Avatar: The Last Airbender
...is pretty much the best show ever made. If you haven't given it a try yet, you owe it to yourself. Avatar is an animated series on Nickelodeon about an epic adventure, with quality animation, music, writing, and voice acting poured into every episode. So what's the premise?
The actual plot is in a place where there are four tribes of people. And these people each have people within their tribe that have mastery over one element: water, earth, fire or air. They all live in a balance and harmony and once every generation there is born an individual who can bend – that is manipulate – all four of those elements and thereby keep a balance between all. They are kind of a Buddha figure to some extent. The story is about how, in this particular time, this avatar is born into the airbenders and disappears. Then all hell breaks loose and the fire nation basically commits genocide and eradicates the air tribe in the hopes of killing the avatar and taking over control of everything. This child then re-emerges, which is the beginning of our story. He reappears having been frozen in the ice — there is a whole story about how that happens — a hundred years later and this world is all fucked up and he is the last airbender, but he doesn’t want this job. He’s forced into the position of putting the world back together again. It actually has a lot of Shakespearean overtones to it. There’s lots of family angst, and fathers denying sons in different storylines.
So think Lord of the Rings-scale adventure, but more Asian, and with more likeable characters.
The "magic" in the show isn't really traditional magic. There are no spells, and they don't move things with their minds. It's very physical, and it's all based on real life martial arts. Check it out:
So who are the lead characters? Well I'm glad you asked.
Avatar Aang is the most recent incarnation of the Avatar. The last of his people, Aang is often able to keep a positive demeanor, despite the hefty responsibility thrust on him and the loss of his people. Being the Avatar, he is naturally gifted at bending (having done it a thousand times) and mastered airbending at an early age, as evidenced by his tattoos.
Prince Zuko is the son of the current Firelord. His dad burned a scar into his face three years ago, and Zuko has spent all his time trying to earn his love. In Book 1, he was banished and forced to find the Avatar-- thought to be a fool's errand. In Book 2, he became a fugitive of his own country, but was reinstated after helping his sister conquer the Earth Kingdom. Recently he has stood up to his father and decided to join the Avatar, in an effort to end the war.
Katara is a waterbender from the decimated Southern Water Tribe. Her mother was killed in a Fire Nation raid when she was young. She was especially determined with waterbending and excelled to the point of becoming Aang's teacher. She is Aang's love interest.
Sokka is Katara's brother. The leader of the group, Sokka is a brilliant strategist and has a scientific mind. He can't bend, but uses a variety of weapons, including clubs, machetes, a boomerang, and a sword. He is a student of the legendary swordsman, Piandao.
Toph Bei Fong is Aang's earthbending teacher. A self-taught prodigy, Toph was born blind and uses earthbending to feel the vibrations in the ground and "see." She was born to one of the richest families in the world, but ran away from them. She recently discovered metalbending, which was deemed impossible. She has a bit of a crush on Sokka.
Appa is the last Sky Bison, and the only other individual to have been frozen with Aang. He can airbend to carry the heroes around the world.
Momo is a flying lemur, and a sort of pet of the gang.
Princess Azula is Zuko's younger sister. A firebending prodigy and perfectionist, Azula is responsible for conquering the Earth Kingdom. Her signature move is the finishing move of generating lightning.
Mai is Azula's friend and Zuko's girlfriend. She is typically very Gothlike, very depressed. Her fighting style involves throwing blades. Zuko left her a note when he left to join Aang.
Ty Lee is another friend of Azula's. She has a very cheery attitude, and is the attractive, cheerleader-type girl. She is an acrobat who employs chi-blocking techniques by hitting pressure points, thus disabling limbs and bending. She's a bit of a flirt.
Firelord Ozai is the current Firelord. The main villain of the series, he plans to use the power of a passing comet (due at the end of the summer) to finish the war once and for all.
General Iroh is the Firelord's brother. He was supposed to succeed his father, but after his son died in battle, Iroh went on a spiritual journey and let his younger brother rule. In his son's absence, Iroh became very close to Zuko. He has been Zuko's companion up until Book 3, after his nephew betrayed him. Zuko now seeks his forgiveness, but Iroh has broken out of his prison cell and vanished.
Shut up and watch
SirNick has been kind enough to get direct links to all the episodes that are on TurboNick. Some are buggy and there are a few that just aren't on the site in full.
Episodes on TurboNick
Book 1: Water
Book 2: Earth
Book 3: Fire
The series was planned out beforehand and has three books with 20 chapters each-- though the last book will actually have 21, because the finale ended up being longer than anticipated. Chapter 11 of Book 3 is the last episode to have aired in the US, though some other countries (including Canada) have aired through Chapter 13.
The finale is set to air in July. Chapters 12 and 13 will make their US debut May 6th on DVD. Chapters 14 and 15 will make their world debut on that same disc.
Nick has just announced that new episodes will return to TV Monday, July 14th.Want more Avatar?
Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the show's co-creators, will be teaming up with M. Night Shyamalan to produce three movies based on the three books of Avatar. An interview with the three is included in the Book 2 boxset, and explains how Night got involved.
The first movie will be called
The Last Airbender, and is to be released July 2, 2010.
Though this is the end of Aang and Zuko's story, Mike and Bryan have stated that they plan on doing more stories from this universe. There are even rumors of three one-hour animated movies set for next year.
Nick has released the high quality finale trailer.Or you can download it for yourself.
This contains clips from the final episodes.
ah fuck now i have to start watching this
But still so so stupid
NNID: Hakkekage
Jesus christ, they are actually going to release the DVDs with episodes before they even air here? I can't believe they're actually doing that. What a buncha jerks.
I know the Book 2 finale was huge for ratings, but I'm not sure anything this season has stacked up to that.
Which is almost certainly their own fault, but whatever.
but the fight scenes look pretty awesome
I'd watch it just for those (I do not like the voice actors)
Pretty sure it wasn't on last night.
What? It wasn't on last night here.
Technically it is ending anyway.
But they never air it unless it's a new episode, and there hasn't been a new one since November.
And there was a nine month wait between Books 2 and 3.
But Zuko is RU-FI-OH!
if someone cuts all the fat off and gives me a big, juicy fight steak, I'll watch it
i like that it has a set ending though, i'm sick of shows that get big and then just drag and sputter on and get worse and worse until they die with a whimper
Anyway, more awesome fanarts:
Some of them I've posted before, other ones are new.
seems like spitting and then like kicking it through a guy's heart would be a pretty easy way to kill a dude
or something, I don't know
If you watch the show, you'll see just exactly how powerful high level Waterbenders can be.
i think i will do that right now
kung fu magic is the shit
Make sure you watch from beginning to end, Fallout.
this turbonick thing is great. I'm about halfway through the first episode.
They have an actual martial arts master on staff for consultation about moves. Each bending skill is based on a specific school of martial arts.
That's true, but for all it's bullshit Naruto also has the two best fights i've ever seen in my life ([URL="hhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=VPMDyYOkLVU"]Lee versus Gaara[/URL] and Naruto versus Sasuke)
Yeah I noticed how Sokka's master used a chinese sword fighting style (watojutsu?) while Sokka is using a katana.
having no edit button is almost as bad as the 150-second post timer
I'm pretty sure Sokka's sword isn't a katana.
And the sins of the father shall be visited upon his sons.
oh? links plz
Battle wounds
EDIT: Oh wait, I take it back. My memory of the episode failed me.