I'm getting the urge to play me some FPS games, but i'm looking for something more realistic, like the old raven shield i used to play.
What are the widely regarded kings of tactical shooters? SWAT 4? The older Rainbow six / Raven Shield games?
I must shoot mans tactically.
I had a friend who, ten years ago, would swear it was the best online tactical shooter that would ever exist. As I recall it wasn't half bad but I didn't really get into it all that much.
And of course there's always Call of Duty 4's Hardcore mode... ;-)
Rainbow Six Rogue Spear
Rainbow Six Raven Shield
Rainbow Six: Athena Sword
Americas Army: Special Forces
Swat 3 and 4
Operation fucking Flashpoint
Op Flash - Resistance
ARMA (after patching)
ARMA: Queens Gambit
Ghost Recon
Ghost Recon Island Thunder
Ghost Recon: Desert Siege
Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter
Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
Hostile Intent (Half Life Mod)
Insurgency (Half Life 2 Mod)
OpF is such a great game even if a bit unforgiving.
I dont know if you could classify as tacshooter but ive been playing alot of SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 2.
I entered a game earlier w/ a guy who sounded like Bill from Silence of the Lambs.
My SOCOM handle is Harakhti if any one is up for a game.
Operation Flashpoint
Operation Flashpoint
That should do.
And you can have it anywhere.
There is a lot of substance to that game, I'd give it a shot. I haven't played since they added the vehicles but the old game really is worth playing.
It's not the kind of game where you have to memorise map layouts. Enemy placement is random and their behaviour is unpredictable, so you have to be cautious entering every room.
Plus, the best thing about it is that it's not a military game, but a Police game, and it's a very important difference. Your objective isn't to slaughter everyone on a level, it's to bring order to chaos. The perfect playthrough is one where everyone survives and makes it out alive, suspects included. Impossible? Usually, some suspects just don't want to give up. But it drastically shifts the emphasis of your actions and how you carry out your objectives. You don't expose yourself to danger un-necessarily in a game where a single shot can easily take you out (happened to me more than once where I'd get to the end of a level, get careless, and simply wander into the next room to have my head taken out by a punk with a gun). You have to try and ensure that you don't give the suspects the chance to take you out, through a combination of smart tactical aid usage, rapid action and fast reflexes.
Co-op multiplayer makes it even better, especially on the larger levels in the expansion pack. You can trust your squadmates not to have the odd AI 'brainfart' that can sometimes afflict the singleplayer squadmates. But at the same time it's always important to keep in mind that even a single person going Rambo or otherwise acting stupidly can end up killing the entire team. Do things by the book, or people get shot, it's that simple. Makes for some really tense multiplayer.
I also used to love the competative multiplayer modes, although to be honest, they could have used a bit of balancing on some maps. VIP escort is awesome, but not when you're the suspects and SWAT have a relatively short move to the exit point, as happens on one or two maps.
Also: Operation Flashpoint. Probably the closest to an actual "soldier sim" you're likely to find.
Yes, Yes and yes.
Brothers in arms is most definately tactical, and closer to being more like a real world WW2 combat experience than Call of Duty or Medal of [strike]Arcade[/strike] has ever come. The guns feel like guns and the manuvers feel realistic (well more so in earned in blood - the AI moves more and tries to flank better)
I suppose I could also add Full Spectrum Warrior to the list, but it's not like you get to sqeeze off a round or anything.
The original creators of the game went on to make Armed Assault, which is like the spiritual successor. Never tried it myself.
There's an Operation Flashpoint 2 in the works by someone else.
The original team who made Op Flash 1 went on to make ARMA (Armed Assault) and Codemasters found a new team to handle Op Flash 2.
*fucking beaten
Also Delta Force, was the best game out at the time. Sniping a guy from across the map with bullet drop while he yells out medico? All a 12 year old growing boy could ask for.
The only thing I wish it had was more guns.
It was one of the first FPSes with 'real' guns that was playable online with large teams and a somewhat workable server browser (that I played anyway). It was a total campfest, since the voxel based maps were huuuuge, even by todays standards, and the guns were pretty accurate (as in 'aim at 5 pixels on the horizon and kill it'). It had some pretty modern playtypes, not just deathmatch, but also capture the flag and king of the hill for example.
My tactics involved 'stay behind a hill/in a little valley at all times or get shot'. I have no idea of it went any further than that.
It was also overrun by hacking fucks who jumped a mile into the air and rained down airstrikes on your face, unfortunately.
Insurgency rocks so hard.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
But what a great game it was. The mp5 was pretty useless though.
Delta Force was great fun. I'm normally not that big into FPS, but I think I played Delta Force for a whole summer. Fucking snipers.
You sir, give me your SteamID so that we can cap some fools.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
I suppose Call of Duty 4 sort of does the same thing with the hardcore mode... but even then, its not as tactical as Hostile Intent.
