I've owned a few consoles; not as many as people here. I have owned two, and had one on long-term loan. Each has been bought after seeing a single game and thinking, "I
have to own that game, and - d'oh - the hardware to run it".
The Original Playstation.
I bought this to play Wipeout 2097. I played one track on a friend's PS, and got vertigo. I bought one the next day.
The PS2.
It had been a long day; a friend and I had been replacing the knackered back wheel of my motorbike. We settled down in the evening, had some beer and curry, and he put GTA3 on his PS2. I had been a huge fan of the original top-down GTA on my PC. I got back to mine the next day, and bought myself a PS2, SSX and GTA:VC for my birthday the week after. (An aside; I prefered VC to 3)
RE4. What can I say about this that has been said on these forums already. I managed to get this on a long-term loan for a summer, and what fun it was.
Honourable MentionN64
Goldeneye. I only got to play it at my girlfriend's place, as it was her brothers. If I had the spare cash, I would have got one, but only with the goldeneye controller, as the others were crap.
I saw XBox games after I had the PS2, and never saw one that was an exclusive that I wanted. Yes, that includes Halo. I thought that FPS's were better suited to a PC.
I've also seen a bunch of PS3 games in action (if motorstorm had split screen two player, that would be a system seller for me, and I think that GTA4 is going to be when I see it) , but I'm having trouble justifying to my wife...
So what games have made you guys buy consoles?
I never really thought about this before, neat thread idea.
PSX - Resident Evil
Bad voice acting + incredible gameplay and atmosphere really sold it for me and my brother. We both pooled all our cash to get a PSX and this game.
PS2 - Kessen
Yeah, it's a Koei/Dynasty Warriors kind of game, but I really loved the setting and graphics. Plus, all the hype around the PS2 launch made me justify buying this in a round-about way.
Dreamcast - Shenmue
Funny thing, the game wasn't even out yet, I believe I read about this in a magazine or online somewhere and decided I had to have a DC even if the game wasn't out yet. Best decision I've ever made in terms of console/game purchases, since this is my favorite game series ever. Every other great game on DC was just gravy.
Gamecube - RE4
Pretty much the same reasons as the OP, plus after watching one gameplay video a million times over, I became so fanatical about it. Interestingly, this is the only game I own for the system.
PSP - Metal Gear: Portable Ops
Big Metal Gear fan, so no brainer for me. Another great purchase decision, IMO, cause this is the one system I've been playing a ton of recently, even more so than my PC or PS3.
PS3 - MGS4
Yeah, it's not even out yet, but like the Dreamcast I saw this and decided screw it, I want the console this game will be on. I figure, again like the DC, that all the other good games out/coming out will be gravy.
super mario world = super nintendo.
thats the last time I bought a system for single game.
PSN: super_emu
Xbox360 Gamertag: Emuchop
Upgraded for Half-Life 2.
I was lucky; my, ahem, work laptop plays Freespace 2 (which I found out about from these forums). I would have upgraded for Portal if my work desktop didn't play it, but it does, so I had a late night at work...
N64 for Ocarina of Time.
Gamecube for Nintendo games.
Xbox for XBMC.
DS (lite) for NSMB.
Wii for Wii sports and Twilight Princess.
Although ironically, it actually came out like 18 months after I did so.
Literally the best decision Ive ever made.
You must have missed that one.
PSN: super_emu
Xbox360 Gamertag: Emuchop
Why havent they made JSR3 or something for modern consoles. Seems like a no brainer.
throw it on Wii, let you tag stuff with the wiimote, you can sign your name in the air and it paints onto a wall. awesome.
Totally forgot about this game. I didn't buy a DC for PSO, but it was another great reason for owning the system.
because like so many other people, it was which console was looking better, PS3 or 360, leading up to the GTA release.
now I'm almost regretting my decision, as I'm not sure my repaired 360 will last until GTA comes out
I convinced my dad to buy an entirely new computer so I could play Quake 3. I also bought the Geforce2 GTS right when it came out to play Quake 3 better.
I upgraded my entire computer because I was sick of playing Serious Sam Second Encounter with 20 or lower frames.
I bought the 6800GT OC (still using it) when it first came out in July '04 to be prepared to run Doom3 very nicely (which it did).
I did. I tend not to believe games journalism, having been burnt too many times before, and rely on forums and actually
playing games at friends' houses, and then taking low-priced risks on second-hand games. My only Xbox owning friend
was a FPS nut, and so didn't have anything else. Thus I didn't see anything but FPSs... (The same friend put me off the PSP
for about 6 months as well, for the same reason.)
