werewolf (there wolf!)

super...super... __BANNED USERS regular
edited April 2006 in PAX Archive
hey guys I'm wondering if any of you table top gamers know what werewolf is and want to play it at PAX.

I think like other cons we need to start at midnight and go until were all tired as hell.

for those of you who have not played before it's one of the best negotiation games of all time and it only gets better with more players 10-30 is about right. and it works best with a wide range of ages.

super... on


  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited April 2006
    Are you talking about White Wolf?

    Cause I do vampire and a bit of werewolf in that system.

    Unknown User on
  • NephirijNephirij Registered User regular
    edited April 2006
    hes talking about a game where each person gets a card and whoever gets the "wherewolf" card is the werewolf. that person kills off one townsfolk every turn. as the townsfolk sleep. so on and so forth the ownsfolk try to figure out who it is before they are all dead. its a card game.

    and super:

    there castle.

    Nephirij on
  • AstayonixAstayonix Registered User regular
    edited April 2006
    That game rules! I used to play it in high school with my friend, but we called it Mafia, and the rules were a bit more complex, but the basic shell of Mafia is what you call "wherewolf". I love that game, and you'd have to fight to keep me away. Just say when and where! :wink:

    Astayonix on
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  • NephirijNephirij Registered User regular
    edited April 2006
    Astayonix wrote:
    That game rules! I used to play it in high school with my friend, but we called it Mafia, and the rules were a bit more complex, but the basic shell of Mafia is what you call "wherewolf". I love that game, and you'd have to fight to keep me away. Just say when and where! :wink:

    yeah dude, the game is more complex, i just gave the very very basic jist of it, so as not to confuse people. if super wants to post the full rules, he can do so.

    Nephirij on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited April 2006
    Ah okay. We play something like that sometimes on a few different forums I go to. Sounds like fun. If I'm not too busy, I'm in!

    Unknown User on
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