I've noticed for the last few days that the
main site RSS doesn't seem to work... I receive an error looking like so:
HTTP Error Code: 500
Detail: There was a problem retrieving the feed: com.burningdoor.rsspp.resource.impl.HttpConnectionException: Error getting URL: 503 - Service Not Available
When I click the "Send Report" button at the bottom I'm directed to a page containing some unstyled XML:
<value>Exception processing ping request</value>
I retrieve a cached copy of the feed from my own server which pulls it from feedburner and runs it through Tidy to avoid those special character issues that were breaking the feeds a while back. If this isn't the correct place to report this I apologize; could someone please point me in the right direction?
when it should be just
(note: the comic links still have the /comic/ portion)
Given that the feed is designed to force click-through, this grows tiring rather quickly.
The link tag however links to the issue. I leave it up to you and your RSS reader to decide which one you want to use, a link to the entry or a link to the issue.
I should include a link back to that issue, so you can see all of the newsposts or comics for that particular issue if you chose to view a specific entry.
Edit: By the way, this wasn't an advertising choice. The choice was a technical one, a GUID is a unique identifier for that entry.
Anyone else notice this?
Here's the raw feed I'm currently getting:
Try unsubscribing / deleting the live bookmark and adding it back in.
I'm seeing 10 entries from the last few days. There was another thread about someone seeing the main site stuck at the end of march... your ISP might be cacheing it for some reason.
Smasher's answer is most likely correct. Something is caching it because it's working just fine here.
This is the one that seems to be stuck at the end of March. It's what's linked from the RSS icon at the bottom of all of the pages. (Including in the comic nav bar- next, previous, news, etc.)
This one is set in a link tag in the head of the pages, so it shows up as the RSS feed icon in the browser. It is up to date.
So the question is- why two different feeds?
The old feed URL is a legacy url that should have been redirecting, and it looks like that redirect turned off a while ago. Give it a shot now.