Oh, and for those that are: I want to run an unofficial CS 1.6 tourny for BYOCers! I was thinking, for poops 'n laughs, that we'd make it CS_ and AS_ only maps, too. (Keeping the CS:S tourny the one with "real" competitive settings.)
This is not a trolling post, but I was planning on registering to bring my own computer, and I'm wondering exactly why it's 10 dollars?
Plus, seeing as how I've never brought a computer before, how safe it is leaving it there? And what kind of games are we probably going to play (I've been a console gamer for the last five years and just built a new computer, so I'm a little out-dated)
DoctorArch on
Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
This is not a trolling post, but I was planning on registering to bring my own computer, and I'm wondering exactly why it's 10 dollars?
Plus, seeing as how I've never brought a computer before, how safe it is leaving it there? And what kind of games are we probably going to play (I've been a console gamer for the last five years and just built a new computer, so I'm a little out-dated)
$10 for power and security? :P
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
This is not a trolling post, but I was planning on registering to bring my own computer, and I'm wondering exactly why it's 10 dollars?
Plus, seeing as how I've never brought a computer before, how safe it is leaving it there? And what kind of games are we probably going to play (I've been a console gamer for the last five years and just built a new computer, so I'm a little out-dated)
This is not a trolling post, but I was planning on registering to bring my own computer, and I'm wondering exactly why it's 10 dollars?
Plus, seeing as how I've never brought a computer before, how safe it is leaving it there? And what kind of games are we probably going to play (I've been a console gamer for the last five years and just built a new computer, so I'm a little out-dated)
Legacy is correct. The extra cost is for the power/interweb. Security is provided by enforcers (lead by me).
Your stuff will be safe in the BYOC room. It will be closley guarded with nerf guns
Thank you guys for the responses. Nerf guns HO!! I'll definitely be bringing my computer to PAX.
Anyways, is the interweb wireless or ethernet?
Also, stupid question, but bring our own monitors too, correct? I figured I'd bring my LCD but I didn't want to look to dumb if I came to a room already equipped. Forgive the noob.
DoctorArch on
Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
flatrabbitKing of ToastThat place, over there.Registered Userregular
edited February 2006
yes bringing your own monitor is a good plan and the BYOC room will be wired for sure, but I wouldn't be at all suprised if there was some wireless access floating around too........
flatrabbit on
--"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde
If you bring your own computer and not your own monitor, I'm going to laugh at you.
I don't mean to be rude, or anything, just telling you how it is.
Personally, I totally think BYOC is worth the $10 just to have a relatively quiet place to hang out where you're not engulfed in a sea of people.
Don't get me wrong, I'm expecting the byoc area to be packed, but not "3 elephants in a tuna can" packed. But it pretty much guarentees that you'll always have a place to hang out and have fun while you wait for your favorite concert, or whadevah.
Best $10 ever, imo. I keep telling Robert he should jack the price up from $10 to $100, but he never listens to me...ever...about anything. Hrmph.
This is a true musical revelation for the demanding audiophile. Features include:
Electrostatic transducer speakers
1-micrometer diaphragm, gold-plated (vapor technique)
High-end valve (electronic tube) amplifier
All-valve analog signal path
On-board dedicated bit stream digital-to-analog converter
Orpheus is available at a suggested retail price of $14,900.00. For more information, visit Sennheiser.
ctishman on
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08! http://homepage.mac.com/ctishman
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
edited March 2006
"Orpheus is available at a suggested retail price of $14,900.00" :shock:
That's almost the blue book value of my car!
TimeCruiserMike on
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the swordhttp://youtu.be/G_sBOsh-vyIRegistered Userregular
edited March 2006
Im going to have to pass this year. unless i end up with a laptop in 5 months (slight chance but likely not)
This is a true musical revelation for the demanding audiophile. Features include:
Electrostatic transducer speakers
1-micrometer diaphragm, gold-plated (vapor technique)
High-end valve (electronic tube) amplifier
All-valve analog signal path
On-board dedicated bit stream digital-to-analog converter
Orpheus is available at a suggested retail price of $14,900.00. For more information, visit Sennheiser.
Only 300 orepheus HE90 headphones were ever made. They sound damn good too. I have a friend that has a pair of them with a $10k amp to go with. Yes, he is insane.
Which sucks.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Hey Weaver, do you play Dawn of War by chance? (Looking at your avatar and title, I suspect maybe? Dawn of War is buckets of fun.)
I'll hold your hand, and we can take this slowly.
See where it might lead.
Plus, seeing as how I've never brought a computer before, how safe it is leaving it there? And what kind of games are we probably going to play (I've been a console gamer for the last five years and just built a new computer, so I'm a little out-dated)
$10 for power and security? :P
Legacy is correct. The extra cost is for the power/interweb. Security is provided by enforcers (lead by me).
Your stuff will be safe in the BYOC room. It will be closley guarded with nerf guns
Anyways, is the interweb wireless or ethernet?
Also, stupid question, but bring our own monitors too, correct? I figured I'd bring my LCD but I didn't want to look to dumb if I came to a room already equipped. Forgive the noob.
I don't mean to be rude, or anything, just telling you how it is.
Personally, I totally think BYOC is worth the $10 just to have a relatively quiet place to hang out where you're not engulfed in a sea of people.
Don't get me wrong, I'm expecting the byoc area to be packed, but not "3 elephants in a tuna can" packed.
Best $10 ever, imo. I keep telling Robert he should jack the price up from $10 to $100, but he never listens to me...ever...about anything. Hrmph.
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic
I hope you're talking about headphones.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Personal audio only...speakers designed to let you and you alone hear the cries of your many victims.
This is a true musical revelation for the demanding audiophile. Features include:
Electrostatic transducer speakers
1-micrometer diaphragm, gold-plated (vapor technique)
High-end valve (electronic tube) amplifier
All-valve analog signal path
On-board dedicated bit stream digital-to-analog converter
Orpheus is available at a suggested retail price of $14,900.00. For more information, visit Sennheiser.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
That's almost the blue book value of my car!
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
and we bought a brand new desktop just last month for B. so no more monies for a new laptop for SL
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
i probably shouldnt have bought my laptop since I should have paid off my other credit card first....oh well....it could be worse...
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Only 300 orepheus HE90 headphones were ever made. They sound damn good too. I have a friend that has a pair of them with a $10k amp to go with. Yes, he is insane.
I want the setup though