Hey guys, let's play some Plok. What is Plok? Well you see, Plok is a a freaky yellow and red thing that throws out his arms and legs to beat stuff up. He also has a gigantic life bar with about 15 notches that translates to about 3-4 hits from anything. Also as this is a SNES game, he cannot swim.
Notable things about Plok: There are none, nobody has played this game. There's me and maybe 2 other people. However, I can say some cool stuff about it.
1. There's no water levels. At all. Plok cannot swim and that's that. He can't magically swim in one level and then can't the next, no he can't swim at all.
2. This game has some of the best diddling music in any platformer ever made on the SNES. It is completely awesome and I love all of it. I think it may be because Rare was involved with this game and their games have the best music.
3. This game gets pretty tough later on. Because of this, I never beat it as a child. However I have beaten it recently so I can confirm that it is possible.
Some of you may be saying, "But Gilder, you already did a video of Plok's first world. Why not just post that one?" To you I say that that video sucked just like all of my other early videos did and I don't know why you crazy people liked them. Good god. Also you may be saying "But I thought you quit doing videos." To that I say I did. And now I haven't. But after this, I probably will again. Hooray!
This thread is also all me baby, nobody's riding my coattails this time. It's an event not seen since Pink Panther. So with that, let's play some PLOK!
Videos!Cotton Island! I am going to be sued by the Disney Corporation.Garlen Beach, Sleepy Dale, and Plok's House! Plok is super racist against fleas.Island on Parade! It's the 1920's or 1950's or whatever, I can never decide a time to stick with.Penkinos! I found after recording this that Plok actually is the king of Akryllic. How bout that?Venge Thicket and Dreamy Cove. I noticed a hut at the bottom of the beach on the world map. We never go there. Mysterious.Womack Spider. This is the best video ever made and makes Casablanca wish it was a cinematic masterpiece such as this.Creepy Crag and GoHome Cavern. Hey guys, have I put in enough effort yet? A hyuck hyuck hyuck. Part 1. Part 2.Rockyfella. Blah blah, whatever.Some Fleapit levels. Gimmicks ahoy! Part 1. Part 2.More Fleapit levels. Can you say more vehicle levels? Plok sure can! Part 1. Part 2.The End! Part 1. Part 2.Note: I've been given mod permission to do threads like this in the past, I know what's what and all that jazz. You probably do not so ask a mod before you attempt your own.
Edit: I could read the ingame text easily
That so? Maybe that was the thing that got edited out of the OP in my MM LP. If a mod wants to edit that out of this OP or wants me to remove it I'll be sure to do so but just in case, I'll keep it in.
So wait...does that mean we don't have to ask mod permission anymore and we can just post new LP threads at will, or does it mean we're not supposed to do LPs at all? I would doubt and seriously hope against the latter, seeing as how you just made this thread and all.
Wow that was long ago.
Now I feel old.
Damnit Gilder...
Wherein Shady rocks harder than Gilder! (Warp to a BETTA LEVEL!)
You know, I actually didn't know about that warp until I played through this time. The warp that's really hard is later on and it warps you to the last world. That one is really difficult because there's a bunch of walls blocking you and you have to throw grenades to get through. The thing is, you can't aim the grenades and they need to go to the lower ones. Plus if you miss even one jump, you're almost screwed because you're probably going to get trapped under the edge of the next piece of land.
That video isn't going in the OP though because this is MY show. Not yours. So get your own!
However, I think that if I do play it by myself it won't be NEARLY as awesome without Gilder's wonderful voice.
Oh and because I am awful at recording sound, here is the awesome boss fight music. Seriously, it is the most awesome boss music I think I've heard in any platforming game. Also, I don't think I've said awesome enough in this post so let me say it again. Awesome.
Now now now, Lost Levels is a classic and will always be so.
Still, awesome that we're getting another Gilder LP. Missed ya, buddy.
And that soundtrack... <3<3 Tim Follin...
In my 3DS: Super Smash Bros, AC New Leaf
Last game completed: Steamworld Dig
I am one of those two other people. Fuck the final boss.
Looking back now, the producers on that show must have been really lame and/or poor. Although I guess they did give away Gameboys if you found all they keys in the maze in the final round. I always laughed at the kids that missed a key or two, the look on their faces when they realised they weren't getting a gameboy was priceless.
Anyway, Plok. Can't wait to see more.
Gilder, you should make the game volume a bit louder in the next video.
The Transformers Fandom: Consistantly bitching about something or another since 1984.
http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/03/28/warbot_001/ - "WARBOT In Accounting"
Speaking of Gilder Let's Plays, we need like a dvd release of the Mario All-Stars videos or something. I'm sure Nintendo would approve.
So one day we were in this game store and I had to make a choice between Plok or Phantasy Star 4.
I made the right decision.
But still. Plok is pretty awesome.
I am probably the other guy, still have it (and the manual), but usually never got farther than 1 or 2 levels past the 4th boss.
What? No. NO. This is my cherished childhood memory, dammit, you can't have it!
–verb (used without object)
1. Informal. to toy; fool (usually fol. by with): The kids have been diddling with the controls on the television set again.
2. to waste time; dawdle (often fol. by around): You would be finished by now if you hadn't spent the morning diddling around.
3. Informal. to move back and forth with short rapid motions.
–verb (used with object)
4. Informal. to move back and forth with short rapid motions; jiggle: Diddle the switch and see if the light comes on.
5. Slang.
a. to copulate with.
b. to practice masturbation upon.
Heh, I only knew the meanings under 5, hence the giggling. Who knew diddle had clean meanings?