I just noticed that a few days ago, a link to the Fishman videos (a truly freaky pile of stuff about Scientology) appeared on the blog. So, I came to the forums, and I've been lurking here for a few hours, looking to see if the boards had caught any wind of recent events... Couldn't spot it.
Basically, a horde of script kiddies "declared war" on Scientology, DDoS'd a few of their sites, uploaded "sooper sekrit" scientology documents, and generally made a nuisance of themselves. And now they're preparing for a crapload of protests on sunday, attracting much more serious and more level-headed members, and even getting
a respectable set of forums, as opposed to their previous porn-laden craziness.
So, I had to ask. What do the people here think of this craziness?
Or has this already been discussed (and, if so, link please)?
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Shit, I missed that.