Well basically, i got my first 360 at the midnight release. Unlike many others it survived and in fact thrived, lasting til within 5 months of its warranty ending before it died and gave me the red ring of death, this was a few weeks before christmas. Because i purchased it at EB and was impatient, i decided to just take it back under the EB warranty and get a replacement and found out said replacement was to be a pre owned. But what the hey, i figured it must still work fine.
After a week, it refused to play any game or dvd other than Oblivion (at least it had taste). A week after that and it too red ringed. So once again i boxed it up and went back to EB, to receive another pre owned. This one lasted about a week, if that.
Xbox number 4 i got last week, after letting it sit in its box while i took measures to rectify my possibly dodgy power set up, it too flashed me the 3 blinking red lights of doom. This time it had only lasted long enough to download the console updates, after which i discovered the drive wouldnt open and it was upon reseting that the dreaded ring once more appeared.
Xbox number 5 i plugged in today, after taking even more drastic measures to rectify problems. This one started up and then promptly froze and died. Yet again the 3 red rings appeared.
The original power set up i had lasted 2 years, the xbox was plugged in the same spot and resided in my tv cabinet. and apart from the addition of a barfridge this christmas, it remained unchanged. I crossed off the bar fridge as the problem since i only get it after No. 3's death.
Power set up as of No. 4's death
Standard 2 port powerpoint (australian)
Port A > Surge Protector > Power board > Powerboard and extension cord, extension cord connecting to powerboard to another powerboard
Port B> Barfridge
Today i changed it all so it currently goes
Port A> Surge Protector > Extension Cord > 12 slot powerboard (brand new)
Port B> Power board > Powerboard
If any of you have gotten this far, i thank and congratulate you. Does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on? I'm at the point where i dont know whether i've become the proverbial Grim Ringer or whether ive just had a run of bad luck to rival Murphy himself.
Baranoth's Diary: Woke up this morning. Killed 7 gnomes. Proceeded to brush teeth.
If you keep buying preowned ones, you're probably buying 1st gens that people traded in just to avoid this problem. $20 a year for full service (you don't even pay shipping). Mine went once, I packed it up, got it back in a week, and have had no problems since.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
Uh, yeah, modifying the hardware can probably get you banned from Xbox Live. Well, depending on what you're modifying, anyway.
If you're just going to fix it yourself and fixing it actually works, you'll probably be fine.
You're probably more likely to fail and/or break it more, which wouldn't really matter.
I would actually go back to EB and demand a new system in exchange. You started out with a new system, and they swapped it with a used one. The warranty you purchased was supposed to grant you a new system, and they forced a used one on you. Not cool at all.
Go back, be calm, but be firm, and say "look, you replaced my originally new system with a used one, and have been giving me a string of used ones since then. Let's go back to a new one, now."
Where do you live? EB/GameStop hasn't offered any more than a 1 year warranty in years, definitely before the 360 came out. Unless you live in Australia or Canada, you're getting screwed.
At any rate, if the system is a refurbished, Microsoft won't repair it because all the seals have been broken by EBStop techs. If it's a used system that never went through the warehouse, there is a good chance Microsoft will fix it, assuming the person who owned it before you didn't register it.
I wouldn't put much stock in gamestops testing standards. A buddy of mine just got a ps3 60 gig from them that kept overheating.
Have you tried a proper power conditioner? I know that "surge protectors" are a dime-a-dozen; most of them are cheaply made and do little or nothing.
X360s have proven themselves to be cheaply made, you may just have caught a string of lemons (though given the purported failure rate, I would consider the X360 to be a piece of shit bit of hardware, regardless of its strength of software)
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Best option is to cut your losses. Buy a new arcade or core system and salvage the peripherals from your current heap.
Yeah, when I sold my Gamecube to them they just turned it on for a second, made sure something appeared on the screen, and then put it under the counter.
Yeah, they don't push anything to the limit.
Microsoft will definitely accept a warranty on it-- Just call and say you want to purchase the three-year warranty, and once you get your agreement, call in and say you need service.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
Sadly ive been unable to get some gypsy tears to fix it quickly.
