I'm looking at moving back to Vancouver for work/school that starts on May 5th - so I don't have a lot of time.
Things are more complicated in that I am not there now to look at places.
What kind of systems do you guys use for looking for a place?
-I'm looking for a year lease (potentially more if I decide later), probably around $400-800/mo, private bedroom, preferrably furnished. school/work is right downtown, so proximity to a skytrain station or something would be ideal.
-school has a housing coordinator - but they take a hefty $350 finder's fee, and I'm not necessarily convinced they're worth that
-I do know people who live there currently who are willing to check out a place for me, presumably once I am more serious about it
-is there a method to using craigslist for housing? there's so many listings...
-I'm considering having a cat at times, but I expect this would be a deal breaker in most cases and I'm willing to go without pet allowance
I just don't really know where to start - also I am pretty keen on getting a good deal for a place I'd really like - especially if it's going to be for a year straight.
I don't know, maybe it's easier if you're looking for a single room (my girlfriend and I were renting two-bedroom places), but I think the market in general is really tight in Vantown. If I were you, I would be making plans to go to Vancouver this weekend or next, crashing at a friend's place if you can. I'd be looking at ads now, through Craigslist and classifieds.canada.com/vancouver, and I'd be making early morning appointments for the Saturday and Sunday of whatever weekend you're going to be there. I'd have my list of references from previous landlords printed out, several copies, I'd have several copies of my latest paystub and bank account statements, and I'd have some cheques and/or $1200 in cash, or the ability to get said amount quickly.
I've missed out on nice places in Vancouver a couple of times because I didn't have one of those things available. Landlords can afford to be choosy, because demand is high and supply is low, so I highly recommend you do everything in your power to give the landlord incentive to choose you. Also, note that I don't think sending your friends to check out places for you will work. Good places get snapped up very quickly, so you have to move fast, and you can't move fast when you're not physically there. The place ain't yours until you sign the lease, and your friends cannot sign it for you.
on another note - a friend of mind just scored some 1 bedroom place in Yaletown for himself and his girlfriend off a craigslist housing WANTED ad he put up.
they didnt even want a security deposit or anything... that sounds really easy - but then really sketchy as well - he wont meet the guy or see the place in person until moving day
It is a sweet sweet blend of craigslist and googlemaps. I swear by it.
Select "Vancouver" from drop down box, select price range, bam. Tons of options.
edit: presumably cuz all the listings were only as recent as March 25th? why is that