Siren Countdown Clock - Siren: New Translation - Trailer now up

RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
edited April 2008 in Games and Technology

Looks like we're going to be getting a big Siren 3 announcement in about 33 hours. For those who are unaware of the series, Siren is a survival horror series made by many of the same people that were responsible for the Silent Hill games. Some of the trademarks of the series include complex intertwining storylines that has you playing with several playable characters (many of whom will not make it through the enter experience alive) in a variety of scenarios, stealth-based gameplay, the ability to sightjack enemies (see through enemies' eyes) to survive and solve puzzles, and red rain. Siren 1 was a good game that was sadly not appreciated by many people due to its high level of difficulty and clunky controls. Siren 2 took what was good in Siren 1 and expanded it with several cool new features (vehicles, new forms of sight-jacking, better production values) while at the same time toning down the frustration levels by improving the control and making the difficulty fairer. Sadly, Siren 2 never saw release in the US (I played the Chinese Asian version) although the UK got it eventually. It's a real shame too since IMO Siren 2 is substantially better than every other horror game that does not include the words "Resident," "Evil," and "4."

Forget MGS4, FF13, and Blu-Ray. Siren 3 is the game that could finally break down my resistance and get me to add a PS3 to my console collection.

EDIT: Just read a bit on Chris' Survival Horror Quest that said that Kotaku confirmed that this is about a game called Siren New Translation which is a PS3 re-imagining of Siren 1.

RainbowDespair on


  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    This could just be the PS3 remake of Siren 1, you know.
    Eidt: OP changed since I posted this.

    Xagarath on
  • LarsLars Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Meh. They didn't bring Siren 2 over here, so I see no reason to get excited over Siren 3.

    Lars on
  • RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    But they did bring Siren 2 to the UK and the PS3 happens to be region-free...

    RainbowDespair on
  • LarsLars Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I had forgotten the PS3 was region free, but would that work with Siren 2 as well? Because I'm not keen on skipping a game.
    I'm also not much on importing. In fact, there's only one thing I've ever imported, and it wasn't a game, it was...

    Lars on
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    But they did bring Siren 2 to the UK and the PS3 happens to be region-free...

    I seem to remember it was only region-free for PS3 games.

    Xagarath on
  • MashalotMashalot Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Siren 2 hmm? I wish I could try it.

    I just... couldn't take 1. Very well made except I didn't have any fun at all and quit.

    Mashalot on
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Isn't this the game that you control different people on different levels? The game was also scary right? I own the first (if this is what I was thinking of) and thought it was as hard as balls. Scary as fuck, but man stealth isn't my thing.

    urahonky on
  • RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Xagarath wrote: »
    But they did bring Siren 2 to the UK and the PS3 happens to be region-free...

    I seem to remember it was only region-free for PS3 games.

    True, but what I was saying was that if any PS3 Siren games get brought to the UK and not the US, it doesn't matter much since a region free PS3 means easy imports.

    And yes urahonky, you're thinking of the right game. For what it's worth, Siren 2 was much more accessible and even had a difficulty option.

    RainbowDespair on
  • Drunk_caterpillarDrunk_caterpillar Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    All I'm saying is that Siren 1 would've been infinitely better without the stupid fucking British voice work. Give me either the original voice work with subs, decent actors, or just leave both on the disc. Preferably both.

    Drunk_caterpillar on
  • MashalotMashalot Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    urahonky wrote: »
    Isn't this the game that you control different people on different levels? The game was also scary right? I own the first (if this is what I was thinking of) and thought it was as hard as balls. Scary as fuck, but man stealth isn't my thing.
    Yes. Though sometimes I can do stealthy stuff, I did ok in MGS1. I pull out Siren every once and a while and realize, 'shit, still not having any fun'... then put it back on the shelf.

    I liked it otherwise though, which makes me curious about II if they supposedly toned it down.

    I'm sure this PS3 thing will be gorgeous and terrifying at least.

    Mashalot on
  • XagarathXagarath Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    All I'm saying is that Siren 1 would've been infinitely better without the stupid fucking British voice work. Give me either the original voice work with subs, decent actors, or just leave both on the disc. Preferably both.

    Siren 2 had both.

    Xagarath on
  • RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    The website has been updated. There's an awesome 2 and a half minute trailer on it now. Looks like the general premise for this game is that an American film crew gets trapped in the same locales as Siren 1. Not sure if this takes place simultaneously with the events of the first game or if it's a prequel or sequel.

    RainbowDespair on
  • Drunk_caterpillarDrunk_caterpillar Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I don't know what it is exactly, but the villagers in Siren creep me way the fuck out. Awesome vid.

    Drunk_caterpillar on
  • RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    So I decided to start replaying the first game this weekend. A few thoughts:

    The game feels a lot easier the second time through. It's still very tough, but it's a manageable tough now that I've already beaten the game once before.

    Crouch walking is almost worthless. Crouch is useful for hiding, but for moving silently, regular walking works is just as effective as crouch walking but a whole lot faster.

    The plot makes a lot more sense now. I attribute this partially to the fact that I've played it once before, but even more to the fact that I'm going through the scenarios much faster than I did the first time so it's easier to see the connections.

    I'm finding the game to be much more enjoyable with a more aggressive play style. Hide & sneak about when necessary, bullet or crowbar to the head when possible.

    Sadly, I no longer own Siren 2 (sold it & my Asian PS2 when I was out of work and low on money). It would have been fun to do a direct comparison of the two games one right after another. As it is now, playing Siren 1 is reminding me of many of the great moments in Siren 2.

    RainbowDespair on
  • Unco-ordinatedUnco-ordinated NZRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    But they did bring Siren 2 to the UK and the PS3 happens to be region-free...

    Not with PS1 and PS2 games.

    But they'll definitely bring Siren: New Translation to both the US and PAL regions. I think it was a GDC where a Sony exec (maybe Phil Harrison) said that their PS3 games only get approved if they plan on bringing it to every region (whereas PS2/PSP games are approved even if they only plan on releasing it in one region).

    Anyway, the trailer looked pretty cool. The only thing stopping me from buying this when it comes out is that I'm a wuss... The Fatal Frame/Project Zero games scared the crap out of me and those were on the PS2.

    Unco-ordinated on
    Steam ID - LiquidSolid170 | PSN ID - LiquidSolid
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