So I don't even know the etiquette of posting in here but I think this is okay?
Anyway, for a while my half of a duplex(which I share with two guys who are not the greatest at keeping things tidy) has been degrading into some sort of ghetto-slumhouse, with the toilet flushing mechanism having been degraded to an open pit which I must reach my hand into and physically lift the plastic/rubber thing that makes the toilet flush upwards in order to make it flush.
Since new years our hot-water tap in the kitchen has had a persistent leak, so bad that we must manually turn off the hot water to that tap when not in use.
And now tonight I find out that our fridge is broken.
Unfortunately apparently everything is thawed(and the frozen stuff is not cool anymore, thank god I didn't have any groceries in there) and my roomie is the only one who can contact the landlord. However, it's 6 AM and as far as I know he's sleeping with his ex-girlfriend at the moment(literally sleeping, it happens frequently. That's a whole 'nother story, though.)
So what the fuck is the etiquette in this situation? Should I get his ass out of bed and get him to deal with the rotting food that we have? Or should I just sort of wait around for him/the world to wake up?
All I can say is that the smell is beginning to bother me and I totally don't know what to do in this situation, since none of the food belongs to me.
2. Why the hell didn't you tell the landlord to fix all of these problems as they happened?
water spirals the wrong way out the sink
2. Because honestly they're sort of funny in an absurd and enraging sort of way. It's just the fridge breaking that is actually critically problematic.
You need to either get the phone number for the landlord, or start riding your roomies ass until he calls the landlord and gets this shit fixed.
I mean, this is a lot of crap to go wrong in the 2 months since new years, at this rate what's going to bust next?
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't call it a sweet contract at all with all these things going wrong in a short time.
Are you actually on the lease, or is your roommate the only one on the lease and you're just living with him? If you're on the lease there's no reason at all that you shouldn't have the contact information. Even if you're not on the lease, if you're living there you probably should. Or hassle your roommate until he actually gets the landlord to fix things.
You know what your options are. You can sit there and take it or you can get the caretaker or landlord involved. Or you can get the hell out of Dodge. It's up to you.
Anyways, problem is mostly resolved. We have a mini-fridge that we're bringing in and the landlord has been contacted so we should be getting a new fridge/repaired old one.
Also throw away the bad food. Unless you're trying to grow penicillian and sell that to get a new fridge.
Also, how are you going to jeopardize the contract? If you're on a contract with your landlord, it cannot be jeopardized by requesting repairs be made to your home.
Indeed: if he tried to change the terms because of that, you could likely sue him for breach of contract. You and your friend have many, many protections as a renter. Your friend needs to let you exercise them.
I think we have a winner here: I'd put dollars to donuts that this is what's happening.
In fact, I was in the same situation shortly after I left the residence halls. I moved in with a couple of former residents into a house that we were supposedly renting.
months later, when unforseen problems started coming up (pest problems in the house, a broken stove), the roommate that arranged it all revealed that we were illegally subleasing off of his sister, and so we couldn't contact the landlord for any help.
I left shortly after that. If this is the situation you're in, I'd make a similar suggestion to you.