Main site RSS not working?

kevbotkevbot Registered User regular
edited May 2008 in H.Q. Reception Desk
I've noticed for the last few days that the main site RSS doesn't seem to work... I receive an error looking like so:
HTTP Error Code: 500

Detail: There was a problem retrieving the feed: com.burningdoor.rsspp.resource.impl.HttpConnectionException: Error getting URL: 503 - Service Not Available

When I click the "Send Report" button at the bottom I'm directed to a page containing some unstyled XML:
            <value>Exception processing ping request</value>

I retrieve a cached copy of the feed from my own server which pulls it from feedburner and runs it through Tidy to avoid those special character issues that were breaking the feeds a while back. If this isn't the correct place to report this I apologize; could someone please point me in the right direction?


Your music is bad, and you should feel bad!
kevbot on


  • Satan.Satan. __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2008
    It's working somehow. I'm subscribed to the feed via Google Reader and four hours ago Google Reader grabbed it. They were published 13 hours ago, however, so maybe it was a hiccup that has since gone away.

    Satan. on
  • kevbotkevbot Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Yes, seems to be working for me again. Guess I should have just held out a bit longer.

    kevbot on
    Your music is bad, and you should feel bad!
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    We switched the url that feedburner polls, and it just took a while to update on their end.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • stiliststilist Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    There now seems do be a different error with the RSS: permalinks for both articles and comics are taking the form
    when it should be just

    (note: the comic links still have the /comic/ portion)

    Given that the feed is designed to force click-through, this grows tiring rather quickly.

    stilist on
    I poop things on my site and twitter
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    stilist wrote: »
    There now seems do be a different error with the RSS: permalinks for both articles and comics are taking the form
    when it should be just

    (note: the comic links still have the /comic/ portion)

    Given that the feed is designed to force click-through, this grows tiring rather quickly.
    You are describing a feature not a bug. Permalinks link to the permanent URL for that news post or comic.
    The link tag however links to the issue. I leave it up to you and your RSS reader to decide which one you want to use, a link to the entry or a link to the issue.

    I should include a link back to that issue, so you can see all of the newsposts or comics for that particular issue if you chose to view a specific entry.


