Since taking GCSE German back in secondary school, I have been very interested in continuing my learning of this language (although my choice of profession, and the clash in subjects I had to take for it, meant I couldn't further my studies at college or University). It isn't for a business reason as such, although it could perhaps be useful in that field one day. I would just love to be fluent in another language, and German seems like the best one as I love Germany (Berlin is a brilliant city), and I could see myself perhaps moving there one day in the far off future.
Now, I've tried to use a computer 'teach yourself' program, but I didn't find it at all helpful. I would much prefer traditional teaching methods. Ideally, I'd like to gain an A-Level in German, with a view of continuing on from there. However, if there is a better qualification to go for in modern languages, I would certainly consider that. What would you guys suggest I should do? I can't afford to pay out a huge sum for a course, but could certainly save for a while to afford something in the region of £300-£400 by the start of September. Anyone from England - are there places that do night courses (colleges and stuff) in the Manchester area that you know of? Ideally I would just go back to college and take a proper A-Level course, but with working and such, I don't think that would work, plus I don't think I'd be allowed to go back to college now I'm 23 and have a degree.
Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks!
Also, it's much easier to have the language stick if you dive into the culture. Since you're in the UK it shouldn't be too hard to visit Germany once in a while. Also listen to music and watch movies (with English subtitles) as that'll help cement in the things you learned. Hopefully in my edit it'll have a site that you can go to.