So yeah, call them up, they'll take care of you. Used 360s are just a disaster. It's not that you've been having bad luck, you've been trying to eat apples picked off a infested tree.
I got my Elite after waiting years for a Falcon chip. I played all of 2 songs on rock band, and it refused to recognize my hard drive, as well as any other. I sent it in like 3 weeks ago, and I called them today to check the status. I got sick of yelling at "Max", and got a real person. Turns out, they closed my case without sending my console back to me. Cool, huh? They're looking into it now, and should be getting back to me later on.
I want to choke Max, btw. Just the way he says "Xbox 360, got it." makes me furious with rage.
Wii U NNID: MegaSpooky
If it's any encouragement, I'm also on number 6, and have yet to suffer the dreaded RRoD. So far it's been all freezing, crashing, and dvd-drive failure. On the plus side, the last replacement they sent me was given its own 1 year warranty (as opposed to just letting you rot with whatever was left from your last warranty)... oh the hoops I had to jump through for that!
So far, everything has been covered by MS, from release day (my release-day console didn't work out of the box) to the most recent (dvd drive failure). Sucks, but at least I haven't had to pay...
As for the OP, I can't imagine why you are having such bad luck with the electrical sequencing... I would guess, based on my experience, that you are just suffering from bad luck...
I'm going to ring up microsoft on monday and find out what theyre going to do. Short of coming down here and personally going down on me i cant see them satisfying my anger.
As for the drives failling; my first xbox, release day console, the drive began to not unless a game was in there. However just touching the front of the drive was usually enough to get it to open. At the time i merely attributed it to the VIP faceplate not fitting properly. However my 3rd one did the same thing.
It seems to me that quality control for xbox is run by a mentally retarded monkey.... with syphilis.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
Story about warranties and EB below... not really related to the OP.
Funny story about warranties though. My warranty was about to run out at EB and I still had my original broken launch PS2 (note: I bought a new PS2 when the first died, then warrantied it). So, I decided that I wasn't going to let my warranty go to waste and have some fun.
Now, I'm not sure if they still say this, but EB's warranty used to cover ANYTHING. They would literally tell you that you could burn it, smash it, throw it out a window, blow it up with dynamite, whatever... they would replace it.
A friend of mine showed up out of the blue and I asked him if he wanted to do something cool. I asked him to wait outside and grab me the axe out of my garage and for him to pick an implement of destruction. I come barreling out the house and toss my PS2 onto the road. I almost expected it to explode into a bunch of pieces but it merely skidded across the street. We smashed this shit out of it, then had another friend run it over with a car a couple of times. Then we shoveled up the pieces (and lost the piece with the SN, since this is not the PS2 covered by warranty) and put it all into a garbage bag.
We head over to EB with my PS2 box, receipt and garbage bag laden with PS2 parts. I walk to the counter and put the bag up there and the box and the employee looks at me like I'm a madman: "What is it we're doing here." I reply, "I'm here to replace my PS2 on warranty. I accidentally put an XBox game in the drive and it blew up. I couldn't believe it." The employee laughed and took the bag from me and started looking through the pieces, looks up at me... gives me a thumbs up then asks me what really happened. I told him the truth, he laughed again and I got my new PS2.
Turns out I'm the first person that's ever actually taken advantage of EB's generous warranty offer. I think they changed their policy shortly thereafter.
"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog."
"Hope he dies tbh but a ban would do."
I get a bit paranoid though because I keep it in an area that probably doesn't have the best ventilation.
It'll brick eventually. But I don't use it as much anymore.
Similar position here.
Neither Wii nor PS2 has ever given me problems.
Oh and why would i play catch with an xbox? Would be easier to use bricks :P theyd be lighter.
Ragnar: Funnily enough the EB games i go to is ranked top in australia :P they have the luck of being the only store in my town dedicated to video games, only other places to go to are K-Mart, Target and a couple of random electronic stores. The guys at EB were always helpful, its just the product failing.