    Edit: By the way, this wasn't an advertising choice. The choice was a technical one, a GUID is a unique identifier for that entry.
    Source Feed
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <rss version="2.0">
            <title>Penny Arcade</title>
            <description>News Fucker 5000</description>
            <copyright>Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Penny Arcade, Inc.</copyright>
            <lastBuildDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:37:46 -0000</lastBuildDate>
    News: How Not To Do It
    Tycho : This is an example of too many words: I'm not a fan of correcting people, but anything under 2,000 words is considered a short short or flash fiction. You lose. (CW)TB
                <author> (Tycho)</author>
                <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:37:46 -0000</pubDate>
    News: Contest Etcetera
    Tycho : We've had a couple questions, and since we're getting entries at a rate of about twenty a minute I thought I'd better satisfy them quickly. You can enter as many times as you like, but please try to contain all entries in the body of a single email. You aren't going to go to prison if you don't, but we're only two guys, and this is starting to get crazy. We do have a limit on shitty entries: we ask that you limit those to zero. To whet your appetite, here's a shot of what you're playing for: That's one ...
                <author> (Tycho)</author>
                <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 18:32:41 -0000</pubDate>
    News: Hoodies Have Returned!
    Tycho : The new hoodies with all the words on them are back in stock, in both dark and light polarities. Assuming you have not purchased another hoodie in the interim, one of these might be a good option. (CW)TB
                <author> (Tycho)</author>
                <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 16:57:50 -0000</pubDate>
    Comic: Cloaked In Twilight
    New Comic : Cloaked In Twilight
                <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
    News: Cloaked In Twilight
    Tycho : I'm surprised it hasn't taken up even more time in the post and strip, considering how many of our actual conversations revolve around it. I think we've tried to shield you (by and large) from the burning heart of our affection for it. When we set up for a game, and I'm at the head of the table, it's strange how quickly old ways return. We rarely do contests, but this seemed like a good time, and we knew the right people. Between Blizzard and Upper Deck, they have unloaded a truly revolting amount of merchandise on us, and we'll ...
                <author> (Tycho)</author>
                <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
    News: Good Lord
    Tycho : Tom Chick is just the Goddamned king of games writers. Just... wow. (CW)TB
                <author> (Tycho)</author>
                <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 22:24:59 -0000</pubDate>
    News: Incredible
    Tycho : So many surreal things happen at an Anime convention that it would be difficult to choose one item. Well, usually. This time it wasn't very hard at all. This anguished man dressed as a female hedgehog communicates a great deal about what it is to be human. (CW)TB
                <author> (Tycho)</author>
                <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 20:22:41 -0000</pubDate>
    News: Greenhouse
    Gabe : So we got a lot of questions at Sakura-Con about the state of our game. Everyone seemed to want to know when it would be done. Well the truth is that episode 1 is done or at least what they call "content complete". We're actually hard at work on Episode 2 now and have been for a little while. Episode 1 is currently going through some hard core bug testing as well as Microsoft's own certification process. In the meantime we actually need your help to make sure that once the game is ready we'll be able to deliver it. ...
                <author> (Gabe)</author>
                <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 18:33:50 -0000</pubDate>
    Comic: Nested Ironies
    New Comic : Nested Ironies
                <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
    News: Nested Ironies
    Tycho : I don't have solid data, just my own year-to-year experience, but it feels like gaming cosplay has been on the rise since we first started attending Sakuracon. The Team Fortress 2 crews you've seen showcased on the gaming blogs are one of the newer ones, but Valve seemed to rule the crossover space this year: there were several Chells as well, as well as Aperture Science Technicians, their Weighted Companion Cubes in tow. These cubes were sometimes literally in tow, hoisted up on crates for easy transport. There was even a GlaDOS. I kept my distance. The more insular the ...
                <author> (Tycho)</author>
                <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate>
    Feedburner Feed
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <?xml-stylesheet href="" type="text/xsl" media="screen"?> 
    <?xml-stylesheet href="" type="text/css" media="screen"?> 
    <rss xmlns:feedburner="" version="2.0"> 
        <title>Penny Arcade</title> 
        <description>News Fucker 5000</description> 
        <copyright>Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Penny Arcade, Inc.</copyright> 
        <lastBuildDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:37:46 -0000</lastBuildDate> 
        <atom10:link xmlns:atom10="" rel="self" href="" type="application/rss+xml" /> 
          <title>News: How Not To Do It</title> 
          <description>Tycho : This is an example of too many words: I'm not a fan of correcting people, but anything under 2,000 words is considered a short short or flash fiction. You lose. (CW)TB&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Tycho)</author> 
          <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:37:46 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>News: Contest Etcetera</title> 
          <description>Tycho : We've had a couple questions, and since we're getting entries at a rate of about twenty a minute I thought I'd better satisfy them quickly. You can enter as many times as you like, but please try to contain all entries in the body of a single email. You aren't going to go to prison if you don't, but we're only two guys, and this is starting to get crazy. We do have a limit on shitty entries: we ask that you limit those to zero. To whet your appetite, here's a shot of what you're playing for: That's one ...&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Tycho)</author> 
          <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 18:32:41 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>News: Hoodies Have Returned!</title> 
          <description>Tycho : The new hoodies with all the words on them are back in stock, in both dark and light polarities. Assuming you have not purchased another hoodie in the interim, one of these might be a good option. (CW)TB&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Tycho)</author> 
          <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 16:57:50 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>Comic: Cloaked In Twilight</title> 
          <description>New Comic : Cloaked In Twilight&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>News: Cloaked In Twilight</title> 
          <description>Tycho : I'm surprised it hasn't taken up even more time in the post and strip, considering how many of our actual conversations revolve around it. I think we've tried to shield you (by and large) from the burning heart of our affection for it. When we set up for a game, and I'm at the head of the table, it's strange how quickly old ways return. We rarely do contests, but this seemed like a good time, and we knew the right people. Between Blizzard and Upper Deck, they have unloaded a truly revolting amount of merchandise on us, and we'll ...&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Tycho)</author> 
          <pubDate>Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>News: Good Lord</title> 
          <description>Tycho : Tom Chick is just the Goddamned king of games writers. Just... wow. (CW)TB&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Tycho)</author> 
          <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 22:24:59 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>News: Incredible</title> 
          <description>Tycho : So many surreal things happen at an Anime convention that it would be difficult to choose one item. Well, usually. This time it wasn't very hard at all. This anguished man dressed as a female hedgehog communicates a great deal about what it is to be human. (CW)TB&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Tycho)</author> 
          <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 20:22:41 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>News: Greenhouse</title> 
          <description>Gabe : So we got a lot of questions at Sakura-Con about the state of our game. Everyone seemed to want to know when it would be done. Well the truth is that episode 1 is done or at least what they call "content complete". We're actually hard at work on Episode 2 now and have been for a little while. Episode 1 is currently going through some hard core bug testing as well as Microsoft's own certification process. In the meantime we actually need your help to make sure that once the game is ready we'll be able to deliver it. ...&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Gabe)</author> 
          <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 18:33:50 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>Comic: Nested Ironies</title> 
          <description>New Comic : Nested Ironies&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 
          <title>News: Nested Ironies</title> 
          <description>Tycho : I don't have solid data, just my own year-to-year experience, but it feels like gaming cosplay has been on the rise since we first started attending Sakuracon. The Team Fortress 2 crews you've seen showcased on the gaming blogs are one of the newer ones, but Valve seemed to rule the crossover space this year: there were several Chells as well, as well as Aperture Science Technicians, their Weighted Companion Cubes in tow. These cubes were sometimes literally in tow, hoisted up on crates for easy transport. There was even a GlaDOS. I kept my distance. The more insular the ...&lt;img src="" height="1" width="1"/&gt;</description> 
          <author> (Tycho)</author> 
          <pubDate>Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:00:00 -0000</pubDate> 
          <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> 

