I used to be really into computers, but once my hardware started getting so far behind the curve that a simple video card or processor switch was no loner viable, I cut back on it. Oblivion was the last PC game I played with any sort of lasting interest. Eventually, right around the time Gears of War dropped, I went and got an Xbox and never looked back.
I was surprised to find the 2.2GHz Core2Duo that came in my laptop was considerably faster than the 3.0GHz Northwood I had in my desktop, and I think the laptop's 8600m is even on par with my old x800XT AIW. So I got to wondering if there were any other forumers with a Mac as their main source of PC gaming.
I just bought Orange Box and Sam and Max, Season 1. I've played through Portal and touched on TF2, but ever since getting almost to the end of Half-Life 2 when it was new and losing my save, I haven't touched it or its later episodes.
I apologize if this would be better suited for another thread, but the search feature doesn't appear to be working.
...shit-damn, I'm lonely.
Uh... got nothing else to say but buck up man.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Apple computers and video games, go!
The weak 5400rpm drive I got with this thing can't compare to a pair of Raptors, but the loading isn't unbearable. It was pretty sweet looking up there on my LCD TV. HL2 ran at its native resolution of 1360x768, and I was able to bust some AA and AF to bring forth the smoothness.
Overall I was very pleased ^__^
I don't have Bootcamp or any of the variants, so I'm stuck with Mac versions of games. It's good, in a way, as I get more work done, but once Dwarf Fortress comes out for OSX I will be testing the very limits of my self-control.
DOSBox gives me access to old games, though, which is good for a nostalgia fix every now and then.
I also have a regular Windows XP virtual machine for MS Office and Windows Media Player, too. I like not having to deal with flip4mac or rely on the buggy MS Office filetype support in iWork '08. Plus it's really nice to be able to boot up a windows vm and browse whatever websites I want or install whatever bloated shitware I need without actually having to deal with it staying on my system.
Revert to snapshot for the win!