Alright, I have a very specific craving for a game.
Put simply, I want a god game. Stuff like SimCity, SimEarth, Spore, Populus, and other such titles where you are basically a god dealing with your tiny peoples, right?
Except, here's the thing. I want one where all the tiny peoples are going to war, and I can manipulate the planet and their equipment. So I could, say, drop down a tank for the red team, or slice in a river between them to limit land-based attacks and such. Even better would be if it could also do peaceful times.
So, does such a game exist, and if so, where could I possibly find it? Will I have to wait for Spore? Could I even do that in Spore? So many questions.
And yes you can do that in Spore.
Can you edit the map while the computer actually plays a game? Because that's what I want. If item/weapon summoning can be included, even better.
I don't think that you can do that with either or those games.
When I read the title, I immediately thought of Populus, but it looks like you've already played that one. I'm not too sure if there really is anything else like that out there though. I bet if you looked around a bit, you could find an indy game that meets your requirements.
It's an RTS, so there is base building and unit production. Not city building mind you. But you can manipulate the terrain, raising or lowering the landmasses to create impassable mountains on the fly or cavernous gorges instantly.
You should check it out.
Is this the game that required a beastly PC to run at the time?
at the time yeah. now its pretty old.
That seems like it's getting closer. The only problem is these games still have the 'you vs. enemy' thing going on, when what I want is more 'here are two sides fighting through no input of your own, help whoever the hell you want'.
Which is the problem I see in Spore as well. Can I give 'the enemy' weapons too, or just my guys?
It's perfect. It's a city building game, but you get to go to war and build up an army to defend your civilization. It's fantastic, though, because of the artificial intelligence. It's some of the best I've ever seen in these types of games.
Let's say one of the important government officials lives a comfortable life with his wife, but you built their home too far from market. Most games this wouldn't matter, but since all the different people have roles and lives to live, you have to take their lives into account when you build your empire.
And so this government official's wife has a hard time walking all the way to and back from the market. It's a long walk, and she wants some help shopping and carrying all that back. So she enlists the help of her husband, and this delays his duties for the government. It's really great seeing their lives and how they effect the total stability of your great city. The game also day and night transitions, as well as season transitions.
I think the problem is you're not looking for a game, and most games are games.
To the designatorium!
Would you prefer the title 'software toy', then? Would that be better for you? 'The search for the perfect God Software Toy'?
I'll grab the zeppelin, you get all the elephants in their baskets and grab all the cognac. The designatorium awaits! Onwards Jeeves!
I think I played a Lego game like that once, can't remember it's name though.
And you can do whatever you want in Spore.
I think what you want is like a modern version of this, with lots more depth and control. But I don't think that exists.
Well damn. There goes my dreams of being a twisted, evil god plucking people off the ground like little ants and doing whatever I want as their meager, meaningless conflicts continue.
except they're microbes, and not people
It's called Darwin Pond
It's pretty awesome for that sort of thing.
That sounds awesome. It's Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile, right?
Yep. It's a really great game, and you can spend hours just zoomed in and watching people live their lives. You see them do almost everything. Buildings aren't just placed and constructed automatically without much interaction by your people (you know, you place a building, you see a hologram of it, and it starts to slowly fill up or something similar). If you want to build a pyramid, you actually watch them mine in a quarry, work the stone into blocks, carry them to the building site, and start constructing it with their hands. It's the same for pretty much everything. You'll see workers get up in the morning, walk to the Nile, gather clay, and deliver it personally to a mason, who slathers bricks and starts constructing a house brick by brick.
Pharaoh is superior.
Can two tribes go to war automatically/by me saying "GO TO WAR DAMMIT!"?
And can I give both sides cool new stuff, not just 'my' side?
Yes, I know it sounds retarded.
So like...why would you want to make two tribes go to war? What is the goal here? And what sort of cool things would you give to them? Cat launchers? Super Soakers? And then what happens when one of the tribes wins? Do you get to play a drinking minigame with the victorious tribe?
Because I want a game like that too.
The goal is 'to see what happens when I start fucking with the natural order of combat by bringing in bizarre weaponry, vehicles, equipment, and landscape changes'.
No thanks, my game is much better. Drunken mini-games FTW
Well then, I will have to acquire SimAnt.
Any other games with similar modes?
My 360 is [strike]back[/strike] [strike]bricked[/strike] back!
The spider rampage is the greatest thing in the history of sim gaming. Nothing has ever come close.
I never asked for this!
Black & White 2 fixed a lot of this (and also gave good Gods another win condition via immigration) but dumbed-down a lot of other stuff. It did add the ability for villagers to go to War. It was fun, but I wouldn't have paid money for it.