    Älphämönkëy on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited May 2008
    Yesterday I noticed that a bunch of recent entries were missing from the RSS feed. It looks like everything has been truncated back to 3/31 when the comic "A Vision Compromised" was posted.

    Anyone else notice this?

    Here's the raw feed I'm currently getting:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='/stylesheets/rss-display.xsl' version='1.0'?>
    <rss version="2.0">
    		<description>News Fucker 4000</description>
    		<copyright>Copyright 1999 - 2008 Penny Arcade, Inc.</copyright>
    			<title>Penny-Arcade Logo</title>
    	<title>Comic: A Vision Compromised</title>
    	<description>A Vision Compromised</description>
    	<pubDate>Mon, 31 Mar 2008 00:00:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>News: Uncompromising Vision</title>
    	<description>Tycho:  You should probably read the comic first.  </description>
    	<pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:46:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>Comic: Uncompromising Vision</title>
    	<description>Uncompromising Vision</description>
    	<pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:30:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>News: A Preview</title>
    	<description>Tycho:  Its worst tendencies having gone dormant for months, Electronic Arts suddenly drew itself up to its full height and began a fresh round of decapitations.  Over the years, we've had to hold interventions like this from time to time for the company.  It is in that spirit that we open a dialogue.      </description>
    	<pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:49:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>Comic: A Preview</title>
    	<description>A Preview</description>
    	<pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2008 00:00:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>Comic: Cold Calling</title>
    	<description>Cold Calling</description>
    	<pubDate>Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:05:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>News: Cold Calling</title>
    	<description>Tycho:  It took some doing, but the result was a convocation with true drama and gravity, like the Council of Elrond.  This stalwart crew put their best foot forward, but unfortunately this exposed the foot in question to magma and licking tongues of living flame.  I knew my way around the boss deck a little better this time, to the delight of my deep legion.  When engaged in a campaign against that which is good and true, it's nice to know you have the support of upper management.        </description>
    	<pubDate>Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:00:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>News: Three important things</title>
    	<description>Gabe: Sakura-con is coming up in just about a week and Tycho and I will be there as usual. We'll be doing a panel on Friday at 2:30 and we'll have a bunch of our new shirts at the booth. You should swing by and say hi if you're in the area.Early bird registration for PAX (the only man made convention viewable from space) ends on the 31st which is only ten days away. We're already getting game independent game submissions for the PAX 10 which is great considering how early it is. We'll be taking submissions until May 7th and the top 10 will be presented at PAX. For all the details and rules for submitting your game hit the PAX 10 site. Also, if you have something interesting to say to the PAX audience or you know someone who does please hit the panel/speaker submission page and drop us a line.Earlier this week we announced the return of the Penny Arcade scholarship. This is our second year doing it and I really enjoy the process. Sifting through the candidates and choosing one is ridiculously hard but I feel like the end result is something pretty special. Basically we want you to tell us how you plan on making an impact in the game industry. We'll give the winning student a $10,000 scholarship. You can get all the details and application forms on the official site located here. As a funny aside, I actually misspelled scholarship both times I wrote it up there. Turns out there is an &quot;a&quot; in it. Who knew. Anyway, that seemed sort of ironic to me.-Gabe out</description>
    	<pubDate>Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:00:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>Comic: The Crevice</title>
    	<description>The Crevice</description>
    	<pubDate>Fri, 21 Mar 2008 00:53:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>News: The Crevice</title>
    	<description>Tycho:  Okay. </description>
    	<pubDate>Fri, 21 Mar 2008 00:08:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>Comic: Bedrock Concepts</title>
    	<description>Bedrock Concepts</description>
    	<pubDate>Wed, 19 Mar 2008 00:00:00 -0700</pubDate>
    	<title>News: Bedrock Concepts</title>
    	<description>Tycho:  We find ourselves at Continuity's dark door again, apologies all 'round, but when Gabe's exterminator rescheduled the comic essentially appeared out of thin air.  Let me assure you on behalf of Penny Arcade and the global brands we represent (beneath the umbrella firms &quot;Brazen&quot; and &quot;UltraLith Consumer Lures&quot;) that we will observe our creative impulses more keenly in the future.  The problem is that continuity, in its dormant state, looks like inspiration.   </description>
    	<pubDate>Wed, 19 Mar 2008 00:00:00 -0700</pubDate>

