So I've been posting in the Smash Bros. thread, and I'm starting to sound like a whiny little bitch so I figured maybe someone over here can help me out. Like everyone else who has this game, I'm having tons of problems trying to play it online. With Anyone pretty much doesn't connect to anybody and boots me out after a few minutes.
With Friends, however, connects to matches, but every time I try to have a match, the lag makes it completely unplayable. I just tried to have a match with someone in Pennsylvania (I'm in Massachusetts), and the match was a slideshow.
Normally, I'd think it's the school's firewall, but Xbox Live works just fine as well as any other game I try to play online. Also, people on here have no problems playing matches where the opponents are close by, but if someone's even in the state next to me the lag is unbearable.
So other than waiting for Nintendo to get their shit together, is there anything else I can do? I'm using the LAN adapter to connect right now and I haven't tried playing it back at my house yet, where there is a Linksys router (I'm not sure what the model number is right now).