I built a PC 4 or 5 years ago for Half Life 2.
I built my current PC for Hellgate: London.
I bought a Wii for Red Steel.
Sometimes I make poor choices...
What ever happened to Power Stone, anyway? They made those two games, which were at least wildly popular with Dreamcast owners, and then stopped.
Oh, and got a Radeon 9700 to play Half Life 2 (and Doom 3, but it just happened to be coming out at the same time). Best graphics card ever made, in terms of how much it outpaced its competition and how long it stayed relevant and useful. Doom 3 was a bit underwhelming, though.
No other hardware purchases have been for a single game.
Dreamcast - Soul Calibur
Turbo Grafx 16 - Bonk
Gameboy - Pokemon
Gameboy Advance - Super Dodgeball Advance
Nintendo DS - Kirby Canvas Curse
NES - Super Mario Bros.
SNES - Street Fighter 2
Nintendo 64 - The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time
Gamecube - Super Smash Bros Melee
Wii - The Legend of Zelda; Twilight Princess
X-Box - Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball... ...ya rly...
X360 - Bioshock
Playstation - Gran Turismo
Playstation 2 - Gran Turismo 3
PSP - Valkyrie Profile
Geforce 4 - Warcraft 3
Geforce 5950fx - Unreal Tournament 2k3
Geforce 6800gt - Far Cry
Geforce 7600gt - World of Warcraft
Played it at a friend's house and couldn't get the music out of my head. I found one at a yard sale on deep discount, and, after a little digging around, found a copy of JGR. One of the better decisions I've made, most definitely. I even started listening to one of the bands on the soundtrack (Jurassic-5, who recently broke up )
Xbox - Halo
Not ashamed to admit it. Again, played it at a friend's house, really enjoyed it. To be honest, though, I could just as easily have said Elder Scrolls III for this spot.
Gamecube - Resident Evil 4
Again, an excellent call on my part, although looking back, I shouldn't have bought all the other games I bought for it that I now never play. :S
Next big purchase? Probably the 360 for Rock Band and Gears of War.
Personally I've never upgraded "for" a specific game. Eventually there will be a few games I like that I can't run well, and if it's been a long time since my last upgrade and if I decide I have enough spending money, I go for it. I certainly don't upgrade to stay on top of the curve - that's just wasteful.
PS2: Final Fantasy X (I sold my original Xbox and 6 or so games for it)
360: I bought the 360 when I heard the PS2 version of Rock Band was hobbled, plus it meant I could play Halo 3. Turns out I still play Rock Band a ton but I play COD4 more than Halo 3.
Don't really remember any before that.
Gamecube - Wind Waker, Timesplitters 2, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
PlayStation - Megaman X4
NES: The Legend of Zelda and Pro Wrestling. I loved Pro Wrestling when I was a kid.
SNES: Super Mario World. I played this at a friend's house and I knew it must be mine.
Game Boy: Final Fantasy Legend. Whoops.
PlayStation: FF VII. I bought it after I found out FF VII was coming to the platform, having played FF I, IV, and VI. Tomb Raider and Mortal Kombat Trilogy paved the way. My friends and I played so much MK Trilogy. Looking back I don't know what was wrong with us. Beyond the Beyond was in there somewhere too, but I think I got bored and never finished it.
N64: Rogue Squadron and Ocarina of Time. I'm pretty sure those are the only games I ever bought for the N64 now that I think about it.
PS2: I honestly can't remember. This came out late in my college career, and I was drunk for about two years straight. I know I owned one because after school I played FF X and GT3 a lot while I was looking for a job.
Dreamcast: Shenmue and NFL 2K1.
XBox: I told myself I would never buy a Microsoft console because I worked in tech support and hated them for Windows 98.
GameCube: It was a gift from a friend. I donated it to charity.
GBA: Final Fantasy Tactics. I must have logged 100 hours on this game, and never played my GBA again.
DS: Received as payment for a $40 debt that couldn't be met. Sucker.
PS3: I was in the US for two weeks and I knew if I didn't buy it I wouldn't have a chance for over a year. Resistance came with me.
360: Mass Effect and Bioshock broke my will.
Wii: Twilight Princess. Oddly enough, I still haven't played it.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
So I've upgraded this thing...twice in the past 10 years?
My original plan for the DS was to pick one up when Europa Universalis came out. I felt betrayed when that game never materialized. I bought a DS Lite anyway for NSMB and the other Mario games, but haven't used it much apart from those.