    Unknown User on
  • Satan.Satan. __BANNED USERS regular
    edited May 2008
    Yesterday I noticed that a bunch of recent entries were missing from the RSS feed. It looks like everything has been truncated back to 3/31 when the comic "A Vision Compromised" was posted.

    Anyone else notice this?

    Here's the raw feed I'm currently getting:

    Try unsubscribing / deleting the live bookmark and adding it back in.

    Satan. on
  • MacPrinceMacPrince Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    It doesn't look like this one is on the user end. The feed (which I manually downloaded just now) only has entries up to 3/31.

    MacPrince on
  • SmasherSmasher Starting to get dizzy Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    MacPrince wrote: »
    It doesn't look like this one is on the user end. The feed (which I manually downloaded just now) only has entries up to 3/31.

    I'm seeing 10 entries from the last few days. There was another thread about someone seeing the main site stuck at the end of march... your ISP might be cacheing it for some reason.

    Smasher on
  • Satan.Satan. __BANNED USERS regular
    edited May 2008
    MacPrince wrote: »
    It doesn't look like this one is on the user end. The feed (which I manually downloaded just now) only has entries up to 3/31.

    Smasher's answer is most likely correct. Something is caching it because it's working just fine here.

    Satan. on
  • MacPrinceMacPrince Registered User new member
    edited May 2008
    I did some more looking and it appears we're talking about two different feeds here.
    This is the one that seems to be stuck at the end of March. It's what's linked from the RSS icon at the bottom of all of the pages. (Including in the comic nav bar- next, previous, news, etc.)
    This one is set in a link tag in the head of the pages, so it shows up as the RSS feed icon in the browser. It is up to date.

    So the question is- why two different feeds?

    MacPrince on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    MacPrince wrote: »
    I did some more looking and it appears we're talking about two different feeds here.
    This is the one that seems to be stuck at the end of March. It's what's linked from the RSS icon at the bottom of all of the pages. (Including in the comic nav bar- next, previous, news, etc.)
    This one is set in a link tag in the head of the pages, so it shows up as the RSS feed icon in the browser. It is up to date.

    So the question is- why two different feeds?
    Good catch.

    The old feed URL is a legacy url that should have been redirecting, and it looks like that redirect turned off a while ago. Give it a shot now.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited May 2008
    Good catch.

    The old feed URL is a legacy url that should have been redirecting, and it looks like that redirect turned off a while ago. Give it a shot now.
    It's working for me now.

    Unknown User on
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