Has anyone has experience with Refurb iPods?
I want to replace my broken 1st gen video with another 1st gen video so I can continue to still use all the accessories and equipment. (I also custom made some stuff for my car to hold it and what not).
I know they come with warranty, and they should be like new, but im curious about the condition that they actually come in. Are there scratches, does it come in a regular iPod box, can you tell that it is a refurb?
I would say buy one. You save a lot of money (mine was $200 after taxes, etc, instead of being $350 brand new), and they are essentially new (Mine is scratch/ding free) I am assuming they must replace any cosmetic problems as well as any hardware and software issues. So yeah, they're like new. And if yours isn't, they'll replace it.
However, it is *extremely* unlikely that you will find a refurb 1st gen iPod.
It looks like the only one they have available right now is the special edition U2 version, 30gb. But they are selling 6th generation 80gb ipod classics for $209 (which is only $10 more than I paid for my 5th generation just last week :oops:
If you have the proper OS, that's what I'd recommend.
If the 80gb iPod classic sells for only $209, and that is only 10 bucks more than your refurb, I might just do that. When my iPod broke, I was able to sell it for $50 to someone on craigslist, so thats only about $150 for a new iPod. I like this.
I think it's midweek when it happens - but I don't think there's a set day (I could be wrong though, I've only been watching for a few weeks). I just ordered a green nano 8g refurbished for $175ish after taxes with free shipping. I'm really excited - going to be a nice jump from my shuffle.
Anybody know how much free space an 8gig nano will have?
Refurb is also often simply returned unwanted goods where the packaging has been opened. So basically, it's new. Typically, refurb - especially Apple refurb - is the closest you are going to get to new without actually buying new.