So my wife and I have this cat. I'm not a big fan of the little pee monster, but she's like a kid to my wife. (this cat peed on my OpenGL Red Book the moment that I laid it on the table after I came home from buying it... not that it's at all relevant, but it's frustrating and I thought I'd vent a bit on it.)
Anyways, I noticed today that wherever she lays for any length of time, there seems to be some strange things where she was laying (generally around the area where her butt was on the surface of whatever she was laying on):
1) Strange, small kernels that look like sesame seeds (identical in color to sesame seeds, identical in size and shape, though they seem to be a bit harder than a sesame seed is, but not by much).
2) White splotches (that almost look like the white part of bird poop).
It should be noted that, as far as I know, there are no sesame seeds (nor nothing with sesame seeds on it) in the house.
She's never been let outside: she's a 100% indoor cat.
Does anyone have any idea what it is? I'm worried that she has some sort of parasite, but I've never heard of anything like this.
EDIT: her food consists of "Purina Cat Chow", which as far as I can tell doesn't have any kernel-like substance in it.
Have a vet take a look at her as soon as you reasonably can, there's medicine available that will kill the parasites off quickly and easily. They're not incredibly dangerous, but the sooner you get rid of them, the more comfortable your cat will be. Don't buy medicine from a pet store or whatever, get a prescription from the vet.
Are they accompanied by this white stuff (whatever it is)?
Could the cat get it again if she comes in contact with these kernels/tapeworms/whatever it is? I can clean them up where I find them, but I have no idea where they may be.
EDIT: I hesitate to do this, but I can take a picture and post it if that'd help to identify.
Maybe? Could be it's pieces that have been squashed or something.
Again, only going by what i've read, I have a resounding "maybe". I doubt it's a good thing for you or her to ingest them, but I can't give definitive advice. I think fleas have to be involved somewhere to keep spreading the infection, but I could be misreading also.
Talk to your vet and describe it - chances are they'll know exactly what's going on. Although i'm going to eat fairly soon so i'm not going to look, you can probably find multiple pictures to compare it to via Google also
edit: the only way to get it is to eat the eggs, they're in fleas I think
I'm on the phone with a Vet as we speak.
EDIT: Shit, they could be eggs! They kind of look egg-like in appearance. Fuck, I hate this cat. I hate animals.
Yeah, definately a pain sometimes....Trust me though, among problems that could come up with a cat, an easily curable parasite infection is waaaaaaaay down on the annoyance scale
Hell, my chair might have these little nasty things in it, she sleeps in it all the time. Gross. I'm not a fan of the notion of parasites.
I wonder what the likelihood is, if she got tapeworm, that she has fleas or something as well. That'd mean the whole house is probably infested with eggs waiting to hatch. Yuck.
Anyways, called the doctor, got an appointment for fixing this up... we're also going to get her spayed and vaccinated (it's about time, I think she's about a year old now). I'll be getting a generous supply of Frontline as a preventive measure against the fleas as well while I'm there.
Thanks for the help guys!
The eggs will dry up and die on their own, if they don't find a host. That's why there's so many of them. On the plus side, you know you're feeding your cat well, and you kind of have 2 pets for the price of 1
Your furniture, not the cat.
Cats disapprove of vacuums.
Somewhat relatedly, nature abhors a cat.
Which seems odd to me now, because the vast majority of the things she's leaving behind aren't the white splotches... they're the little sesame seed things. I'm taking preventative measures against fleas as we speak (bought and applied Frontline, also bought some powder for use on the carpet and furniture etc), because it seems that's the most likely culprit for the little yellowish seed looking objects.
As a side note, my wife knows I'm neurotic (crazy fucker) and still loves me: and for that I'm very grateful.