Everyone should play Hidden & Dangerous 2. It's an amazing game.
You don't like WW2? I guess that's too bad because you should play it anyway.
It also has the most interesting mission structure I've seen in a tactical shooter. The game is split up into multiple operations and each operation is split up into multiple missions. At the beginning of each operation, you equip your four man squad with whatever you want within their weight limits. You give them weapons, a limited supply of ammo, wirecutters, compasses (which are pretty much a necessity), binoculars, medical supplies, you can even choose to give them different uniforms and headgear.
And then once that's done, you're dropped behind enemy lines for the first mission of the operation with everything you gave your men. But once you're inside the operation, you have to scrounge. You may start out with awesome Allied equipment, but once you've begun an operation, there's rarely any way to resupply. You have to make do with enemy weapons and ammunition and medical supplies and if you can't find enough, then you're just out of luck.
It doesn't make the game appreciably harder, but I always thought it was a great feature and really hit home the feeling of being trapped alone with your squad behind enemy lines working without allied support.
EDIT: Also, wounds and dead squad members persist between missions and if someone dies in the middle of an operation, you just have to try to make it through short handed.
was that directed at me or at people in general? because I fucking love the game.
I always started the mission over if someone died. Leave No Man Behind!
You may get frustrated with the first few rounds, but then you'll get used to ducking behind things and watching every nook and cranny for hostiles.
It wasn't directed at you. I was just elaborating on your post.
Because it's great. And everyone should play it. Everyone.
I don't know how we've gone so long without someone mentioning Red Orchestra
Germany got punk'd. I think this map is a 1:1 scale recreation of a real place.
Red Orchestra's a World War II tactical shooter. It's pretty realistic and more importantly it's super duper awesome. It's set on the Eastern Front so it's all Germans vs Russians. The maps range from giant, wide open fields where a bunch of tanks blow each other up to narrow, ruined cities where there's just a lot of infantry, plus everything in between.
Not pictured: the Huns.
I like to think of it as three different games. You've got the tank game, which is almost always on those giant maps, where you and your tank crew (and the rest of your team of 10+ tanks) take on the other side. It's pretty intense and you have to work really closely with the other people in your tank if you want to be super effective. Or you can try to do it all yourself but that's harder.
Then there's the combined arms maps, which are tanks + infantry. It's almost an entirely different game because it comes down to one or two tanks per side working in conjunction with the rest of the team. Unless someone goes nuts with a satchel charge or gets lucky with some panzerfausts, if you see the enemy tank you're probably going to have to run or hide because the friendly tank is your only hope. Of course, while the tanks are hunting each other the infantry are duking it out in the streets and buildings and stuff.
This is going to hurt tomorrow morning.
Which brings me to the infantry combat which is probably the biggest and most popular part of the game. It's also a bit more realistic than the tank combat, which itself is still pretty good. The infantry combat is straight out of any tactical shooter. No crosshairs, all aiming is done with iron sights, no bullet count on your HUD, locational damage, etc. It's great fun setting up a machinegun in an alley and pinning down enemy troops or sniping people from the rubble of a building. Or you can always fix bayonets and charge to your doom if you're feeling fatalistic.
Stupid Russians trying to defend the trenches from above.
It's a retail game that used to be a mod for UT2k4 until it won the "Make Something Unreal" contest. It's $20 off Steam and although it's no Crysis or anything, the graphics are still fine. Especially on the newer maps that have some of the newly added vehicles, you forget that the game is a few years old when there are tracers flying everywhere and artillery coming in and stuff. Except for the forests. Those are sooooo ugly. Awful.
Well, the forest in the infantry maps map look nice.
In Red Orchestra 2 you will be able to use your nanosuit to hurl North Koreans through those trees. Maybe.
What are you waiting for? Buy the thing! Every once in a while they do a free weekend, but there's no telling when the next one is. Fight for Mother Russia, or defend the Fatherland! You won't regret it unless you don't like the game.
That said, there are still plenty of choices out there. SWAT is a perfect CQB sim, especially 3 and 4. Brothers In Arms simulates infantry combat during World War II reasonably well. Insurgency is a multiplayer HL2 mod that's fairly realistic and also has a good community (a lot of them ex-mil) if you join the right servers. The old Ghost Recons and Rainbow Six series were also good contenders (GR for big outdoor maps, R6 for indoor CQB). And I would lime that Red Orchestra post up there if it weren't so big. Such a good game.
Never played SWAT 3. Personally, I'm a big fan of co-op Fresnel Street Station in SWAT 4: Stechkov Syndicate.
One thing I liked about SWAT 4 was that they made an effort to give the individual officers a bit of personality with what they say over the course of events and missions. It gave you a sense of how they were feeling:
Pepperball gun + Taser/Colt Pistol
Stinger Grenades
Door Wand
And you're set for non Lethal force
You could also use the beanbag shotgun, but in situations with large groups it's not as effective as the pepperball gun.