Introversion Software is a UK indie game developer responsible for three smash hits. Spoilers have large screenshots.
DEFCON: Everybody Dies
Their newest game is my favorite so far. DEFCON is a 2-d tactical nuclear warfare game in which you choose from one of six regions on Earth, North America, South America, Africa, Europe, East Asia, and South Asia. You must launch nukes at your opponents, while getting hit as little as possible.
The atmosphere of the game is dark and brutal. Soft tragic music plays as you witness mass destruction. Every time a nuke lands on a city, you gain two points, and see how many millions of lives died because of you or your opponents.
Online multiplayer has a mode called Diplomacy, in which you and other players all start off on the same team, trying to maintain alliances, or betray the ones you have made. In the end, it's your points that matter. One thing you can try is launching nukes in midair as coersion and then deactivating them if that player does your will.
Darwinia is an RTS. You command hundreds of little digital beings called Darwinians in order to combat computer viruses in a surreal digital landscape straight out of Tron. Different Darwinians can be given different attributes and responsibilities as you progress.
This game is Introversion's first hit, and I'm currently playing the demo to get a feel for it. It actually does not try to present itself as a game. Does anyone remember the Hacking sequence in Enter the Matrix? It's like that, except there is less tedious typing. The story is that you are using your personal PC to log into a spy network that rents you out a "Gateway" for 300 dollars a month.
These "Gateways" are computers that have the ability to perform hacks all over computers around the world. You use them to accept jobs from unknown sources. They tell you what computers to hack, what to steal, destroy or trace, and you have to do it while covering your tracks.
As harvest was helping me with earlier. In the first mission you do, you purchase upgrades for your Gateway. You first get a Password cracker, a Trace Detector, File Copier, and a log deleter.
In this scenerio, you connect to the enemy computer, and it asks for a login and password. You turn on your trace detector for your personal defence, and then turn on the Password Cracker.
Then you get the password and enter it in, at this point, your Tracer is beeping at progressively faster intervals. Taking too long can disconnect you, or worse, get you fined or arrested (which is a Game Over).
You can then peek around at the file directories, find the one you want and use the File Copier on it, and it will slowly download.
Once you have it, you then go into the enemy computer's logs and delete all the logs relating to you AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN, and disconnect. You would then attach the file in an email to the client, who would then send you money for more upgrades and missions.
Does anyone have advice?
In the test mission you just delete the logs directly. In subsequent missions you use the free terminal machine as your first node and delete the logs from there.
I tried to do the first real mission, which appears to be a live version of the Test Mission. I have to connect to Walker Systems in Canada, and grab a small file.
This time, right when I start the password cracker, the Tracer starts beeping very rapidly. I quickly disconnected. Why was I being traced so rapidly?
My connection was
Me>InterNIC>Bank>Test Mission Server in Russia> Target in Canada
I'll modify the OP to pimp Introversion more later.
You can speed up the password breaker by giving it more CPU time, just click the -> on the right edge of its little CPU bar to increase it.
InterNIC's a public service, and easily cracked. You use it as your first hop because it's simple to delete its routing logs so when your victims try to trace you they hit a brick wall at InterNIC. Sometimes you have to use it to look up the IP addresses for certain mission targets or intermediary servers.
I could always buy them twice.
Does this make me feel superior to everyone who jumped on the bandwagon after DEFCON and Darwinia?
Yep. Introversion fan from day one!
Also, can this now be the DEFCON GAME ON thread. We havent had one for a while and it's raining today and I need to commit some indiscriminate genocide.
Brings back all that subliminal 80s terror that I soaked up as a toddler.
Introversion's history is a pretty interesting read:
They decided to keep it indie.
Funny story about that one, some people complained I had rated it too high since it wasn't localized at all , that despite the review starting with a disclaimer that I was reviewing an import. My answer: "Take the ,1 off, then."
But for those with the actual jewel case it used to come it, open up the back panel (Seperate the part that holds the CD in from the back cover). Greatest easter egg ever.
For those of you without it:
If you guys want, I'll take some pics.
You need to acquaint yourself with DEFCON hard and fast. It's one of the most terrifying and haunting gaming experiences ever as well as being an incredibly tight and elegant mutiplayer strategy game.
In fact, it's overdue a new game on. I haven't played DEFCON for months. I'd love to dip back into it for a week or so.
I'll game on right now if you help me figure out Multiplayer.
If my connection wasn't so goddamned shitty, I would gladly join in some sessions (even though I really sucked back then and probably suck even more now)
I have no idea what in the everloving fuck Subversion is about, but I know that I want it.
I messed up an earlier mission because I was still using the default CPU and my Password Cracker was not doing the job.
It's now maxed out but how do I clean up my criminal record?
Hack the Global Criminal Database and clear it yourself.
You have hacks.
They have computers.
The maths, do them!
Your response is much better than mine.
Are they thinking of ways to make Defcon even MORE terrifying?