So last May, I had the opportunity to travel to Mongolia. Which was great, but not the subject of my inquiry. While staying in a hotel there, I had the opportunity to watch some Russian MTV (I was staying only maybe 50-75k south of the Russian border), but since I don't speak Russian or read Cyrilic, I had no idea what I was listening to.
There was a song that was catchy as hell and that I would love to be able to track down, however, so on the extreme off-chance that any of you are familiar with the current state of Russian hip-hop / rock music:
The music video started off with two (maybe three?) band members sitting around on a set and talking / half-rapping to each other, about what I'm not exactly sure. As I remember it, there may've been a bit of a beat but mostly no music to this part. One member (lead singer? short, kinda stocky) was wearing a Kangol / newsie style cap and the video was in black-and-white. Scenes of their rapping / talk back-and-forth to each other were interspersed with archival footage of several major events during the Cold War — I don't remember everything, but am pretty sure there were scenes from Russian history from the 40s on up through Yeltsin, at least. After maybe two or three minutes of this, the band picked up their instruments and it shifted to more of a rock style for the rest of the song.
That's the best I can remember it now, and I don't really expect anyone to know what I'm talking about, but if anyone does recognize it and could point me to a video online or even just the band / song name,
you will be the most amazing person on the internet.