And it was Ace Combat 6 that sold me on the 360. Haven't played it in ages, though. The last time was when the first batch of DLC came out.
My last gaming computer upgrade was for Morrowind.
PSX - Chrono Cross. And to a lesser extent Final Fantasy 7. Which was good, just not the Greatest Video Game Ever Made that some of the internet seems to think it is.
PS2 - (gulp) Final Fantasy X. A friend recommended it, and it was...okay...but mostly it made me wish I hadn't given my SNES away.
Gamecube - Metroid Prime and Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Xbox - Knights of the Old Republic. I was also mildly curious as to what the big deal was with Halo.
GBASP - Metroid Fusion. It had been entirely too long since my last playthrough of Super Metroid. Quite a few other games as well, but that's the one I really remember.
SNES again - I found one in a used gaming store along with copies of Final Fantasies 2 and 3 and a good portion of my original collection. It looks really weird on a 42" plasma TV.
360 - Oblivion. Worth every penny of the purchase price. I probably have 300 hours across mutliple characters in that game at this point.
DS - No real games drove my purchasing decision here. I gave my SP away with a copy of the original Game Boy Tetris game as a birthday gift, and I needed something to play my GBA games. There were several games that had come out that looked interesting, though they've been so overshadowed by games since then (Phoenix Wright, Phantom Hourglass, Ertian Odyssey, etc) that I can't remember them
Wii - Wii Sports and Twilight Princess. And the promise of what the VC would be offering.
PS3 still has yet to offer anything that would make me want to put money down for it. So far the games that have made me consider it - Ace Combat 6 and Devil May Cry 4 - have come out on the 360. And my last computer upgrade was to merely buy a cheap laptop that could do everything my 5-year-old gaming PC could do. Again, most of the stuff coming out on PC that I'd really like to play has also come out on the 360.
Dreamcast: Soul Calibur
Playstation - Castlevania: SoTN - One of the people in my dorm freshman year at college had a copy of the game. After playing it on his Playstation for about a week, I decided to get my own. Got both the PSOne and a copy of SOTN used.
Xbox - DOA3 - My college roomate had a PS2 and we used to play the hell outta DOA2: Hardcore. Since he already had a PS2 and I wanted to get DOA3, I got the Xbox.
Xbox 360 - I mainly got the 360 because I liked my Xbox and liked a lot of the games that were scheduled for release. As far as specific games, I got it when Dead Rising came out, along with Oblivion. I probably put over 250 hours into Oblivion, so I'd say it was money well spent.
GBA - Not one game in particular but a series. I got my GBA after Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance came out. I figured I was going on a trip and wanted to play the GBA Castlevania games so I got it.
DS - Same thing happened as with the GBA. Got it when Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin came out. Got both that and Dawn of Sorrow before I went on a trip. After getting Brain Age and getting hooked on the Sudoku puzzles I don't regret it.
I'd name all the things I've upgraded my PC for, but that would take too long. Being a primarily PC gamer was the main reason I didn't even bother owning any of the SNES/Genesis era of consoles. Let's just narrow it down to I usually upgrade my computer every other year. With biggest games I upgraded for being Quake 2, Half-Life, and Half-Life 2.
I bought a PS2 to play FF10
I bought a Dreamcast becuase it was dead and thus cheap
I bought an Xbox360 to play Mass Effect, and to a much much much lesser extent Halo 3
I bought a PS3 to play FF13, MGS4 and whatever else... its my main console.
Ive upgraded my PC at specific points to play Doom 3 and Bioshock
SNES: Super Mario World
Sega CD : Lunar: The Silver Star
Saturn: Dragon Force and NiGHTS
PS1: Final Fantasy VII & Tactics
Dreamcast: Jet Set Radio / Shenmue / Sonic Adventure / RE: Code Veronica
PS2: Xenosaga & Frequency
GBA: Shin Megami Tensei: DemiKids(Dark)
Gamecube: Tales of Symphonia
Xbox: Doom 3 C.E. & Jet Set Radio Future
PC upgrade: F.E.A.R. & Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
DS: Trauma Center & Feel The Magic
PSP: Final Fantasy Tactics & Dracula X Chronicles
Haven't gone next-gen yet, so I guess I'm still waiting for 'that game' on any of the big three.
But anyhow, I recalled that we got a Dreamcast mainly for Dead or Alive 2. This was when the Dreamcast had just given up the ghost, so it was pretty cheap.
(I upgraded my PC most recently for Oblivion. I guess it is more of a console thread though.)