 to play racing games properly is stretching it for me, and it's not like I'm poor.
Another example: Rez HD. I wanted to like this game when I played the demo, but I had a hard time getting ol' lefty to cooperate. I'm a big supporter of inverted Y-axis, so that's not an issue. There aren't that many controls in this game, so why can't I have an alternate layout? That reason alone will keep me from buying it.
One game that seemed to get it right was Tiger Woods '07 (I'm gonna finish that year before buying '08), and I could reassign the tru-swing controls to the right stick. Trying to swing with the left stick was like playing golf with a baseball bat.
I've been playing video games since Pong, so it's not like I'm some un-coordinated newb. I just find it frustrating that game designers don't take alternate views into account for controller layouts. It also makes me wonder if there is a market for controllers that have all the controls flipped horizontally.
Maybe there's some programming reason, I don't know, but it seems to me it would be simple enough to code. Just need to shift around a few pointers.
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Also check out my old game design blog: http://stealmygamedesigns.blogspot.com
I've read numerous articles in Game Developer regarding "sloppy" versus "precise" button pressers (good example of a layout made for sloppy pressers - the GameCube controller), and how many game frames it takes for a button press to register in the game. There's a lot of thought to be put into making sure if you start pressing right your character goes right. I think the ability to reassign controls is the sort of feature that's so easy to implement that it gets put at the bottom of the priority list and just never gets done.
That said, not buying Rez HD because you're forced to use the left control stick is possibly the worst reasoning I've ever heard in my life. I agree it's really not that big a deal for the devs to put that option in there, but one method you could do is just assign the shot and overdrive buttons to the LT and LB and then just move the left stick with your right thumb.
Everyone needs to play Rez -- I don't care if you have to play it with your feet.
... actually ...
It might help, and its not $99 like the wheel. I love the wheel, myself, but a lot of people swear by the controller.
While I agree it'd be nice if developers made every game completely cutomizable from a controls standpoint, it might be tough to do in some games. If really have no knowledge on the subject, but it makes sense that it might be tough to do in some instances.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
Since many games are already shipping in a fairly buggy state, gamers have been blaming QA testers for missing egregious bugs. In most cases these bugs were found but ignored by the publishers who wanted to release the game ASAP. I believe that certain things should always be a given (on or off settings for inverting the camera X/Y axis, is one), but that button mapping is not so high on that list. Usually, the default scheme is the one that works 'best' with the given game design. What really sucks is when control schemes are changed over the course of a series.
I do need to point out that the left thumbstick/d-pad as primary steering control is likely a leftover from RC cars. Where the old remotes that the left stick to steer and the right stick for throttle. Allowing a gamer to switch that is unlikely to be very complicated, but it would deviate from a standard that has been around longer than home video gaming.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
Sometimes I Stream Games: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/italax-plays-video-games
It's the only console available that allows you to SET CONTROL DEFAULTS for every game genre AS A USER PROFILE SETTING. Arguably, it's the most flexible console available to allow you to do what you want to do.
The game makers are at fault for not creating the control options... But damn. The 360 is ahead of everyone else here.
Apparantly he want's the face button to be on the left.
At first when I started playing non-PC games I thought it was weird to have the movement buttons/stick to the left since keyboards have the arrow keys to the right. Nowadays it doesn't really matter because the PC games I play all use WASD for movement.
Again, it's not all games, it's just some games where it would make sense to *ME* to have them flipped, and if you want to look down your nose at me for it, I guess that's your prerogative.
So.... you use sticks with both thumbs already? Yet you can't control normal video games that don't involve flying RC-style?
I'm missing something here.
So you drive an American car with a manual transmission, here drive this japanese car
oh, you play right handed guitar? here play this left handed one
Oh, you bat right? Here, stand left
oh, you skate regular? Skate goofy...
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Actually, it sounds more like "so you drive an American car with a manual transmission, here, ride this horse."
Since few if any games to my knowledge use RC-style controls, I'd think there would be a lot more adjustments to make other than using the proper stick.
I interpreted it more as trying to do something you normally do but backwards, i only made those comparisons because I know how it is. i used to play initial D for hours upon hours a day, then when i got my first car with a manual transmission... well... "shit this is weird with the gear shift on the right"
You missed the point. The controls were basically reversed left/right for what is a "standard" in RC flying. So for me it was a struggle, and one that prevented me from enjoying the demo, and subsequently from buying the game.
If you guys are having a hard time grasping what I'm talking about, do this. Grab your mouse, and put it on the left side of your keyboard. Use the mouse with your left hand only. Tell me how long you can go without putting it back on the "normal" right hand side. (If you're a lefty do the opposite.) That's how I feel about the controller layout sometimes. Sure, I can get used to it, but I know I'd do better and enjoy myself more if I could flip it.
Yeah, wasn't that the Phoenix Revolution for PS2? Good idea, but the thing felt like a cheap piece of crap.
I guess I see what you mean. The problem is that technically, game pads aren't righty OR lefty, they're ambidextrous. You have to have coordination in both hands to use them, and righties and lefties alike have used them without much complaint for over 20 years. Your situation is a bit unique, I'm afraid.
Yeah, that's the one:
I never used it, but I figured it might be useful for anyone who may want to change the controller layout of various things.
'course there's nothing like that for the current gen.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Now I want to try out Katamari Damacy with that thing.
I PC game in the only sane way (keyboard on left, mouse on right (mouse on left is completely retarded and obviously not for people with sanity))
anyway I dunno what I was getting at, but I adapt to my controls. In FPS I play non-inverted, if someone hands me the controller and they're an invert, I'll be playing just fine in a matter of minutes.
I just think you need to lern 2 control or lern 2 build game console controllers.
You know unless you don't want to POINT at everything.
Yeah, cos it only consists of an IR pointer and doesn't in fact feature a d-pad, an analogue stick, several buttons and tilt sensors.
Even if it didn't have the tilt or the pointer I would STILL love the Wii mote because I find being able to game with my hands apart (rather than clasped in front of me) is much more comfortable.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I think his issue is with the "several" buttons. On top of that if you don't want your hands clasped then you have access to a d-pad and 2 buttons, 4 buttons if you're a contortionist, and 6 buttons if you have some sort of freaky condition with having fingers longer than your arms.
I'd love to have a 360 controller that broke in half down the middle (obviously a little redesigned to accomodate that!)
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I dunno, for me though I enjoy the wiimote, for some games I feel I would be able to control things better if my hand positions were locked (ie both hands are holding one piece)
Or say I'm playing an action game with friends and I want to grab the drink that's in front of me, on other systems I just hold the controller 1 handed, but on the wii I have to think of where or how to best deal with the floppiness of the 2 weights on a string design.
It looks cool.
(Actually more often than not I do this when drinking and it results in whisky spillage)
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Well, yeah, the Wiimote/Chuck is designed like that, but I was more talking about the "two separate halves of a controller" thing. I mean, imagine a 360 pad divided down the middle with a cord connecting. You could have the requisite two triggers, a joystick, and four (five, if you count Start/Select) buttons on each. It'd be about as reachable as the way the controller is currently set up, and you'd have the added bonus of reversibility, putting your hands in a more comfortable position, etc. etc.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
yeah that kinda makes sense. I imagine it hasn't been done yet for engineering/manufacturing reasons.